What went wrong? How do you fuck up this badly?
Valkyria Revolution
Other urls found in this thread:
>start making shining game
>what if we slapped the name of an already established series on it to try and increase interest and sales?
>unsurprisingly people hate it for being completely different from other games in said series
>i-it's actually an alternate universe...
>release demo
>gets tons of complaints and criticism
>instead of trying to address specific complaints, panic and delay the game by a month while not really improving anything
>also make a version for a dead handheld
Dunno who was in charge, but this whole thing was a mess. The sad thing is that the gameplay in the first demo could have actually ended up as a fine game if they polished certain things, but they somehow ended up overhauling it without actually fixing anything.
Passing on Azure Revolution.
Give me VC3 HD or VC4
Sega is retarded. They saw the success the that the rerelease of VC1 had, but instead of making something similar to that they went full Dynasty Warriors for whatever reason. It's like Sega was actively trying to ruin this series. Though there isn't much left to ruin now since with this failure the franchise is dead again.
It was developed by the Shining team. Like a lot of people have been saying, it's very possible that it wasn't going to have any ties to VC at all at first but they decided to slap the name on it to try and bring in more sales, which failed miserably.
Is it true this is another edgelord everybody dies plot?
From what I know notSelvaria dies yet again. I looked up the ending on YouTube months ago and the rest of the ending is just the standard lame JRPG stuff with the main girl giving a speech and whatnot about destiny and shit. No fulfilling ending like VC1.
This game was just bad on every level form story, characters and gameplay.
the dub is awful
VC always had a shitty dub. 1 and 2 were no exception. But bad voice acting is the least of this game's problems.
I disagree. I found VC1's English dub to be surprisingly decent.
>>start making shining game
I wonder why they didn't just call it Shining Valkyria, or some dumb bullshit.
They wanted the Dark Souls audience. Only the combat is a joke and you don't even need to roll (it does replace running).
Because Sega hates this series from some reason. It could have been a classic franchise, but the moment they put the sequel on the PSP this franchise was done.
VC is unpopular in Japan, so SEGA probably wanted something that could potentially sell well domestically from the franchise. Mediavision is still working on a "Battlefield RPG Remake for PS4."
maidump when?
That's a goddamn fucking shame. I nabbed VC from the Steam sale and I was really surprised at how well done the world building was. The weapons, geopolitics, vehicles, tanks etc were just so well thought out. The guy who wrote down this stuff knew his shit. I mean look at this:
>Affiliation Imperial
>Length 6.69m
>Width 3.02 m
>Height 3.24m
>Weight 24 tons
>Top speed 45km/h
>Engine power 330hp/1800rpm
>Weapons Krimm N-327 37/45mm cannon
> Krimm M-210 10/85mm mortar
> Uranus 7.62 tank machine gun
>Although they were outclassed in both firepower and armor by their Federation counterparts, the light tanks saw considerable use during EWII. Weighing only 24 tons and boasting a top speed of 45 kilometers per hour, the light tanks used their relative speed and agility to make up for their lack of armor.
>The success of the Light Imperial tank led to the development of the Medium Imperial Tank during EWII.
This is the kind of autism I want to see in my video games.
I swear the entire studio behind this game were /k/-tier warfags
Valkyria Chronicles was very unique in terms of style and mechanics both, while still having a ton of room to grow and be refined mechanically. The popularity of the PC release/PS4 port of 1 was a perfect opportunity to really blow the doors off and wow they really fucked up bad
A re-release of 3 would probably do better in the west than this garbage.
>The PC port of VC sells quite respectably
>Sega use the money from this for a port of the same game for the PS4 and a PS4/Xbone/Vita spinoff that nobody cares about
This shitty spin-off was already on the table before VC1 game out on PC.
Since Sega Japan is retarded it wouldn't surprise me if, when this game bombs, they just drop the series. Best case would be to give it to the West since they would know what to do with it.
>What went wrong
I think we all know the answer to that.
They went full anime.
You never go full anime.
Like previously stated, Mediavision is still working on a remake of either VC2 or 3 for PS4. There's not much reason to believe it's 2, but it's still possible.
There's no reason to believe it's VC afaik. Would be retarded if it was console only too, I'd actually be pissed.
We an only hope those job listings lead to something.
>There's no reason to believe it's VC
What other series fit the description of battlefield RPG and are also made by mediavision?
It's probably 2. Can't expect them to do anything right at this point.
That makes sense considering how successful type-0 was on PS4. Even if they don't continue the series, getting a slightly better looking version of 3 would be nice.
>go from grounded military story and characters to full on edgelord with a thousand belts, a glowing hand and an oversized sword
Fuck whoever thought this was a good idea. The first game had some weeb stuff in it, but they went full fucking anime here.
I'm hoping it's 3. It would be a double win since 3 is the better one and it was never officially released in the west.
Where does it say Mediavision made the game they're remaking?
>>start making shining game
I hate this meme. Yes the shining guys also made VC3 which is the best game in the franchise, problem? They weren't making a Shining game only to slap VC's name on it, it doesn't make any sense when the last Shining game sold well
This game might be shit but you're just as shit.
>the shining and wild arms dev
It's media vision and it's VC, there's no doubt.
But you didn't answer my question. They could be remaking anything.
I'm not him, but do you see any other Battlefield RPGs in media vision's output?
The point I'm making here is that nowhere does it same Mediavision made the game they're remaking.
I'm an hour late but this is COMPLETELY untrue, user. Don't lie to the good people.
But then I don't know of any other "Battlefield RPG" that's popular enough to warrant a remake. Do you? I want to play it
That just sounds like "SRPG" to me. It could be any Tactics game, there are tons.
>no raita
Why didn't they do the obvious thing and improve upon VC1?
Because SEGA likes blowing up their franchises to shit