This any good?

This any good?

If you like cheating

Protip: These are the exact kind of devices that Blizzard is trying to ban. Due to console users having the accuracy of PC users.

What... purpose does it serve?

>good controls are cheating

I'm a PC fag that likes analog movement.

I could see this being good for flinthook but nothing else

>he uses an gamepad for FPS

Mouse aim in a console FPS

Also known as "you win"

>what is mouse acceleration?
or is it just not there anymore once you hook it up?

>host a hotdog eating contest
>guy is using modded buns that are less filling, allowing him to eat more hotdogs
>huh? why am I disqualified? I'm still eating hotdogs!
the fact of the matter is you're no longer on an even playing field compared to the other players
it's a distinct unfair advantage

Looks kind of awkward to hold. I used to have the Venom X for my PS4, it was a mouse and basically half of a Wii nun-chuck for movement and all the other buttons.

>food analogy
Try again.

How does an optical lens transfer so easily over to a analog device?

^ Faggots who've never used a XIM or any other adapter. If you think using one of these magically makes you better, you're absolutely fucking wrong.

You're EMULATING analog movement. Ever used the wonky ass mouse controls on PCSX2 or Mupen64? Literally the same thing.

You're still limited to what the controller can do
You're still limited to how fast the game allows your turn speed
You're still limited to how "responsive" the controls are in game

Anyone who blames these for their loss are just shit at video games.

More like a hot-dog mulcher to save him time manually chewing.

>muh analogy hipsterism
fuck yerself fggt

Huh, interesting.

I would prefer wireless, but I wonder if it would feel strange to work the two shoulder buttons when zoom is bound to M2..

All the acceleration the game has for controllers is still there.
The adapter doesn't get rid of it at all.

This guy is retarded, with most fps games the XIM 4 feels 1:1 with pc

>tfw you realize you can't exceed the limited mouse acceleration to a console game

You get used to it but don't buy that trash. Buy another adapter like the xim4.

Totally retarded, my dood. I've owned one since the Xbox 360.
The XIM3 never felt 1:1, and nor does the XIM4.

Hell, even on their fucking website the XIM states it's not 1:1, because it's just not possible.
You are EMULATING the controller.

Most games don't support it, or don't have an option to disable smoothing which would make it shit anyways.

Pointless. Nearly every modern FPS has 8way movement. You might has well go all the way and get something that emulates a keyboard too.

>buy a $60 hotdog
>bun has thumbtacks baked into it
>remove the dog/toppings and put it in a regular bun
>wow wtf ur cheating, ur supposed to eat the thumbtacks and bear with the pain like all the other plebs

>I can't handle controllers for some reason

Keyboard is shit for movement.

The point is to get the L analog stick.

No, get Xim4 instead. It's by far the best option. Actually it's the only good option, all others have grave flaws and/or are missing important functionalities (like different aiming behavior between aiming down sights, hip fire, vehicles, etc are not a thing you can change - which makes some games unplayable) and aren't supported nearly as much.
You NEED to micromanage acceleration, curves and various numers for each and every game for the mouse emulation to work well, and Xim4 is the only one with a community that will give you updated settings. All others (including the officially licenced Hori) either have a general setting for every game or just 1 setting per game at best which you can't change enough (so you are stuck with it, like it or not)

I don't care if the Xim4 costs double or triple compared to the alternatives. Either don't buy any of them or buy the Xim. It'll be a waste of money otherwise. It's like buying a cheap and worthless $40 arcade stick that moves around because it's so lightweight or investing the (current) minimum of $120-150 for a decent one,

>Food analogy

what about the face buttons? how do you jump?


>keyboard is shit for movement
So much easier for small precise movement tho

>mouse doesn't have buttons


>even on their fucking website the XIM states it's not 1:1
U wot m8?

Do you faggots even realize you're being hipster snobs when you criticize this shit?
Do you understand you sound like whiny children that can't argue the point & instead just toot their horn with the >lmaofoodanalogy meme?

Jesus fuck take off the skinny jeans and grow up.

How does this feel and work for a game like Max Payne 3? I wanted to try platinuming that but it seemed impossible with a controller and the aiming dead zone.


My bad, I meant on the forums.

This guy understands.

notice how it says. "1 to 1 feel" and not "true 1:1"
it's like when companies put, "made with 100% cheese" vs "made of 100% cheese" when it says, "made with 100%" that means one of the ingredients really is 100% cheese, but it'd only make up 1% of the actual product, while the rest is 99% chemical additives
it's corporate trickery

Moving the stick for a 10% gradient results in radically different behavior from flicking on 100% for 1/2 a second.
Keyboard's easier for for small precise movements, granted, but only up to a threshold where you CAN'T get a small enough movement & the 0-100 starts to fuck you up.
Analog's smoother & ultimately has a higher skill ceiling.

That's handles by the device you morang. All the main controller does is export the data from the mouse part in a format the console reads as analog stuck input.

>saying I'm wrong
>implying I'm the one that made the food analogy
>implying you said he's wrong, when really all you did was sniff your own hipster ass in public again

I can't imagine very well.

The way an optical lens works is by sending digital signals to the computer via polling, sending a confirmation back, and calculating the position. With third person shooters you're basically just ad hoc-ing the mouse to a analog device and expecting it to run digital signals concurrent with the design, but all you're really doing is getting the mouse to sense dots per inch to the analog without any of the actual communications that help the DPI feel smooth in the first place.

This is now a "Here is your controller bro" thread


i really don't understand the use for something like this, on a controller you need the face buttons and with M+KB you need the extra keys

We just need a controller with a trackball in place of the right stick.




Facebuttons are on the mouse, & in the OP they're also where the triggers normally are.
So for PC, if you play with controller settings you'll still have mouse look/aim with analog movement.

Which is also a good thing for console plebs who have never tasted mouse-aim.

Not all games need all the inputs of ARMA. In fact very few do.

But trackballs are shit.

They're way better than a stick.

Master the flick and you're gravy.


I REALLY like this

Are wands tiring?

I feel like this'd lose a lot of stability that comes with having both hands on the controller, so your hand & wrist will be doing a lot more work to hold & manipulate that over a long period of time than it would a normal controller.

>spots your fallacy
>calls you out on it
>gets mad
>calls you out for being mad
>mad being called out second time
actually try to make an argument that cant be dismissed as a fallacy maybe?

if you are going to play on consoles at least git gud with a controller faggot

The Steam controller does a good job at emulating a trackball. It's not perfect and not always viable but it works.

not him but what the fuck are you talking about? you're spouting buzzwords with no real meaning behind them
it's like you're trying to to make a cake with no batter and only frosting

>hipster aidsmoby jack packard uses some dumb bullshit like this for fps stuff on the streams now

I honestly think he's doing it on purpose at this point just to make more and more people hate him.

... put it your lap

It's not 1:1 but using one is far better than a stick if set up correctly because it's allowing you a degree of movement precision that a stick just can't match even if that has to be translated through acceleration curves like a stick would.

thats a fallacy fallacy btw. calling out someones fallacy isnt an argument, or even saying the arguments wrong, its just saying its badly argued, correct or not. you still actually need to put forth an argument or its still a badly, but possibly correct argument verse nothing.

just so ya know

Even in your lap, manipulating any of the buttons/stick will put force into the controller.
Force which goes into one hand+wrist rather than 2, and at a worse leverage.
Seems like it could get uncomfortable more easily than a double-grip controller.


Stop taking the bait, you're showing your reddit.

i guess. you could try not being some twink ass bitch tho



what bait, i dont even know whats being argued. i just saw the word fallacy and pointed it out. whatevers being argued or not, a fallacy is not an argument.

The word fallacy is the bait.
Only redditors take it.

I used a xim 4 in destiny and battlefront shit was SO cash

>logical arguments are reddit
uh, okay, since thats out of the way your wrong because donkey dicks equal 38

Slightly better than normal analogue. But not as good as a native mouse - it is STILL just emulating it with limited analogue movements.

It's just feeding the computer x and y data. No different from a controller really. You can see this in action if you ever get a Wii emulator and go in and fiddle with the controller mapping settings.

I'm going to allow it because he's just fighting one man's retardation with equal amounts back at him.


I have those, they somehow managed to make the N64 controllers shittier.


Are you saying $40 arcade stick is a scam.

arcade sticks in general are a scam. now matter how you slice it, the longer distance it takes to move a stick left to right compared to just pushing a button a seperate finger is on will always, always be slower. physics and shit yo. buying a stick of any kind is gimping yourself. BUT if your gonna get a stick, get that, yeah

sick fidget spinner bro

What type of casual shit are you playing that you don't need the rest of your keyboard? Disgusting.


Thing is I'm looking for something to use as a 'controller' on PC.
Xim4 is the opposite, it's for translating a KBM to console.

you have no idea what you are talking about

Literally anything that had a console release you dumb fuck.

literally physics, yes. explain to me how a longer distance can be traveled shorter if you can use them both the same way

protip: you cant. your argument will be "im used to a slower less efficient method, and since i will never get better at the faster method it will always seem better to me, even if it isnt"

He's saying the digital joystick on arcade sticks is inefficient compared to keyboard (or hitbox), which is true.

Then just get a Dualshock4 (or a MS controller, whatever). Why the confusion?

I only want the movement analog, the left stick, without sacrificing my mouse.

then use a dualshock at the same time as a mouse

you are aware that you can do this, right

Just hold the left part of the controller like OP's picture shows and the right hand on the mouse? What half of a controller can do, a full controller can do too.
Holy shit, you couldn't think of that?


What's wrong with food analogies?

>making the computer constantly switch between inputs
>god knows how quickly if you're holding the stick & moving the mouse simultaneously
Yeah I'm not so sure that'd be without issues.

Latest meme hipsters have latched onto to show their superiority.
Food analogies are easy to make/adapt. So everyone uses them. So hipsters turn their noses up at them out of habit.

People who complain about food analogies are so fucking retarded
Why do you think they exist? Because food is relatable. It's the same shit only an easier way to relate. Autistic analogical hipsters just see food in an analogy and yell "YOU ARE WRONG BECAUSE MEME"

yes actually, it is a competition