That mediocre game Sup Forums tricked you into playing

>that mediocre game Sup Forums tricked you into playing
What's her name, bros?

did you post the wrong pic

Nier Automata

The first one was better.At least had a batter story.


The highlight of the game was self destructing and getting wet in the sewers.

Senran Kagura, at least Neptunia was fun at times.

A DS game with furries and robots that I can't remember her name.

You posted it. My biggest buyers remorse in years.

Underrail. It's ok but older CRPGs are better and I ended up dropping it because keeping track of all the materials and shit got tedious.

Pic unrelated

God Hand

Bloodborne. Didn't even bother finishing it.

Dark Souls
I don't really understand the appeal, it looks and plays like an early PS2 game and i feel like i'm too old to appreciate how open and confusing the game is as a new player. The emphasis on combat being really dangerous and having to dodge/block a lot is cool but I'd rather play Devil May Cry 3 again or something

Dark Souls.

Hollowed Knight

Solotorobo? Yeah I couldn't finish it either.


Nioh. That game is fucking hot garbage on its own but compared to Souls it's a fat piece of cat shit.

Take responsibility for your own actions cunt.

The last guardian. What a fucking disappointment after all these years.

miss cunt shillington


>plays an Interactive movie featuring a sexy waifu
>expects it to be a good game
u dun goofed

Tales of Bersaria
Nier Tomato

No one else's fault you're an idiot.