Fate Grand Order

Roll it baby

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Anyone have a Jeanne? I have these
Tamano + Emiya
Saber + Martha
Vlad+ Tamano
Altera+ Elizabeth
Saber + Marie

When exactly is the free pick going to be given out? Are they really going to wait til the end of July?

daily reminder mash is best girl

mashu is bench juice

holy fuck why the shit is fafnir so god damn hard?
i barely scraped by that bullshit by the skin of my teeth with my last guy sasaki, i mean fucking christ he's bullshit

probably, i wouldn't be sitting waiting on it, i'd be focusing on the niggas you've got for now

This thread is gonna get deleted

Did I do any good?

Jeanne+Carminlla+Atalanta guy are you still here? Are you still willing to trade? I have a Vlad+Herakles+Tamamo Cat+Eon I could trade you. Is this good enough for you?

that's the tutorial roll
do the next mission
then go roll again with the free quartz in your present box
the tutorial roll is pretty whatever, its the next one that matters

it's okay for a tutorial roll
if it's your quartz roll then it's garbo

Is a lvl 20 REGEND enough or should I level him to 30?

Decent tutorial roll, make sure to do the tenroll afterward with saint quartz to actually have a chance at getting 5*s

heres an altera


I'm only using her cause she's so plot important
And cause she's prob got a great amount of good porn out there, I'll find out tonight

I got by using mid twenty kiyohime, 15 lancer and random lvl 1 shits.
Believe in yourself user

Should I roll the gacha for better Craft Essences, I only got the 4 star ones that increase defense, critical damage and NP damage.

Nabbed it
Thanks my man

>rider of "black"

>tfw gacha gods blessed me with two Alteras

Hello newfags

What's the max AP you can have? I want to do dailes but I don't have 40 even though it says I have 105/30

>dicking around on my friends list and seeing who's using what
>some madman actually trained up Mati Hari


when are we getting Astolfo?

>saber of red and red saber are two different sabers
for what purpose

Try reading the rules mmkay?

Is he trying to tell me something?

Dominant astolfo is best astolfo

max is determined by master level
you'll be able to do the 40s when your max ap hits 40
just spam 30ap till you get there user

To further confuse you when they introduce the Red Saber of Red.

we're not going anywhere full of retarded oldfags playing a game they cant read

we either stay on Sup Forums or get /nafgog/

Someone on my friend list started using that 1*
For what reason, I'm not sure

fuck you

stop user
you will anger the alien

I think i'm finally free from reroll hell


How can I change grill for my room?

Should I just say fuck the 5 star? I deleted and reinstalled the game five times already and haven't got one. I got Tamamo and finally got Stay Night Cu Chulainn who is my favorite. I'm probably just gonna go with story missions so should I keep trying or should I just forget it?

change your favorite servant, unlocks after prologue

where do i farm for jeanne ascension materials, like the little statues of servant types

>1 and a half day of rolling
>Get saber and herc
>feel the need to keep rolling because apparently she is bad for reasons I don't care to understand

go into my room and set it as your favourite, i forget how exactly

depends how much patience you have
if you're sick of rerolling just go with it
no point if you're not having fun right?

>liz and steh

SUNDAY for the new Apocrypha animu !

For GO I think next March if we're following the exact same release schedule, but Aniplex has already done a bit of fuckery putting Lancelot and Atlanta in the launch lineup

the second set of daily quests has them but be prepared for it to take a while

complete the first chapter, you should get enough from story rewards to ascend her once

>only five times


>Only rerolled 5 times and already complaining

Don't worry, time ceases to have meaning once your mind is broken by the gaccha like every else here.

We are all slaves to to our degeneracy now.

one fucking fruit wooooow

Do it
Roll even more

Astolfo is made for taking the Gudacock.


>People say double 5*s are absurdly rare
>Already rolled 4 accounts with double 5*s

one fucking apple
o i am laffin
is this the start of aniplex's absolute jew attitude on show totally unlike jps generosity

My man


I also rolled double Heaven's Feel CE and Limited / ZO. I'm keeping it.

What do those numbers on the party page mean?

The 1/1/- and stuff.

skill levels

that's the level of their skills
a - means that skill hasnt been unlocked yet

Are you still rolling?

>second set of daily quests
the green event ones?


Come over to the Nip version.

It is fun here

yes, green ones for pieces
but like i said, complete fuyuki and you'll get 5 lancer 5 archer and 5 sabers from the storyline, which is what jeanne needs for her first

>one fruit but only for people who were online at a specific moment

i missed all the events though
and cant understand japanese

Wait, how does the bind code work? It looks like you're supposed to write your own, but what happens if you end up writing the same as another code?

Im out of points to level
How do you get alot

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

You'll get her one day.


Can I still claim free rolls?

No user
I still have my jp account code, but I missed everything after swimsuits when they killed emulators
I feel like i've missed too much to be worth coming back

Bottom left

You have to have your bind code AND the password you set for it. Theres no way you can use someone elses bind code unless you also know the password they set with it

What are you trying to get? 3 5*?

And this is the second one. I haven't bothered taking pictures of the other two as I went straight back to rerolling

Someone free the Atalanta guy from his misery already. He's been at it for days.

Ah okay. How about now?

Anyone know if the monthly Summoning Tickets reset tomorrow or not until it's 1 month after launch?
Still need to buy a bunch more of them

I'm aiming for Waver + Jeanne

jesus christ, have you considered buying a lottery ticket?

what atalante guy

sorry user you have to try again

You have bigger supply of Servants to pick from, a larger/more powerful selection of friends to pick from, you have a shit load of quartz you can obtain easily, and you still get your 1 free 10 roll.

Should I bother investing in Fat Caesar? He seems like he has some decent buff skills but I dunno if it's worth the effort.

roll the single rolls, you have enough for 5
that's a bad roll though to be honest user, if you don't get anything good from the singles i'd reroll

Bad unfortunately

Grab any quartz left from your mailbox, and do a bunch of singles rolls

If you don't get a 5*, you should reroll and start fresh



Feels like if I stop here I'm going to lose my lucky streak

As an added bonus, bottom left also has a kaleidoscope so that's 2 5* and a 5* CE

>Summoning Tickets
>reset tomorrow


4*s I want are more rare than 5*.

I have a level 40 Herc and level 42 Emiya if anybody needs them for assistance.

668 464 605

go to shop
exchange green cube for ticket

Also Trap adventures


1st of every month.