I want to get Vita for miku games and something else

I want to get Vita for miku games and something else
But what other fun games does vita have?

A shitton of weeb games

But I want to hear about fun games, not just that vita has them

>rare tomoko thread

>tfw no tomoko gf

Go away, I just want video games


you're not gonna find them on the vita :))


I said I want video games!

it has atari, neo geo, nes, snes, genesis, gameboy, gba, ps1, psp, n64, and ds games.

I was in your position before, and I never ended up getting anything past miku.
Didn't pay too much for it so not a big loss.

Hmm, interesting
Yeah, i'ts not that expensive, but just thought if I'm getting it maybe there are other fun games

Danganronpa 1-V3 and AE
Majority of the Persona series
PS1 and PSP games up the ass
Sly trilogy
Ratchet trilogy
MGS series
Gravity Rush
Resident Evil 1-3 and Revelations 2
Silent Hill 1 and BoM

Sounds really nice, I guess it wont be only used for miku


Any PSP games you'd reccomend?

If you want, you can hack your Vita, so long as you aren't using anything past 3.61. Anything before that can be exploited using Henkaku and you can basically play whatever you want that can run on it

90% of good vita games are just ports of indie games that did well on other systems.

See: necrodancer, shovel knight, I would assume hollow knight at some point, etc etc

I don't know if some of these are on the store
Persona 1-3
Castlevania Dracula X
Any DBZ game
Metal Gear Solid PO and PW
Any Ratchet(besides Secret Agent Clank)
Silent Hill Origins (not a good SH game though)
The Vita was a weeb game machine, and when I used one I wasn't into weeb games, so check it out for yourself. I'll check my external that has my PSP ISOs just to refresh my memory though


Yeah I know, wouldnt probably do it though


Soul Sacrifice Delta and Freedom Wars are fucking excellent. Extella if you're a Fate fag and are ok with a mediocre musou game.

Got my external now.
Suggested games from there:
>crisis core - ffvii
>disgaea 1 and 2
>final fantasy 1-4
>megaman powered up and maverick hunter x
>metal slug anthology
>patapon trilogy
>phantasy star portable
>star ocean
That's all I got


Tomoko a cute!

hotline miami 1 and 2 are fun

Thank you, user
Very cute
Yush, played it on pc though

Sauce, pls?

that's true but it's a good time waster when I'm waiting for the bus

I kind of want to try out Persona one day, but the social link stuff doesn't look that interesting to me while the story stuff does look pretty interesting from what I've seen of P5, so perhaps SMT is just more my thing, though I've never tried VN style stuff so maybe I should give it a try. Oh shit the original Ratchet and Clank games are on vita, not just as the trilogy which I've heard has issues, fucking sweet; I've not heard the same praise for Size Matters, but I remember playing some of it years ago on my friends PSP so I'll probably get it eventually. Though it wouldn't hurt to ask, and I'll check it out myself, if there are any issues with the original versions on vita. Got Dracula X that's definitely a fucking good game.
I want to try metal slug one day but apparently the anthology isn't on EU PSN or something which is a bit annoything, 3 and XX are so maybe I'll try those. Final Fantasy in general is on my list, so I'll look into those eventually. And I'll give the rest a look into, cheers mate.