You niggas better not be alt-right.
You niggas better not be alt-right
Other urls found in this thread:
And what if I am? What are you going to do about it?
I'm in love with the moose meat
OP is a cuck.
>have retarded claims
>people want you to clarify, or encourage you to do more research
>continue making retarded claims
>people start debunking your retarded claims
>A few people go over the edge and start hating on you, with valid reasoning
>as a result, be anti-bullying
>bully someone live at an event, with cameras rolling
>get called a hero
>also intimidate that fat fuck boogie who probably emptied a huge load into his colostomy bag.
What's the point of this thread?
>Saging with a pic
GamerGate is alive and well my friend. Come join us and save gaming
>"The jewish parasite must be cleansed off the face of the planet before the aryan empire can rightfully claim it" - Carl Benjamin
Now, I'm not saying I agree with Anita, but did anyone else think Sargon went a little too far here?
you can sage with a pic now
try it
anita is so astoundingly homophobic it's ridiculous
>Implying I didn't reply to bump the thread
Is anyone surprised?
Is there any video of this shit anywhere?
I can only find shitty e-celebs talking about it
Wait I thought sage was outright disabled years ago
Literally the Salon/Mother Jones/HuffPaint of gaymen news.
The fact that we live in an era where critizism towards certain (((ideas))) can just be dismissed by claiming that the speaker is a hater or troll is fucking retarded.
>That entire article
So basically she BTFOd him profoundly. Truly lives up to his sargon of cuckad nickname.
No, but I sure as fuck ain't modern left either.
>multiple people in this thread giving polygon clicks
And with that you just make the pedestal she's on bigger
sage has always existed and still exists, it just doesn't show on your post because it triggered people who make bad threads
Be honest, you'd cum inside wouldn't you?
>you niggas better not be (controlled opposition)
What did OP mean by this?
post archive
>says these dudes say the same shit over and over again
>when she does the same exact thing
holy shit is this womyn the maximum irony of the universe?
spook thread
>Sup Forums suddenly hates strawmen
tl;dr version
A bunch of autists went """ironically""" into vidcon to try and get some (you)'s from sarkeesian and ended up getting btfo
All while strengthening anitta's "struggle"
>I was merely pretending
I swear sjws are only half as influential as they are nowadays because faggots are too ucking retarded
It's pretty funny, Sargon was on Joe Rogan's podcast and he said that there would be an article like this one coming up soon. Joe said that he was acting like a victim but Sargon said to just wait and see.
>"why is feminism a worthy discussion in video games?"
>"b-because Youtube and shitlords say mean things about me after I made a bunch of shit up!!"
I don't accept that as a valid response.
Ironic since she's exactly the same
You can't even publically say you've saged something anymore without getting a warning/ban either, it's a fucking travesty.
Right, exactly, so don't give them a click, that's the point
>but she won't debate him. She understands that he's not the least bit interested in what she has to say
I think I just had an aneurysm reading this horseshit
Amazing that this woman is still relevant. There's fucking video evidence of her talking about how she doesn't give a shit about games and knows nothing about them and just chose the game industry because it was an easy lucrative target.
>Anita calls for conflict between feminists and nonfeminists
>Boogie goes up and calls for peace, rational thinking, and discussion instead
>Anita swears him out in front of everybody because he made her look bad
>Everyone is OK with this and people cheer
>Especially boogie since he's a huge cuckold
Why is this ok? Can you imagine if boogie swore at a woman instead?
Aneeda Sarqueeseum is still alive?
I was agreeing with you but okay
Where is the video evidence of that? I've never seen it and now I want to see it.
literally not what happened
nice try tho
Its a completely biased piece of writing
But lets be honest
Its true
He wouldnt change her mind
She wouldnt change his mind
Modern debating is just a jerking off competition
I want to have VAGINAL SEX with Anita
Oh god I want to fuck her so badly
>if you google my name on youtube
what did she mean by this?
Both Sargon and Anita are equaly autistic and create controversy for profits.
Reminder that it is Sup Forums's fault that Anita is famous and that Gamergate happened.
YOU are the Reddit cancer, Sup Forums. YOU.
I don't have the video but she basically says for her thesis she chose discrimination against women in video games despite not knowing anything about them.
>some fags bully Anita, call her names and shit
>Anita counter-bullies them, calls them names and shit
>everyone hails her as a hero and second coming of Christ
Nice double standards, American press.
Anitta got a sexy body, gotta be honest
That face tho
this, same with milo and everyone else involved. both sides are faggots that should swallow a grenade, just play video games
How is calling someone a garbage human "astounding"? For fuck's sake. I don't even like Sargon, or his copycats, but from what I read he was just sitting there minding his own business.
Everyone knows what she meant by it. "googling" has become a verb of sorts.
go home gamer girl
someone still cares about fucking anita in 2017? at this point I think it's she who creates threads about herself here
>intimidate boogie
what happened with the boogmeister?
I definitely still care about fucking her. Wish she'd do a photo shoot.
we here on nu-Sup Forums respect women and minorities.
we stand AGAINST gamergate.
it's happening dont-offend-an-sjw-video-game/
actually we're neutral in all ways except our incredible brand loyalty
>You will never be Anita's slave whom she belittles constantly for being male and forces to do menial tasks like do coffee runs and massage her feet while she works
That dislike ratio is hilarious
They made fun of him while he tried to get out of his 3 chairs.
Watch his video about vidcon, basically
>I was literally on the verge of a panic attack
>I tried so hard not to piss off anita
>She was still pissed off at me and shouted angrily at me after the conferese
>I started shaking like a bitch
>She is in the right and I am a white cis cuck male with many much privileges. She is the victim
>exposing the area above her breasts
by her own twisted sex-negative logic isn't she encouraging men to rape?
She called Sargon a garbage human and he's a fucking liberal.
Maybe Anita will pay for his healthcare
This. In a very short period of time this board went from being around 80% pro-GG to completely against it / shittalking anyone who mentions it / mocking it after moot cleansed his modding stuff and made it bannable to discuss. Once the bans eased up, it's like most of the Sup Forums population was replaced and everyone was completely against GG. How did that happen?
Because it doesn't matter. It has no meaning. It's not some epin thread killer. It literally doesn't matter.
stay dead and irrelevant you fucking slutbag
There's been a webm with sound of it circulating for a long time, i don't have access to it right now. I'm sure google or someone else here can give sauce.
>anita will never jerk you off while calling you a problematic gamer boy
why even live bros?
>Feminist figurehead throws petty insults at her critics
goober googoos
I thought that people didn't care anymore for Anita
What happened?
>How did that happen?
It got popular among people who aren't Sup Forums and so like all things, Sup Forums must now hate it regardless of personal feelings. Not a single person here actually thinks gamergate was bad. It is literally, LITERALLY, all just shitposting.
Video games? e-celebs? the second one doesn't belong here
Because only edgy retards from Sup Forums would defend a movement based upon attacking and harassing women .
The rest of Sup Forums are liberal and we stand against this because we're all the good guys.