What game would you like to see remade with new graphics and additional content most?

What game would you like to see remade with new graphics and additional content most?

I dunno how I'd like a LA remake. Its already really good.

A game that actually NEEDS a remake is Deadly Premonition. Unstable as fuck, runs like shit no matter what you play it on, looks like a PS2 game. Under that is basically as close to Twin Peaks: The Game as we're ever going to get.

>Game forces you to get bad end in order to 100%

You can only get one of the #1 pictures so 100% is impossible

All the game's end are bad end because you're the villain destroying the island

Doesn't matter, it was all a dream. Killing dream people isn't wrong.

I would like a LA remake that does one thing: updates the controls to ALttP's or even ALBW's control scheme and gets rid of the stupid dialogue that pops up every time you try to pick something up without the power gauntlet equipped. I fucking love LA, but it would be improved immeasurably if you didn't have to spend half the game switching items because the Gameboy only had two buttons.

I guess that's two things.

>Marin escapes the dream world and is turned into a sea pigeon as ironic punishment

Clearly they were real people. Link murdered everybody on that island.

Thats true. The constant pausing is the only thing I can think of that objectively should be fixed. The touch screen on a DS would be perfect for it.


What on earth "risk" are you talking about? What is this Creativity currency you talk about?

You mean shitty indi games about cleaning dishes or romance simulator but everyone is a clown. Your idea of creativity and originality is fucking stupid.

Damn nigga that man is full of straw that he's hardly capable of standing on his own

>You mean shitty indi games about cleaning dishes or romance simulator but everyone is a clown. Your idea of creativity and originality is fucking stupid.

But user, YOU came up with those dumb ideas.

Also a dedicated sword button

Burnout 3

Naw, that is exactly the kind of bullshit user is talking about, "creativity" as "originality" and since everything under the sun has been done, it results in crappy lul random shit - like you see in indie games. That's why he won't make any examples himself, because they'd be SHIT.

There is literally nothing wrong with making new Mario/Zelda/Halo/etc etc games with characters people know and using gameplay/settings people know. Only pretentious art grad idiots think that these things should retire to make was for this mythical "new" shit.

It's the most obnoxious and teenage thought process that infects Sup Forums

This. There is zero fucking reason to remake ANY game instead of putting that effort into brand new game so you get even more of the stuff you love instead of a retread. It's sad that people are so jaded they feel remakes are the only way to get decent new games in old styles. I guess it's fair since so many IPs have been raped with shitty modern sequels and reboots, but it's still dumb to remake an old game.

>making new Mario/Zelda/Halo/etc etc games

>new games
pick one dumbass

You have to be literally retarded if the only thing you want is new games, like a baby obsessed with shiny things.

You're still going to be playing a platformer, or a shooter or a strategy game. Game designers aren't going to remake the wheel for every game. Nor should they.

You're just going to end up playing a game style you've played before, but usually worse than before, with a different coat of paint. Meanwhile there are decades worth of fantastic games that were limited by the technology of the period they were made in.

That's the thing though. Because game designers can't remake the wheel for every game. The only source of "originality" in new games can comes from slapping a bunch of poorly designed characters nobody has any attachment to on them.

See Knack.

You are too dumb to understand what is being said, or too dumb to think about it clearly.

Remakes = rehashing the same premise, plot, characters, levels, etc. basically leaving no surprises for anyone that's played it before. New game = coming up with new, exciting, surprising shit, you know like a sequel is supposed to? It doesn't have anything to do with "reinventing the wheel" or being a different kind of game entirely, you fucking dork.

Kid Icarus

PS2 Fallout brotherhood of steel, I wish for a remake done by bethesda

And the Crash Bandicoot remake is a perfect example of why "just make something new" is a fucking awful idea.

Before the remake Crash was literally a joke on tier with Bubsy. Normies would pass around jokes from sites like Funnyordie or Machinima that would paint him as a try hard desperate junkie. The Brendan Fraser of video game characters.

Do you honestly think for one second that just making a new game for Crash in the environment would be a good idea? The well was poisoned.

Now, after a refreshing and highly praised remake, a new game is a foregone conclusion. And people will actually look forward to it!