It's been three days. Don't tell me you're still in rerolling hell?
Other urls found in this thread:
i want jeanne now that i tried her as a support
i have a 5* already on my account and 2 4*s
what do
White cape seiba > Red cape seiba
Also boss music is great
careful, there's a rogue mod on the loose moving these threads to /vg/
I just want herc or emiya + whatever 5 star at this point.
I just want fucking play.
Just in case the mods get pissy again, here's the discord if you want to get help:
The gacha gods blessed me with two Alteras, but it's not letting me upgrade her NP. Do I have to ascend her first?
When did ALTRIA lancer alter came out in nippon? thats my first target for quartz
>rerolled a waver+her account
>now i want a waver + one 5*
>if i get it i will still reroll for a waver +two 5*
Get rolling buddy
I need more loli and cow tits
where the rider pieces at
>willingly going to hell
I don't gamble
want me to stop you?
Go ahead, ascend them, farm the exp, you will realize how having that many 5* wasn't a good idea.
there are other 4*s also but i kept trying but got no better than that
Jeanne+Carmilla+Atalanta guy are you still here? Are you still willing to trade? I have a Vlad+Herakles+Tamamo Cat+Eon I could trade you. Is this good enough for you?
Fuck I wanted Jeanne. Pretty sure I used all my luck when I got 2 5 stars in one roll, Vlad and the brown chick. I got too scared to reroll
I'd lance her. If you know what i mean.
Looking for some friends
Have a Waver that's only level 30 right now, but I'm working on leveling him up more
You do know you can just save accounts right?
save me from reroll hell
>Just found out why Da Vinci is a girl
What a visionary
Why does AP recharge so slow?
>Beat Expert exp dungeon by the skin of my teeth
>All dem Caster 4* expcards
Thanks Jeanne
unlock one of them to feed her to the other.
..... I AM ROME
I'm if you want to add
She's truly /ourgal/
At what Master level do I start having enough Cost to be able to deck out an entire party in 4*-5* servants?
Literally loves his waifu, the Mona Lisa, so much he became her
Man I sure can't wait for a whole load of Nero wank!
...nope no idea
>visiting the shop
>no subtitles when she's talking
When does miss poopchute come out?
Level 42, 40, 37 and 30 how?
I feel like I'm playing this game wrong, my two highest servants are 40 and 28, I do the 10/20/30 AP quests at reset and then spend the rest of my AP on the story missions, I don't think I can clear 40 AP with those two servants and a level 60 Jeanne support
Sure you can, that Jeanne will solo them no problem.
>Rolled Waver + Herc + Siegfried
Finally I think I'm set. Wanted Altera + Waver but been rolling for 2 days now and this is the best I've gotten so I think I'll stick with it. Still don't understand how combat or anything else in this game works though, anyone know of a website or video that explains everything?
If you go into My Room and scroll down there's an option to bind your account with a code.
Then even if you reroll you can use that code one time to get back to your account, then make a new code just in case.
been rerolling on several accts for like a few days now
is Waver + Saber 5* + Kaleido enough to make it through the game without much trouble?
Went to send a request but your list was full
Is Altera any good or should I keep rerolling?
Doing the 40 AP quest over and over and over again. When I stared I had them around level 30 with a Herc friend at level 50 with evade skill and 60% NP to kill them fast. Also got a level up every time I completed it so it was an endless grind until I had enough
Also Boudica's tits
>7 Grand Orders
Was it intentional?
Which Saber? Bestgirl or the shitty Englishman.
>Jeanne multiple times with Carmilla and Stheno.
>Still no Waver and Emiya/Herc.
Waver is the best servant in the endgame. Saber is mediocre but still a 5 servant. Double 5 is always an extremely good roll.
Yes. Any 5 star will let you have an easy time for months.
Da Vinci is gay, user. Not as meme, he only likes guys.
Tfw really good luck
I've been seeing this reposted countless times now, it's starting to get stale.
Don't worry user
You have a whole month to roll even more!
>King, supposed to inspire its military
>canonically sucks dick
What did they mean by this?
If you like Arturia then keep it. Otherwise keep rolling or trade it away.
Are you saying you wouldn't be inspired if you got your dick sucked?
I should use NP's last in the chain right?
>leader figure
>takes it in the ass
No wonder her rule was dogshit
"She" loves Mona Lisa as an ideal of beauty, he's not sexually attracted to women. You'll get it when men's pick ups are called "Da Vinci's Chaldea's boys collection" of men she'll do. He was a gigantic faggot and fucked Michelangelo in life. Mike became heartbroken after Leo's death that he became a wraith. Da Vinci didn't feel romantic true love for him, though, even if they were close colleagues and lovers until recently.
It depends
Does it boos your attack?
Is that character going to use arts moves in that round?
why is saber bad again?
So Da Vinci was that guy who makes ERP threads on Sup Forums and Mike is that faggot who falls in love with him?
You are pretty luck to be able to afford those quartz.
Is that dude who wanted to trade his Jeanne+Arturia for my Waver+Vlad+HF+Carmilla around?
I've got something to add
You can consider Da Vinci a bigendered tranny if you use Tumblr memes. Born male but wasn't attached to either gender, he likes female aesthetics but he's only into guys that way. Because of his 'universal genius' nature, he never felt like he could have a match, Michelangelo was the closest he found in life. Michelangelo did love him but the fact Leonardo died and left him and the obvious asymmetry of their feelings despite being colleagues and lovers caused him to become a 'scary wraith' in Leo's interlude (they face him). This is all full pottery because Da Vinci is now in Mike's shoes in 'her' relationship with Roman and only reminiscing that battle her interlude she realizes how Michelangelo must have felt.
6 re-rolls my friends. rolled atilla with quartz from missions. still f2p.
I can't wait either. She's my waifu.
If you actually like Septem then you don't truly like Nero. It's a disservice to her whole character.
Best Saber design hands down.
There's barely any gameplay so what else would you be doing besides rerolling?
Thanks user appreciate it
Nothing. It's just rolls
I thought it was that she got her pseudo dick sucked.
Clicking your Servants repeatedly in your room so you can hear their sweet voices
It's pretty nice.
Musta sucked every dick to get that kind of luck
>mfw going through the story normally with shitty servants and barely surviving each battle
It's funner than most other mobage I've played. Still doesn't hold a candle to PAD or Brave Frontier though.
After only having played granblu as a gacha game i was not prepared how hardcore this one is about ap
I want Waver, Herc, and Kaleidoscope so I'm going to be here until the day I die.
>rolled every 5* except for waver multiple times by now
I might just settle for my Vlad/Cat/Archer account at this point.
My jeanne is 70 now,
I have a spare Vladdy and saber OG account if anyone is desperate. just 5 dollars :^)
When more servants get added the game opens up a lot in terms of play style.