Post the last character you played as and the actor you'd cast in the role of him/her in a movie

Post the last character you played as and the actor you'd cast in the role of him/her in a movie.

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Which actor would make a good sackboy?

Robert Downey Jr.

Venom Snake and Affleck. Ben is big enough and sad enough to pull off a good Big Medic.

ehh i don't know
Tom Schilling?

Jesus, why is he so insecure?




its a manlet thing

I'm struggling on this one... Suraj Sharma?

Adam Sandler wants a holiday in Nilfgaard?


Nah, I'll stick with the first guess, thank you

Garrett from Thief

anyone better?

I'm in love. That looks badass

I think Gal Gadot would make a solid Lara Croft.


voice-wise, i'd rather stick to something more gritty, like Jackie Earle Haley.

Hell, you can even comeup with proper makeup to make him look like Garret from poster

After Assassin's Creed.. I just can't.

Animated by Pixar

Help me with the voice

Too sticc

who would you cast in an XCOM movie?

but user, we already have one

Eddie Murphy in every role.

come on, Garrett isn't meant to be conventionaly male model tier looks, but he's supposed to look handsome in a 'messy' type of way, not a fucking uggo like jackie

maybe like a young tommy lee jones

I have actually yet to play Dishonored 2, but the casting choice is obvious.

the bitch in the middle is definitely Olga Kurkulina or Gina Carano

"What a hideos smile I have, Geralt thought-" "What a hideous face I have. And how hideously I squint. So is that what I look like? Damn."

Why did they hire a pirate for Hulk?


>like a young tommy lee jones
you mean Josh Brolin?

Ladies and gentlemen, your Sam Fisher.

Because he's always angry

don't tell them his secret, steve!


Double no


When you see it...

Metal Gear Solid 1.

not Geralt, dumbass. Garrett

nah, he's too bulky and alpha and tan

garrett needs to be limber and pale and have a hint of unibrow

young tlj was your suggestion, not mine


No idea, man.
Travel back in time and get 18 year old Scarjo, maybe.

are you trying to say josh brolin looks anything like tommy?

Hey man look I'm sorry, ok? Sheesh

I'd say Ryan Gosling as Jacket from Hotline Miami, but it's practically already the case with DRIVE.

carrie coon could work too

anyoone for Doomguy/BJ Blazkowicz?

I like it, John is great

Movies aren't video games.


Gotta be Cena for Blazkowicz...

Holy shit this made me audibly laugh

Too old now. No way he could pass for 23.

I think I'd go with Kate Beckinsale

Idris Elba would make better Geralt

My mount and blade character. It's me with a stupid haircut, so I guess me. I can't really act, but that didn't stop Wonder Woman so let's see where this takes me.

I mean, he already does kinda play Big Boss.



What's that mess on her face?

It's from an art thing. Supposed to represent the ash from the holocaust. I still can't believe she said they didn't go far enough and it just got glossed over. I guess because her father is a media mogul they let her get away with anything.


t. I have never played MGSV

she's so beautiful...

>that intern that was waterboarded for asking if she was choking on her lunch
they really do get away with everything

t. I have never played Ground Zeroes.

Unless this is a jab on how Venom rarely talks. In that case, listen to the tapes.


If were just talking about vanilla Courier Six Ryan Gosling would fucking kill in that role.

Looks good, just give her a man jaw, chub up her face a bit, push her eyes together, and starve her so her body resembles a 13 year old boy. After that we're all set, user, we can make the worst video game movie of all time and get that sweet tax write-off. That's what you wanted right?


Who would even work for this, I don't know any young blonde actresses

I would watch a rocket league movie

>not Punished LeBeouf

Idk whos the jackie chan equivalent now?

T: Didn't watch the ending or play the prologue

The face and acting ability are there. The T&A are not.

I just want to watch him in more roles.

Holy shit that would actually work

Jackie Chan still

I honestly can't think of anyone that could play Serath. Someone young, but can do both a strong, heroic, defiant personality perfectly alongside a sly, dangerous, "I have done as you asked, Father," personality. Fuck it, just stick Tom Cruise in there. He'd do it perfectly despite the age.

Same, he would be pretty good as Joel. He could also probably play Big Boss too.

Zach McGowan should be Geralt. He's got the right looks and voice for the job.

That looks more like josh hartnett

a trash can for such a trash character. it's perfect