3DS Thread

Do you enjoy your 3DS Sup Forums?

>What model do you own?
>Favorite game
>Least favorite game
>Most played game
>Games you still need to play
>Favorite eShop games?

Other urls found in this thread:


>What model do you own?
>Favorite game
Bravely Default
>Least favorite game
Many games
>Most played game
Honestly dont know
>Games you still need to play
>Favorite eShop games?
Ace Attorney 5-6

i believe at this point it has far surpassed the DS and GBA

>What model do you own?
>Favorite game
Ocarina of time 3D
>Least favorite game
Sonic Lost world
>Most played game
Animal Crossing New Leaf
>Games you still need to play
Ive played all the worth while ones but havent passed most of them
>Favorite eShop games?

It's my most played system because I've always got it at work. Mine is wearing down after three Monster Hunters and all the other games I've played on it. The circle pad is starting to crack and the outer coating is sort of peeling off. I already ordered a New 2DS XL to keep on hand when this one gets too ratty.

Monster Hunter 4U
Uh, I got Wario Land 3 and didn't like it
MH4U has 750 hours
Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice
Picross 3D Round 2

>What model do you own?
O3DSXL (Red) plus a LoZ N3DS XL I got as a gift.
>Favorite game
Probably EO2U, The Legend of Legacy, or DeSu2RB
>Least favorite game
Monster Hunter 3U. I usually buy games I know I'll like, this was the only one bought merely on a recommendation.
>Most played game
Pokemon Black 2 I think. Or maybe it was FEA, I think that was what my sister used it to play.
>Games you still need to play
The Alliance Alive. I really hope it comes over, since I loved TLoL.
>Favorite eShop games?
Only bought EOIV from the eshop. Other stuff is F2S (e.g. Kirby TKCD) or F2P (e.g. Pokemon Shuffle).

>>What model do you own?
>>Favorite game
hard to say but I really really liked Severed
>>Least favorite game
probably Fairune. that game was shit
>>Most played game
probably Stella Glow, I put 60 hours into it. I didn't beat it though because I stopped having fun and didn't give enough of a shit about the story to force myself to keep going
>>Games you still need to play
quite a few. robobot is probably on the top of the list. there's plenty of other stuff though including games that aren't out yet
>>Favorite eShop games?
see above

>Do you enjoy your 3DS?
Love it

>What model do you own?

>Favorite game
Pokémon XY or A Link Between Worlds

>Least favorite game
Can't say I really dislike any of the ones I've bought, but I guess OoT 3D just because it's a game I already played 10,000 times

>Most played game
Pokémon XY

>Games you still need to play
Any Monster Hunter, Super Mario 3D Land, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

>What model do you own?
XL, the Zelda ALBW edition
>Favorite game
Pokémon Moon
>Least favorite game
Layton vs. Ace Attorney
>Most played game
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
>Games you still need to play
A lot, i want to finish Bravely Default and get AA:SoJ, Mario 3D Land and MK7 too. Then who knows.
>Favorite eShop games?
AA: Trilogy and Dual Destinies

I'm pretty happy to own a 3DS, wondering if i should get the N2DSXL for the new hardware improvements

I don't own a 3DS, but have been meaning to get one for a long while. I'd like to play the Monster Hunter and Fire emblem games.

Waiting for the new 2DS XL to be released at the moment, its a little cheaper than the rest, and I don't even like 3D so figured I'd grab it.

You're not missing much on the 3D front. Some games utilize it well but for the most part it just chews up battery, hurts your eyes, and makes most games look and run worse.

>Do you enjoy your 3DS Sup Forums?
I do.

>What model do you own?
New 3DS XL
>Favorite game
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
>Least favorite game
Uh.. theres many I dont like.
>Most played game
Alpha Sapphire
>Games you still need to play
I still need to play A Link Between Worlds and Kid Icarus: Uprising.
>Favorite eShop games?
The Zelda ones.. also the StreetPass Mii Plaza minigames.

Are there any games where the 3D feature is "required", or designed with it in mind, as if I would miss out on something for playing it without it?

Not that I'm aware of. Mario 3D Land uses it for some perspective tricks but it's not a big deal. I'll be switching to the 2DSXL because I've never used 3D more than sliding it on for a few seconds to see what it looks like.

Really just Mario 3D Land. There are puzzles that are much easier with 3D enabled but it's not actually "required" to play.

In terms of third party support? no. In terms of first party support? by far

First party:

Third party:

Here's an old outdated work in progress image of my 3ds collection.

Here's an even older finished version.

>What model do you own?
>Favorite game
Fire Emblem Awakening
>Least favorite game
Ocarina of Time 3d
>Most played game
Fire Emblem Fates
>Games you still need to play
Kid icarus uprising
Etrian odyssey untold 1 and 2
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
Bravely Second
>Favorite eShop games?
Shin megami tensei IV
Ace Attourney


>What model do you own?
Launch Model
>Favorite game
either OoT3D or SMT4
>Least favorite game
Code of Princess, i bought it way back when there was nogames and it is garbage
>Most played game
I'm not sure, in sheer hour count probably SMT4 or Pokemon Red
>Games you still need to play
way too many to list
>Favorite eShop games?
mostly just virtual console stuff like the mega man games or the game boy kirby games

(OP) #

>What model do you own?
3ds xl and new 3ds xy
>Favorite game
Pokemon omega ruby and alpha sapphire
>Least favorite game
Smash bros 3ds
>Most played game
Pokemon omega ruby and sapphire
>Games you still need to play
>Favorite eShop games?
Don't have

New 3DS XL black, will switch to New 2DS XL if there's a cool special edition console, would love a DQ themed one.

>Favorite game
Probably Fire Emblem: Awakening

>Least Favorite
Fire Emblem Fates...

>Most played
Dragon Quest VII, 118 hours.

>Still need to play
Playing DQ VIII, then SMT Apoc, Fire Emblem Echoes, Ever Oasis, Radiant Historia, Deep Strange Journey and DQ XI (after beating the PS4 version of course).

>Favorite eshop

I really like Kirby and EO

>What model do you own?
Hacked Ambassador's o3DS
>Favorite game
>Least favorite game
NES Open Tournament Golf
>Most played game
Pokémon Y
>Games you still need to play
Fire Emblem Echoes, Fire Emblem Fates, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Kirby Robobot, Ultra Sun, Link Between Worlds, Kid Icarus Uprising, SMT IV: Apocalypse, PMD: Gates to Infinity
>Favorite eShop games?
Do VC games count? If not Excitebike 3D, otherwise Mega Man 2

Oh yeah and of course I love it, forgot to say.

>>What model do you own?
Old 3ds xl

>>Favorite game
ALBW & Tri Force Heroes

>>Least favorite game
Princess Crown or whatever it was called

>>Most played game
Bravely Default

>>Games you still need to play
Planet Robobot
Federation Force
the non-Awakening FE games

>>Favorite eShop games?
Sega's 3D classics
Dr. Mario Miracle Cure
Gunman Clive 1&2

>What model do you own?

Aqua Blue and New 3Ds White with a Pokemon cover plate

>Favorite game

I,ll go with Smash Bros and Mario 3DLand, but Kid Icarus is so awesome... Hear this shit please:


>Least favorite game


>Most played game

Animal Crossing New Leaf

>Games you still need to play

Stella Glow and both Project X Zone games

>Favorite eShop games?

Steamworld Heist

>Princess Crown
I meant Code of Princess too, I think. Like this user here:

Nobody mentioning RE:Revelations for dat Jill ass

Is there a working DS emulator for the O3DS model?

>New 3DS XL
>NSMB 2 and Fire emblem
>The new pokemon game look promising.
>They all suck.

what firmware does a brand new 3DS come with?
11.3 or 11.4?

wanna jailbreak it but really don't wanna have to use the game card method

>>What model do you own?
>>Favorite game
Kid Icarus Uprising
>>Least favorite game
Etrian Mystery Dungeon for being the worst Mystery Dungeon game in the entire franchise which was previously PMD: Gates to Infinity
>>Most played game
>>Games you still need to play
I have a decent backlog
>>Favorite eShop games?
Liberation Maiden I guess? It is pretty much the only eShop exclusive I have

>What model do you own?
The normal New 3DS XL.
>Favorite game
Yo-Kai Watch 2.
>Least favorite game
Fire Emblem Fates.
>Most played game
Yo-Kai Watch 2.
>Games you still need to play
Too many to list, but Bravely Default is on the top.
>Favorite eShop games?
All of the Ace Attorney games on eShop.

>>What model do you own?
n3DS and n3DSXL
>>Favorite game
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
>>Least favorite game
Gen 6 Pokemon games
>>Most played game
Animal Crossing New Leaf
>>Games you still need to play
SMT, Fire Emblem, whatever new thing gets released, etc.
>>Favorite eShop games?
Shovel Knight

>What model do you own?
New Nintendo 3DS (SM3DL Edition)
>Favorite game
Animal Crossing New Leaf, FE Fates, Pokemon Moon
>Least favorite game
Dillon's Rolling Western
>Most played game
Animal Crossing New Leaf
>Games you still need to play
FE Awakening, Pokemon OR/AS, Tales of Abyss, Kirby: Planet Robobot, Hakuoki
>Favorite eShop games?
Ace Attorney Trilogy/DD/SoJ, Steamworld Dig

What's yours OP?

yeah, nothing but sequels. I am having a real hard time picking out a decent sized list of 3DS new IPs.

>What model do you own?
->NEWFavorite game
Dragon Quest VIII
>Least favorite game
Bravely Default
>Most played game
Hyrule Warriors Legends
>Games you still need to play
Tons and tons
>Favorite eShop games?
Tie between Shantae and the Pirate's Curse and Liberation Maiden

PROTIP: The Slide Pad is the same size as a CD spindle shaft. If you want better grip take a piece of gaffers tape, cut it close to the size of the spindle and then stick it on the slidepad. Works like a charm and it leaves no sticky residue when you take it off cause it's gaffers tape.

>Do you enjoy your 3DS Sup Forums?
Not really.

>What model do you own?
N3DS XL - CPP should have been integrated two revisions ago, but whatever.

>Favorite game
>Most played game
Project X Zone 2 for both. 7th Dragon Code VFD is a close second.

>Least favorite game
Most memorable? Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven, not even waifus can save all the bad design choices and terrible pacing.

>Games you still need to play
Waiting for Alliance Alive to hit the streets.

>What model do you own?
>Favorite game
Probably Space Harrier 3D
>Least favorite game
Don't really have one yet, too small of a library at the moment.
>Most played game
>Games you still need to play
Maybe pick up Streets of Rage 2 along with the other SMT games like Final and DeSu.
>Favorite eShop games?
The SEGA classics. Probably the best reason to own a 3DS.

Switched off to playing my Vita again so I can chill in bed and play Darkest Dungeon.

I bet not due to the 3DS have a 3D slider to turn it on and off thus the game would need to be playable without the 3D on.

Anyone happen to play Mighty Gunvolt Burst on the Switch? It comes to the 3DS tomorrow and I've heard good things about it.

new ips are pretty much a bunch of eshop-only games not pictured on that list.

Someone tell me the Senran Kagura games are shit so I can move on with my life.

Will the new 2DS be moddable? Last I checked, it was a difficult nightmare getting it to work on the most recent 3DS models


>What model do you own?
N3DS XL, upgraded from 2DS and 3DS
>Favorite game
BoI/Majoras Mask/MonHun 4U/Gen
>Least favorite game
I don't really feel this way about games.
>Most played game
Monster Hunter
Probably Megaman X or DKC2 Honestly
>Games you still need to play
Luigi's Mansion, Kirby Robobot
>Favorite eShop games?
Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. I couldn't care less about A+, I have that at home.

even if they are, you could just pirate them you did hack your 3ds, didnt you?DIDNT YOU?!

I have an original 3ds and no I don't enjoy it.

I didn't pay for it, friends got it for me to play monster hunter because they can't play it without me because they arent close enough friends to play it without me in the mix.

I'm so glad I didn't spend money on this thing.

They're nothing to write home about. If you're in desperate need for a beat em up, it does the job.

Not really. I had an old 3ds XL up until a few weeks ago when I traded it in to buy a Vita (which I love). For whatever reason I just have a hard time getting into games on it. I hadn't touched the thing for almost six months when I traded it in.

That being said I'm planning on buying the new 2Ds a month or so from now and giving it another go. If anyone can recommend me a game that they think would be good enough to break me out of my 3ds funk I'd appreciate it and seriously give the suggestions a look.

>Do you enjoy your 3DS Sup Forums?
meh. im not intrested in 90% of the games because they are either on another platform or JRPG which isn't really my taste.
>What model do you own?
3ds xl
>Favorite game
super mario 3d land
>Least favorite game
dont have one yet
>Most played game
super mario 3d land
>Games you still need to play
zelda games, Luigi mansion
>Favorite eShop games?
senran karuga

New 3DS XL
Persona Q
>Least Favorite
Dragonball Extreme Butoden
>Most Played
Smash Bros
>Games you still need to play
SMT Apocalypse/Bravely Second
>Favorite eShop
The legend of the Dark Witch games