What ruined the franchise?

What ruined the franchise?



Not exactly ruined, but IS focusing too much on what Japanese fans want over the larger oversea fanbase hasn't helped the series much.

Sooo... ruined?

>series is way more successful and popular then it's ever been

I can still play all the FEs I like so nothing you little pansy.




I guess nothing was ruined about the elder scrolls, or Cod or gta then hey?

Nothing. It's better than ever and you hipster ass faggots on Sup Forums can't accept more people enjoy it now (plus with stuff like Conquest, the gameplay is better and more difficult than anything before it). It's appealing to both hardcore players and casuals. The only thing is that the story hasn't been as good as Tellius, but besides that everything is better. Niggers.


>ever good

The GBA games.

It's degenerates like you that allowed this to happen

Something going mainstream and being a "success" tends to ruin what made it unique and cool in the first place, yes. Remember, when the dudebros and brodudes start infesting something, like what happened with video gaming in general, everything has to be dumbed down to accommodate for them, or it ends up being a commercial flop. Lowest common denominator, etc.

The Elderscrolls franchise is a perfect example of this.

>b-b-but waifu are GOOD!
The fact that we're not getting another Advanced Wars because the developer literally can't figure out how to "romance tanks" and make it more about dating like Fire Emblem should tell you all you need to know about the state of waifufaggotry. FE should have died with respect rather than go the route it did.

Your mom wasn't very good before I ruined her either.

Replacing Marth with two hotheads and a gorilla brute.


how dare you

It was never good

>"""""""""strategy"""""""""""" game
>over 50% of the game is RNG

Doesn't help that it's turn based too

>plus with stuff like Conquest, the gameplay is better and more difficult than anything before it)
What you mean by this? Don't know Radiant Dawn at least!?

some say waifushit
others say bad balance

one thing is for sure, hector singlehandedly saved the franchise

What are you talking about? Fire emblem always had waifus in it. You think Lynfags don't exist or something?

It's only okay if it isn't Awakening or Fates

It's more successful than ever. You crying about the games not appealing to you anymore won't change that. FE fags are fucking insufferable.

firing Kaga
going on handheld
then going on handheld a second time


Honestly I hate this fanbase so much everyone is a fucking faggot whether it be classic or modern fags

I'd rather have something than nothing.

Lots of SRPGs have RNG you moron. I guess Final Fantasy Tactics is shit too.

Oldfags in general and newfags that didn't want to try out the older games ruined the fanbase. The franchise is alive and well.

What was wrong with Echoes? It was pretty good and definitely better than the original game.

Nobody will admit it, but maps ruined the franchise.

>(u) right now

lmoa @ (u)

Moving to handheld.

>5: The last good game.

>6: Shitty rehash of older game but worse.

>7: 1year rush job and it shows. Rehashed mechanics, animations and sprites. One of the absolute worst stories in the franchise and a MC cast so wooden and boring there's not a single character arc between them.

>8: Casual baby shit. Another one year rush job. Rehashing the systems AGAIN. The literal "Fire Emblem" plot and a cast with literally two memorable characters.

>9: Casual baby shit. Literally "Move Ike Forward, End Turn." Is the solution to every single level. Hardest difficulty is trying to stay awake.

>10: Casual baby shit. Story ruins everything good about 9 and the abilty to save and load literally whenever you want is more causal than Phoenix Mode.

>11: (lol

>12: (lol

this desu


It was one of the greatest 3DS fire emblems but it does have some problems.
Not to sounds like a muhmapsfaggot but everything was either an open field, a boat, a swamp, or a corridor.
It was pretty easy too. No Lunatic for some reason. Dread fighters are completely busted, Saber with the brave sword (You did kill Deen right?) ate the game for me. Witches have dumb AI half the time.

desu nothing except maps, fucking swamp fortress.

>Autistic Shrieking

>You did kill Deen right?

>implying ANYONE would choose a 4th or possibly 5th mercenary over a hot mage

>maps are complete shit and dont even deserve to be called maps
>always the same objective
>shitty supports
>shitty class change system
>weapons dont break
>white mages breaking the game
>teleporting witches, complete bullshit
>lel we admit this game is shit, just take this turn-back-time tool, we dont give a fuck about good game design
>hardest enemy in the game is a nameless mercenary with a leather shield that you meet in the first 20 minutes

who wouldn't? Deen is objectively better stats wise

I was too retarded and a stupid hoe tricked me into killing Sonya.

He's k.

Lazy map design

Even if his stats are better, Celica's route is so oversaturated with mercenaries. I mean, don't get me wrong, if you like Deen, he's a valid option. But magic is crazy broken in Echoes, and Sonya gets some rad spells too.

people sexualizing characters is different from the blatant waifu pandering of awakening or fates, and i enjoyed them

The fanbase

We got the Smug newfags that need a punch to the face, we got the hypocritical gba/and tellius fags that love acting retarded, and then we have the hipster nes/snes fags that still like to pretend they're above it all when they shitpost as much as the others. Faggots everywhere, a sane person wouldn't post in FE threads of any kind.

But you get the brave sword earlier which helps with Grieth's Fortress; and do you really need 4 dread fighters (6 if you made Atlas and Kliff dread fighters)?
Sonya was pretty useful with Excalibur and Recover and she could replace Boey.

They added some difficulty and the turnwheel fixes all their problems. They never do the same thing twice.

Ike's games killed the series, people love to say awakening killed it but we already had garbage like FE2, FE4's shitty maps and SS even before Tellius and the unbalanced remakes.

Waifu's are a hallmark of the series and aside from pair up Awakening didn't introduce anything else than hadn't been implemented poorly already.


They changed the game and made it more popular.
Sup Forums thinks that just because a bunch of people like something, it must suck.

>Only awakening and fates had blatant waifu panderi-

This, fuck this cancerous fanbase

There's no point in arguing with GBA fags. For some odd reason they think 7 is the pinnacle of the series.

You faggots that hate waifu's know that modern FE has plenty of husbando's to satisfy your gay tendencies right?

Not even Erk likes Serra.

Even tho she was annoying I still loved her

there was nothing to ruin.

Kamui and Aqua.

It's telling when discussion of the fucking gacha model mobile game is far better than discussion of the regular games.

Heroes threads were good but those aren't allowed on Sup Forums anymore.

It's too bad the good discussion isn't allowed on Sup Forums anymore. I say fuck it and just talk about Heroes in regular FE threads now.

Wow, you nailed it.

>Radiant Dawn gameplay

Being slightly harder than Path of Radiance is easy when Path of Radiance is one of the easiest Fire Emblem games in the series.


Travant did nothing wrong, the Yield """massacre""" is a lie spread by anti-loptarians in Leonster. Quan attacked Travant, Travant was just defending himself and his country.

>Mfw assume I might be able to find a better discussion on fucking Reddit
>Maps and gameplay aren't important to Fire Emblem
>Difficulty isn't important to Fire Emblem unless it's Awakening and Fates, but the same complaints aren't allowed on older games
>Story and character design is all that matters
>Censorship is good for Fire Emblem
>I cheesed Awakening and Fates with grinding and pair-up and online features so they are the worst in the series
>I've never played Gaiden but it's definitely the 2nd best in the series after Echoes
>More games need to be harder like Genealogy and Tellius

Jesus, and I though Sup Forums and /vg/ were bad. I'm a fucking FE7 baby and I'm horrified by the blatant hating on the newer games there, and I didn't even like Awakening's gameplay or Fates' story.

What the fuck are you niggers even crying about? The franchise is booming with new games, remakes, and spin offs being made every year.

If you the idea of Awakening and Fates mechanics make you so butt mad, then don't play them.

>the abilty to save and load literally whenever you want is more causal than Phoenix Mode.
I bet you praise Genealogy, too.

Correction: Self inserts and waifus at the same time. Mark doesn't count 'cause he's a cuck. Therefore, FE12 is what marked the downfall of the series.

>I'm a fan of fire emblem
>Fire emblem reached out to new people and pander to me less! I wish it failed so that no could enjoy it! I am the true fan!
Why do GBAcucks do this?

You can't do it whenever you want—only at the start of every turn. Considering how long the maps are it's completely justified.

>What the fuck are you niggers even crying about?
Do you not know how to read? Look at the thread.

All I see are a bunch of fags complaining about girls even though there's an equal amount of men to please them

Mods have been becoming a piece of shit anus cancer lately.

>You can't do it whenever you want—only at the start of every turn
So whenever you want. There's hardly a difference between start of the turn and after you move some units. The game even gives you the option to autosave at the start of every turn for fuck's sake.
>Considering how long the maps are it's completely justified
Yes the big maps does make mid-chapter saves necessary but only being able to do so when you seize a castle would've been perfect.

kaga leaving ISIS pretty much killed the series


Waking = waifus

They're complaining about waifu pandering, and self inserts. Also if someone were to complain about waifushit what makes you think they'd like husbandoshit as well?

Usually bringing something back from the dead causes brain damage to it.

Pretty much this. ISIS really didn't know what to do with the series after he left, so they kept pretty much every game after he left the same until they found they can milk money out of weebs and otakus.


*Pretty much kept making the same game

That's not Gba fans it's all the oldfags

Conquest was great, just finished it. The story however was fucking balls. I mean I'm not picky with stories in my jrpgs but godamn it was like a 10 year old wrote that shit.

Should I even bother with the other routes?

>The character design became trash after Path of Radiance and Shadow Dragon, with edgy, unrealistic designs and waifushit.
>Recent games featuring self insert protagonist with amnesia or whatever is a disgusting trope that completely destroy the worldbuilding that the series was known for.
>Bad writing. Character motives are vague as shit. Bad guys are caricatures of evil incarnate instead of simply being rival kindgoms trying to get by.
>Music is not as memorable.
>Maps used for battle rarely make geographical sense. It seems like they just "Hey, a map in the desert would be great" and they make a map in the desert even though the last battle was fought in a forest.
These are a few things I have noticed. I'm not the biggest FE fan out there and to be honest, I never completed any of them, but Genealogy of the Holy War is my favorite because of how real the world feels. Each battle takes place in an entire kindgom, instead of a tiny plain, and the end of one map is the beginning of the other. It's great.

the other routes don't have stories so good that they make up for not having conquest like gameplay.


Piss off nigga dick eating shill

Aww, Is the gameplay really that different? I heard Hoshido was easier and Revelation was a rushed piece of shit

You do realize that genealogy started the whole kids bullshit, never mind the maps the fact that you can literally shatter that game with no effort by having literally the right two people smash and birth a demigod it's just stupid to me

Yeah its pretty different; Birthright is Awakening style, and Revelations is gimmick after gimmick, but has terrible unit balance.

nothing. it's better than ever

Smash Bros

Aside from armor designs the rest is just nitpicking, or in the case of music just wrong.
The bad guys have always been mustache twirling douchebags aside from 6 and 8. Genealogy was shit because it tried to hard with it's map.