>that mediocre game Sup Forums tricked you into playing
What's her name, bros?
That mediocre game Sup Forums tricked you into playing
did you post the wrong pic
Nier Automata
The first one was better.At least had a batter story.
The highlight of the game was self destructing and getting wet in the sewers.
Senran Kagura, at least Neptunia was fun at times.
A DS game with furries and robots that I can't remember her name.
You posted it. My biggest buyers remorse in years.
Underrail. It's ok but older CRPGs are better and I ended up dropping it because keeping track of all the materials and shit got tedious.
Pic unrelated
God Hand
Bloodborne. Didn't even bother finishing it.
Dark Souls
I don't really understand the appeal, it looks and plays like an early PS2 game and i feel like i'm too old to appreciate how open and confusing the game is as a new player. The emphasis on combat being really dangerous and having to dodge/block a lot is cool but I'd rather play Devil May Cry 3 again or something
Dark Souls.
Hollowed Knight
Solotorobo? Yeah I couldn't finish it either.
Nioh. That game is fucking hot garbage on its own but compared to Souls it's a fat piece of cat shit.
Take responsibility for your own actions cunt.
The last guardian. What a fucking disappointment after all these years.
miss cunt shillington
>plays an Interactive movie featuring a sexy waifu
>expects it to be a good game
u dun goofed
Tales of Bersaria
Nier Tomato
No one else's fault you're an idiot.