>You still don't own a Switch

If your explanation is none at msrp price then you need to stop being poor. I just watched one end on eBay for 385 plus 25 shipping. That's 410 dollars. If you bought one from Wal-Mart it's $299*

*35 dollars sales tax. One dollar gas. Inconvenience of going to Wal-Mart. Priceless. So that's 335. It's only 75 dollars. It's not a lot of money. It's one game and a happy meal amiibo

Because I am an intelligent consumer

Stop getting ducked in your ass by Kiketendo
>But muh Zelda
It's another rehash, on Playstation we get great new ips like Horizon and Nier all the time

Nintendo is for kids, Sony is for us mature adults

no games

>Look mom I posted that picture again

Nintendo makes the best games every year

the only worthwhile game can be emulated

Redundant when i own a wiiu and the games are all just delux versions.

>Sony is for us mature adults

No games

>The switch exists and this alone is a reason to buy the switch

the exact same threads as we had for wii u
doesnt look good for the switch

stop samefagging, faggot

Because there is one game that interests me that i can only get on the switch and my interest and the game isnt interesting enough for me to buy one.

Because I want a new one form a store or Amazon and all I see is "Out of stock"
You autistic shills need to realize that in order for one to buy something, it has to exist in the first place

>a new IP
Are you sure you should be on here?

You sound like a scalper shill, fuck off

> 35 tax

Where the fuck do you live? The Peoples Republic of California?

>still not hacked
>buying shitty first gen nintendo handhelds

Just ordered one yesterday with BOTW. Arriving tomorrow. Can't wait

>Supporting a company that treats its fans like shit

Arms is the only game on the switch

I don't want Arms.

maybe when xenoblade comes out, and if it's good.

>Because I am an intelligent consumer
Congrats on owning a crippled, Sony branded, subscription-based PC dumbass.

Why would I pay $300 for a 6 inch tablet with specs from 2011?

Obvious samefag.

This shit is legitimately pathetic. Sage.