What is Sup Forums's opinion on the Silent Hill movie?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on the Silent Hill movie?

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Not great, it was a pretty poor adaptation aside from the visuals
The director had good intentions tho

haven't seen it, knew a girl who was an extra in it when she was young.

complete and utter fucking trash that totally misses the point of the games. (1,2, and 3 not those shit bastardized western developed SH games)

The very beginning, with Sharon sleepwalking, is horribly acted. After that the movie is actually pretty good up until they enter the church, where it becomes terrible. It never recovers after that. It has a couple of great scenes (the alley scene is damn near perfect) but the botched second half ruins the movie.

It's still far, far better than Revelations.

It's wicked


It's far from perfect but an acceptable afford
Wish to see more experimentation like this in the future but with what we know about monster hunter movie maybe it's best to leave it like that

It's alright. I was expecting it to be a lot worse.

First one is okay, forgettable, but does a decent job. Rest are trash.

It's actually among the best horror movies for me

Great poster

Movie should have tried to depict the atmosphere of a game not be a normie retelling of events with fog. Only good video game movies were those that focused on the atmosphere a certain game can bring. Like Street Fighter movie with terminally ill Raul Julia or Sandler Shadow of the Colossus flick.


Do you guys like Homecoming? It has some of the best enemy designs in the series, and only casuals complain about the combat.

Visually, still amazing.
It has some parts that were fucked due to Konami meddling.
All the scenes with the husband were inserted due to Konami complaining there wasn't enough male presence in the movie.
I wanted to fuck Cybil so bad.

Still up there with some of the greatest vidya adaptations though.

>Combat is ok man, the main character was a war vet!
>He never was a soldier he was a mental patient

It's one of the better western games IMO. The story was crap but it did a good job with atmosphere and the original enemy designs (not taken from the movie) were good except for the stupid order members. It doesn't compare with the first four games but I didn't hate it.

I really loved the designs for homecoming. The story was garbage, but the bosses and monsters were top notch.

It was a pretty good movie overall. Actually it's not even bad as an adaptation, just kinda poor in some aspects, but you can watch it as just a movie without knowing any SH background and enjoy it.

The ending was brutal though. Holy fuck.

Eh. It's pretty good for a video game movie, but that's like saying the shit I took last night is pretty good as far as shit goes. Now the second one on the other hand...

The girl grew up really well. Qt and thicc in all the right places.

The skin rip scene was good.
That's all.

The thing about criticizing things and asking for people's opinions is the biased nature of their own ignorance and petty hatred towards anything greater than them.

The question should be more like
>is it a faithful adaptation?
>Is it enjoyable?
>How enjoyable?
Pretty good
Not at all, but not a waste of time either as far as movie watching goes.

the fist was much better then the second the fist have some shot for shot recreations of some cutscenes frm the game

That entire game was horse shit

My problem with the combat is that the enemies weren't near strong enough to compensate for your abilities. That one knife combo could wreck everything in the game.

The problem with Homecoming is that it doesn't feel scary and the atmosphere just isn't there. I don't know what it is about it, but I just ran through the game half bored to death because I wasn't spooked at all so it basically felt like a mediocre TPS. In contrast I still haven't finished SH2 because the hospital spooked the shit out of me.

Nigga. The apartments, cemetery, church, and hell descent were all dripping with atmosphere. It wasn't comparable to 1-3 but it was still pretty well done considering.

The actrees that plays Heather looks like she was stung in the Face by a thousand bees.


>t. Team Silent circlejerker
Accept that the Western games have their positive aspects.

Downpour has an interesting story, and its Silent Hill is fun to explore. Neat little sidequests, too.

I think most people will say it's alright as it's own thing. But the mixing and mashing of monster types as well as completely changing the characters and plot made it have little to do with the games.

I'm going to be honest here and say it at loud

Not even SH fans know what the fuck SH is about precisely, so no adaptation can be made unless it's all about ambience and ambiguity

SH fans are the original Dark Souls lore fans that made wikis filled with fan fucktion connecting the most far fetched ideas around the tidbits and pieces scattered together of the fabled SH Team that never existed as Konami said. They were just games programmed by familiar themes and a consistent ambience and visual design. Each story is self contained and never expand much on what the fuck is going on at Silent Hill. I've read the most retarded stupidities in forums and here on Sup Forums that could make Vaati blush. So as far as working project goes, the movie was pretty good even by SH standards.

And I do love 2 and 3 so much.

What the fuck, are you implying that the game had hard combat sections or something?

You poor poor r-tard

It plays fast and loose with the story and changes things but overall it's okay.

Which makes it one of the best vidya movies next to Mortal Kombat.

1-4 are literally easy to follow and make sense if you're not an autistic sperglord

Did you play on easy, or are you not taking into consideration how many casuals play vidya?

The police station is pretty tough if you don't have your combos down. Also, The Order members are the same if you don't use firearms.

It was really nice to hear Akira Yamaoka's music from 1 to 4 used for the movie instead of hiring some random nobody to do it

>Mortal Kombat will never be topped

Quality rebuttal. You're really contributing to this discussion.

>The Order

Video game stories are retarded

That's why it's hard to make good movies out of them. It works as an ambience and background to the GAMEPLAY but beyond that they're trashy, just look at Warcraft the Movie: received by normies as generic bland boring shit.

That being said Silent Hill the movie is a good movie on its own but plays as an homage to the games. It has some bad pacing and really strange and bizarre cuts that make me think studio meddling here and there but it turns out ok.

Just rewatched it a couple of weeks ago. It holds up very well.

Never said that they're not easy to follow as they're self contained stories about the characters following a Jacob's Ladder experience, but beyond their stories there's not much.

Fuck off, you pathetic weeb.


>the girl on the right looks exactly like a gf i had when i was 17
Feels feels man

He isn't talking about Downpour though, he was talking about Homecoming which is poor, not 4 poor but still pretty poor.

Dude I play actually haré games (ninja gaiden, Godhand, etc), this game is casual shit.

You want me to accept trash, believing Homecoming had "positive aspects" without providing a list or even some reason why it's positive in your opinion. What sort of argument and/or addition to the discussion is that? No, just no.

I already posted Homecoming's positive aspects. I just wanted to cover Downpour as well, since I was making the point that the Western SH games aren't all bad.

>Not even SH fans know what the fuck SH is about precisely, so
user, I...

Did you not read the spoiler, you fucking dope?


It was okay. The big issue is Alessa is just the devil or whatever instead of the townsfolks own sins come to haunt them.

Your positive aspects is the fucking enemy designs and that's it? You really are a lost cause.

Thats a lie though, the designs are either abysmal or copypasted besides the Schism, Scarlet and Asphyxia.
>One enemy is literally Cerberus from RE

First two times I saw it I liked it. Then I did a little more reflection on it year later and came to the realization that it wasn't really that good.

Silent Hill works as a game due to mechanics like the radio and the flashlight. Harder to convey that in a movie. It was long and pretty boring. I like buff Pyramid Head though.

It was fun. So by definition it's not a horror movie, let alone a good one. Probably not a good movie in general either. Also the CGI aged like milk.
I still like it.

I liked it, but I've never played the games
the ending was an anticlimax though
I can understand a cliffhanger, or ambiguity, or a twist, but it's just a quiet subversion of every single thing in the movie-- which should be something I would like, but something about it just leaves me wanting more

I liked the part where Pyramid head ripped the skin off that girl

>I can't read
The combat, too. Dumbass.

>That's a lie
And you're a retard. Did I say every enemy in the game looks amazing? I specifically said "some".

>and only casuals complain about the combat.
That is what you said about the combat. You didn't say it was good or what was good about it you just said anyone who complains is bad.

Some of the best in the series? They are alright, not " best", not subtle at all. And the combat is utter shite man, do you even play games?

Best vidya movie.

It implies that the combat isn't bad, which is what casuals always say.

Case in point.

Scarlet and Amnion are fantastic as far as their designs. The latter is my favorite boss in the series because it genuinely scares me. The basic enemies are pretty varied and aren't generic, like most of Downpour's, which is enough for me.

Story was meh compared to the games but it is hard to deny that the visual aesthetic and general atmosphere weren't spot on. Guess that is what happens when your director is actually passionate about what they are doing and actually played the games. Also I think Jeff Dana's work on remaking Akira's music was also spot on.

The combat is bad though. You just press knife to win and then swap out for you gun when you need it and again you haven given any reasons as to why?

>Case in point.
You're implying that this game has hard combat, which is a complete lie, games with hard combat are Ninja Gaiden, Godhand, DMC in DMD mode, the Souls games etc. In this game you wreck shit if you pick up the knife and aren't retarded and know how to roll, how is it good? It doesn't have depth and you kill everything the same way.

The combat requires some memorization of combos and enemy attack patterns. It's not just brain dead whacking like in 1 - 4.

I'm not saying the combat is hard, you fucking dolt. Read It has good combat for a horror game.
>the Souls games
What a fucking surprise.

I don't forgive them for what they did to the characters.

>Female Harry Mason stand in
>Cheryl/Alessa is now evil
>Dahlia is now good

Why? I never understood the fucking point.

>It has good combat for a horror game
Because shitty action combat is what we p´lay survival horror for.

>The combat requires some memorization of combos
You mean combo light, light, heavy will carry you the entire game.

>for a ____ game
Never say this

Just because teams that develop certain genres are often bad at certain aspects, does NOT mean that genre should always be compared to that low bar.

>I-it's bad because I don't like it!
Kill yourself.

For the knife, yeah. You're fucked if you run into multiple enemies, though.

>A,A,A,X wth the knife
>memorization of combos

>le contrarian Souls games are easy but Homecoming is casual filter opinion
Holy shit can't you be more of a memer?

Okay let me swap the Souls games for games with actual depth in them, but since you're a bitch boy you'll disregard those since they don't fit your narrative
>Garou MOTW
>Vampire Savior
>Alpha 3
>Super Turbo

Those games have combat that casuals complain about, Homecoming is praised by fucking casuals because the game is easy as fuck to play, and instead of: good level design, good puzzles good story, good characters, it has garbage combat. Fuck off.

it's legit one of the best vidya adaptations and i like it more than i should.

the second movie is a travesty though.

No you're not, the knife is the best weapon in the game and downs everything in seconds, its harder to actually fight multiple enemies with a slower weapon than with the knife, which is overpowered as fuck, you just do light light light heavy xN until you win the game, there is no thought put into it, the game's mechanic are shallow, the enemy AI is trash.

>>Garou MOTW
>>Vampire Savior
>>Alpha 3
>>Super Turbo
This man knows his combos

>don't compare this game's combat to the other games in the series
Fuck off. Homecoming's combat isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be, esp. within the series.

Again, I said good combat for a horror game. Good to see you get so bootyblasted, though.

>You're fucked if you run into multiple enemies, though.
Only if your a casual.

Daily reminder this silentbhills poster was made by an artist called CYPHER on Instagram and stockphoto websites who also created the FUCKING CHAPTER 3 RENDITION OF NEW YORK FROM MGSV'S LORD OF THE FLIES in 20-FUCKING-11

Probably the only good aspect of the movie was that they used actual costumes for the monsters and not cg

Holy fuck, nice run-on sentence. You have no idea what you're talking about, btw.

You get hit a lot if you try to fight multiple enemies at once, without using firearms to thin them out.

>Compared to examples of bad things, it is good
No, I don't care what you say on this, that doesn't mean it's good


>Good combat
>A,A,A,X xN
>Calling others casuals
Sure, it's the best combat in the series, but that's not saying much. Besides SH was NEVER about the combat, since you know, it's supposed to be a survival horror? In Homecoming even that's lost since you're an invincible super soldier who doesn't need to do item management at all, which is one of the cornerstones of survival horror, and this is why it's one of the worst in the series.

Yes your.

>arguably the best combat in the series
>"I-it's still bad!"
Neck yourself.

>This turd has better taste than the others
This is you

Only autists use that, you know.
>invincible super soldier
Try getting through the game without using health items.
>doesn't need to do item management at all
Once you get the handgun, use it for the rest of the game. If your statement is true, you'll never run out of ammo.

Are you pretending to be retarded?

Not the best adaptation. Still I didn't mind it, some of the monster designs/costumes were neat and it had a nice atmosphere. The second move is pure trash tho.

>food/shit analogy

The second one was kind of funny though

Any movie with that little guy from GoT trying to play leading man always cracks me up

absolutely kino and the second one is a fun halloween romp

>Are you pretending to be retarded?
It depends, are you?

How about I don't use the gun at all since it's not needed with the knife? Dude you could argue that the combat is anything but hard, homecoming isn't a hard game if you aren't braindead. If you fight multiple enemies just lure one away from the rest and destroy it with the knife.
Anyways I'm not giving you any more (you)s after this, your argument is "the combat isn't as bad as the rest" and somewhat think that makes it good.

The combat in the others is serviceable for games that doesn't focus on combat mechanics, it's there just so you interact with enemies and lose health and ammo, action mechanics work actively against the game's atmosphere.

If you watch it with the mindset that all vidya movies are shit, you'll end up surprised and maybe even like it.

It's like a polished turd.