Enemies can latch onto you if they touch you

>enemies can latch onto you if they touch you

>enemies can crawl on anything

>enemies can place decoys

That's impressive desu

>enemies can teleport away from danger

>enemies can crush their opponents

>Enemies insta-kill you if they detect cheats

>Enemies buff themselves before battle

>enemies can duplicate themselves

this is the first thing ive seen from him where he isnt cooking.

what games do this?

>enemies can be recruited to aid the player

>until dawn wendigos.png

>enemies can do stealth attacks

>enemies can be killed using physics objects

More games need to do this.
>Stealth game
>Get stealth-killed and outplayed by the AI.
it would be cheap, but I'd love this.

>npcs judge the player for past actions

>stealth game
>enemies can't look up

out of images lads, feel free to contribute

>enemies can buff themselves with potions

what did he just do?

Not that user but he claims that applying paprika onto pink eye has healing effect.