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I preordered it a few hours ago on Amazon.
It's the first time in months that i feel genuine happiness while thinking about a game


I dont want it. I want the cart one.

Can't wait to get it for my Xbone!

Pre-load is live for digital owners by the way.

Reminder it's a timed PS4 exclusive.

Will come to Xbone, PC and Switch at a later date.

I might just get this game instead of food

cool. How long until it does?

No-one cares. True Crash fans will begin playing through the trilogy this friday on ps4.

I doubt the switch man that game runs at 30fps on the PS4, its just not gonna happen

Wow i am a fan of crash and hate the PS4, really made me think man.

No one knows. Most of the time we know this stuff, eg Rise of the Tomb Raider was not on ps4 for a year after initial release. But with Crash there's been nothing official. Just lots of contradictory statements
> full exclusive never on any other platform
> 1 year timed exclusive
> On Xbone by Christmas
> plans for other versions depend entirely on sales numbers

No one really knows.

Oh, that's pretty dumb, how do we know it's even a timed exclusive like you said though. I was gonna wait but if it's gonna be like a fucking year or something no way am I gonna wait that long.

love this

Can't wait for the oneyplays series :)

oh shit does that happen if you try to slidejump the dingodile fight?


I hope I'll be able to get it on release day. I don't have the money to preorder and I get paid on Friday so I'll have to go get it that day.

I canceled mine. I did it awhile ago under the impression it'd be release day, but it ain't. I'll just hit Walmart at midnight, fuck it.

it comes out friday so yeah you should be able to.
I don't think this is gonna be some sort of massive blockbuster rocking the foundation of stock shipments or anything. It's a budget title that probably not that many people are gonna buy, frankly.


countdown says 1d 04h 13m for me

Not that I don't want it to come to other platforms but all evidence of it being a timed-exclusive are from shady South American and European retailers using outdated promotional art and information about the game itself, it's hardly concrete.



Do you think Gamestop will midnight release for this? I'll break in if I have to.

>Preparing for shipment
I'm fucking hype.

>not a single time has it been called exclusive
>the one time it was called exclusive on twitter the tweet had to be deleted and replaced with "first on PS4"
>Activision owns it and has published Crash games on other platforms before
it's not exclusive.

The question is, how long though?
I bought it on PS4 either way because fuck waiting but I want to know if I'll be buying it on steam too.

>timed exclusive
where did it all go so wrong

they won't.
Buy it digitally.

>Buy it digitally.

well enjoy playing it 12 hours after everyone else

Is this releasing at midnight? Or will i have to wait till noon the following

digital release is opening up at midnight EST.

Depends on your time zone. Here in mountain time, they release every single game at 10 pm, because that's when they close anyway.

the physical copy is going to force you to install it anyway, it's a PS4 game.

I'm more worried that mine is closed for Canada day.
Some places close on either the Friday or Monday since Canada day is a Saturday

It just told me it's arrive on July 4th. I ordered it 2 days ago with prime. Wtf

Unlucky man, if it were me I'd cancel the order and just go and pick it up elsewhere.

>looking forward to all 3 games as hard as I humanly can
>mfw I remembered Hot Coco
Literally my least favorite level in the entire series.




play the originals in an emulator and just imagine them with the graphics from the trailer?

were there plans for a demo? I know they had the kiosks set up but I don't think they'd want to put out a demo. Seems like it just wouldn't be worth it, people will just emulate the first game if they want a demo.

anyone who has the game, is the feature in crash 2 and 3 where if you die a ton of times in a particular spot on a level it turns a ? crate into a checkpoint still in?

Will this game make more Coco 34? Please god tell me yes my dick needs to know

0w0 what's this?

I highly highly doubt they'd put something like that in there. the animation quality on ps1 spyro is also way too low.

Sonething really cheap and fake looking


don't toy with my heart

fake as fuck but god I wish

Yeah, I even asked customer support if it was just me. She said everyone's orders would be delivered on the 4th or the 10th. I thanked her for her help and cancelled. It's a shame.

>can recognize levels I played almost 15 years ago from thumbnails

Best remaster ever? Best remaster ever.

>people are surprised of this
>even though they litteraly did the same thing with golden eye reloaded

when does review embargo lift?

I ain't falling for this shit

day of release on an email I got after getting a takedown request for a video I uploaded. Probably tomorrow for real reviewers.

Thanks for the laugh


Covers normally say first for playstation if its timed though.

Until one of the worst remakes of a major game ever made, oh boy

Now make one where the skylanders spyro gets spat out at the end. I wana shitpost with it

Its okay, Twin Snakes already set the bar at the lowest point possible.

>people will believe this will happen

got the same issue on mine, but I saved $8 by buying it on amazon so It's worth the 4 day wait honestly.

>worst remakes of a major game ever made
Naaaah. At worst it will be slightly disappointing. They've remade the levels almost exactly and the gameplay also seems eerily similar to the original despite it being made from the ground up without any at all re-used code or assets.

The only real complaints I have are that they didn't get the original composer or any of the original voice actors. It's a bummer, but not a dealbreaker

Have fun being a moody bitch while we are having fun. You truely have come out better than anyone else ;)



I love dicks.

>implying it won't

Another nostalgia milking romp is a safer bet than an entire new game or a remake of a racing game (where a shitload of things could go wrong).

is there a way to get this shit for less than $40?

How this makes you feel Sup Forums?



Post best boss themes.


So sad this was butchered to high hell in N.Sane triology



i cant read that language

Can you preload this bad boy if I buy it on the psn store?

Music I can understand but couldn't they just pull voice clips from the original game since it's 1:1?

So this is a timed exclusive, right? Activision are far too Jewy and Sony don't care enough about Crash to buy permanent exclusive rights.

Sonyfags BTFO.
It's Hungarian.

I'm glad more people will be able to experience the Crash Bandicoot trilogy,

Wii U port when?

>It's Hungarian.
so does it say that its score is bad or that its coming to all consoles?

I had the idea this was photoshop shit, but nvm.

Well they wanted to make a complete remake, everything from scratch, including voice acting. I wish they would have at least brought back this guy

Doesn't Sony own the rights of the games even if they don't own the IP? Just like with MGS4?

They changed the ice physics in Crash 2. In the original you carried way too much momentum where even the slightest movement would have you skid off into a pit

Now add time trials and dash boots plus time crates are hidden behind !crates

Possibly, but this technically isn't those games. copyright law is funny that way. It can be attributed under parody law since it's similar but skirts around many things, and actively changed others for an obvious impending trial.

>Really excited
>Think about Sunset Vista time trial

Oh my. Do you think there is a reward for the 10[/spoiler]5[/spoiler]% across all three games?

ctrl + s next time

Potentially. We know that time trials don't count towards the % in 1 and 2 though, sadly. I can only imagine we'll get some concept art or maybe a trailer for the original or something neat like that for getting 100/105% in a game.

Feels good

congrats brother. I got mine from walmart earlier. They had them all laid out and everything.

I am so goddamn ready for this game. I got out my old ps1 and original crash just so I can compare them when the game goes live. I can't believe it, but I'm more hyped for this game than I have been for any other game in the past 6 months, at least.

Now all I need is a Spyro remaster, and life will be complete. Avalar in hd when.

So, considering that Hungary store doesn't remove the N-san trilogy on Bone, this means we can also wait for it on Steam?

no really $40 is too much