Steams refund system has cost Rust 4 Million Dollars

>steams refund system has cost Rust 4 Million Dollars

why is this okay??
and how has Rust's dev been brainwashed into thinking this is actually good????

Other urls found in this thread:

its ok normally we have 14 days in the EU to refund

The only people that hate refunds are kikes and shovelware devs.

It's okay because it provides an option for consumers to get their money back for this trash game.

>Cost them

Didn't cost them anything.
329,970 people bought it
329,970 people refunding
Net loss: $0

kys garry

It's been in early access for 4 years now. Who wouldn't refund?

lol Rust is the only game I've ever gotten a refund for

Actually they lose in fees and shit. Valve also loses faith in the developer. It's in indeed very costly. Not to mention the emotional toll.

Don't make shit games.

That can all be solved by not making a shitty perpetual early access game. If that number is a high percentage of their sales, that's their own fault.

proud to be one of the refunds

what a piece of shit game

>toxic git gud community
>spend hours trying to scrap up a decent shelter just to be mowed down by some gangs
>glitched physics out the ass
>no actual point other than survive
>the chat

>game shits on, and preaches down to its player base
>players don't put up with that shit

Wow what a terrible thing to do.

Maybe they should make better games then. Look at all that money that can go to different companies that can make games better.

Shit sucked after they redid it 2bh

>toxic git gud community

>tfw this represents less than 6% of sales
so much for that argument

It's early access isn't it? This faggot is going to love the amount of refunds he gets when it releases.

Survival memeshit deserves to get refunded to bankruptcy.

waiting for this to leave EA so I can cash in my refund as well

you're kidding right?

consumers have a right to refund bad games

personally i believe rust is badly optimised and i wish i could refund but i have over 2 hours playtime

its a fair compromise

Hi Garry. How's facepunch?

Isn't this the game that decides your character's look for you and ties it to your Steam account?

>emotional toll

that poor shovelware peddler's feelings

>people are refunding early access garbage
Also, they should just remove this early access shit from the store then.

>emotional toll
Wew lad
If you make a product to sell it, you have to be prepared for criticism, however unfair, and for the fact that some people will definitely not like it, and can ask for their money back within certain limitations

>emotional toll

I didn't refund it this steam sale, but I tried it out a year back and found the game to play and run like shit. Eventually got it in a humble bundle and it is not much better.

Maybe if you don't create shit and leave it in early access for years, maybe people won't refund it!

>remove refunds
>sell 500,000 less copies because people don't want to buy early access crap if the sales are final

It's like free samples of physical goods. Sure, you lose money on each free sample, but they might bring more clients.

>Net loss: $0
You are retarded

329,970 people bought it
-30% ($1,314,610)
= $3,067,422

329,970 people refunding
+10% ($306,742.20)
= -$3,374,164.20

Total loss = 3,067,422 - 3,374,164.2 = -$306,742.20

Maybe you should actually git gud then, faggot.

Maybe if they made a good game

>generic indie early access survival sandbox crafting game that locked character creator is a huge steaming pile of shit

wow, whoever could've guessed that would happen
he should just feel thankful that Rust was one of the earlier games in this shitty fad genre, or else he wouldn't have gotten ANY money for it since it would've just been another FOTM that sunk or swam depending on whether or not PEWDS ran a LP of it that week.

Too bad they didn't lose more.

>Valve losing faith in Garry
Not gonna happen.

>someone read the rest of the twitter thread in the OP
>must be a shill!
I laugh every time.
the reason they don't is that this represents a normal rate of refunds.

The truth: if it was a good game it wouldn't be refunded a lot.


That is not how it works though you absolute retard.

The fee retard

more like the false

oh cool we can refund rust now?

If you can't make a game that's worth playing for 2 hours then you don't deserve the cash.

>spic detected
Opinion discarded.
As for Rust well, that's what you get for inviting goons to be the "villain" in your game and giving them console spawned high end gear. Anyone working with any online group like that deserves to fail.

>buy game
>"this is crap"
>have a refund!

as opposed to:
>buy game
>"this is crap"
>"haha too bad sucker!"
>Well now I hate your guts, I'll never buy another of your games ever.
>and/or risk making a Derek Smart crusader against your game.

The only loser is steam since they lost some bandwidth.

can i buy it right now so i can refund it?

What fee you fat foot sniffer?

I tried to refund mine and they obviously didn't accept my request.
After years of development the game still runs like garbage and it's of bugs and glitches.
$20 down the drain.

no opinion in the post you quoted, only fact.

The fee Steam demands for handling the refund. It's retarded, but that's how it is.

t. game dev

Yes. It's also the game that changed up core gameplay structures multiple times.

>330k refunds
>5,510k owners
>618k players in the past two weeks
Refunds are good for them because it lets people sample their shit at no risk and most don't refund, probably because they spent more than 2 hours getting gunned down on beaches and banging rocks against trees trying to figure out what to do.

There's nothing wrong with making a narrative game that is only 2 hours long, unless you try to sell it for an AAA tier price.

Shouldn't have forced people to play as a nigger and/or female.

maybe if the faggot actually made a functioning game instead of some meme twitchbait garbage that's been early access for 4 years then people wouldn't drop it in 2 hours and refund it en masse.

but also steam kind of wins by not having their clientele lose faith in the platform

if it's less than 6% of the sales then what the fuck is the problem here?

No need. Already refunded that piece of shit and it wound up being in a humble bundle anyways LOL

Seriously one of the best games on Steam with friends.

>Kids watch random streaming having super "fun" with shitty unpolished game
>They buy it
>Realize it's actually shit and ask for a refund

>there are people vehemently against holding developers to a higher standard when making games

>>toxic git gud community
Stopped reading there.

really activates my almonds

I wonder whether [[[Garry]]] is going to show us his units sold so we can see what a whiny baby he is.

>emotional toll

This is a legitimate reason in neogaf and some parts of reddit

Did they start allowing refunds to happen all of a sudden or is this just over all refunds that over the last 4 years or something?

>implying toxic communities aren't cancer with your maymay arrows

I am waiting for all my early access games to release so I can refund them after playign them for many hours

>people act like refunds are new despite them having been a thing since fucking forever
>suddenly a shitload of butthurt now that it can be done with videogames
absolutely disgusting

>4 years
The refund system isn't even that old, you retard.

it's only a 2 hour limit
don't be a fag

Rust is the epitome of Twitch trash, it's the game I instantly think about when I see another early access survival game. One of the rare games I've tried that can't be redeemed by playing with friends. If I didn't get it from Humble Bundle I would have refunded that shit in a flash.

>4million they wouldnt have gotten if they put out a trial or demo
i dont see the issue

that's literally what I was asking
anyone who actually checked out the twitter thread the OP is quoting from would know that.

Garry was just laying out some insight into what it looks like behind the scenes. He goes on to talk more about it, and also says how he is appreciative of the refund system

I fucking wish I could refund this piece of trash. It's been in early access for 4 years! It has a fucking microtransaction shop in a non-F2P, unfinished game. I can't believe this shit is even legal. I got it removed from my Steam account without a refund because it was a fucking stain on my library. Can't believe I let some normie meme me into paying for it.

don't make a product people will want to refund you stupid cunt

make a good game
that's it

>Valve also loses faith in the developer
yeah I bet Valve cares so much about shit like that when they literally let 0 effort rpg makers on steam

Buggy forever early access trash open world sandcastle kicking simulator. It has no good points why not refund it?

I'm surprised that many people are still buying the game

I've played tons of hours of early DayZ. I am abusing the shit out of the refund system once it exits Early Access. Fuck Rocket and the rest of them.

i've been buying and refunding Rust on a script for about a year now. AMA

he isn't whining, probably just thought it was a neat figure

What's it like being the poster child for autism speaks


I'd say Battlegrounds or whatever is the essence of Twitch trash. Rust is pretty bad, though. Shitty sandbox-kicking sim that doesn't even have good gunplay, and redditniggers want to use CSGO as a model.

>buy game
>play under 2 hours
>realize it's shit
Why the fuck should they give money if it's shit?

What did it actually release or something? Is it possible to refund this?
Honestly I tried my best to have fun but it's so shit


so companies enjoy having 300k+ displeased customers badmouthing their game rather than 300k+ refunders who were given their fundamental right to a refund on a purchase in the US of A?

Rust was almost fun and compelling. Then you just get steamrolled by cancerous retards playing in groups of 10, often while you aren't even playing. The fundamental model just doesn't work.

except it is valve who covers the extra costs.

but battlegrounds is fun

> 6% of total sales
well buu huu

How the fuck do any of those posts make you think samefag you stupid nigger

>did it actually release
Sweet summer child, this shit will forever be in early access.

Makes me wonder when is Gaben is going to go full faggot and end refunds

is this the first time you've seen someone hold a completely nonsensical opinion that fundamentally misunderstands something that is actually good for them in the good ol' US of A?

maybe don't make shitty meme games and people won't feel compelled to refund them? Just a thought

>7 billion people on Earth
>only 5 million bought Rust
>6.9 billion people didn't buy a copy
>game is normally twenty bucks


They were mandated to incorporate refunds because of an EU court.

>Rust is fucking awful and promotes itself with misrepresantion and empty promises, wasting the money of half a million unsatisfied customers
Why the fuck is this ok?
Answer. It's not and Steam agreed. Deal with it.