Fuck Clare and Jill.
Rebecca is the new hotness.
Fuck Clare and Jill.
Rebecca is the new hotness.
Other urls found in this thread:
>new hotness
She was always good looking, you dipstick.
Rebecca was always the best.
He said while posting her ugly RE0 model.
The fuck are you talking about?
RE 0s models look better then even RE4 and 6.
This new movie has the cutest rebecca ever
her hair is literally perfect.
Becky 0 HD model is shit. How can you not see that? REmake Rebecca is best.
WTF I love short haired girls now
That's old
Doesn't matter. As long as Leon gets to no way fag them with Ada, I'm all good.
>*pepper sprays chris*
>what? oh! oh no!
This. Claire will always be the eternal hotness.
Who would have thought letting a teenage girl be a cop was a bad idea?
When are they going to just fuck already?
The second he gives up the boyband hair and starts slicking it back.
I'd be okay if Leon opted for something like Rafe's hair from Uncharted 4. I think it would awesome if that Leon's hair would be slick back but if you get hit it would get messed up and go back to his usually style. And then if you don't move/touch any buttons for a long enough time, Leon would take his hand and slick it back again.
Her chin is way too small. It's abnormal.
the cutest part is when she begs that nerd boy
So what's the general consensus on Vendetta?
not really, just asian features
John Wick 3: Zombies stepped on my tulips with a dash of anons wanting RE6 mechanics to return and or a Mercs/raid mode only game to enjoy them in because of that film.
So not bad.
Rebecca is cute. CUTE!
>Worst of the 4 animated movies.
It was an entertaining popcorn flick. I enjoyed it for what it was.
Absolute kinographie
>Rebecca is the new hotness.
She was always the best faggot.
>Friendly reminder that Alex/Natalya will be 18 in 2 short years.
ill have what shes having
Not if REv3 take place before now.
On that note who should be in REV3? You can pick three.
so this is the power of the sharingan
Caramel macchiato with chocolate chips and whipped cream. It's dessert, not coffee
I'm genuinely surprised Ada didn't come to save and blue ball Leon again. Did he finally overcome his yellow fever after 20 years?
Where the fuck are all these Becky fags coming from?
Ada wasn't in the First CGI movie either. Leon doesn't need Ada. Same with Ada. I hate when characters get linked and they can't just be by themselves. The next movie can be her by herself.
Thinking it will be Jill and Barry. I don't like Barry's odds of survival though, considering who's inhabiting the body of his adopted daughter.
If there is a next movie, I'd really rather it have Jill. Poor girl is pretty much forgotten about these days despite being one of the faces of the franchise.
Her big nose makes her unattractive
her husbando and best RE guy coming back when reeeee
Fuck you her nose is adorable.
Sherry and Jake with Jill in command. Some people didn't like Jake but I thought he was alright and had a good relationship with Sherry.
I want Ashley!
All things considered, I'd say she aged pretty damn well.
>5000th thread full of dumb weebshit casuals posting "waifus"
This is what killed this fucking series. I hate you all equally.
>t. juden
The guy is still under an execution order by the military. He comes out of hiding, he's arrested and sent back to the firing squad. He doesn't dare reveal himself. At the very least he's fled the US and changed his identity.
Rebecca said he "officially" died during RE0, so if he changes his identity no one would be looking for him.
is hardcore competitive resident evil a thing
Yes, and Leon is the best RE man. Rebecca and Claire are about tied, honestly. We'll see once RE2 remake comes.
oh right, speedrunning
he was a generic bad boy with a heart of gold love interest
also a huge cunt
You think Irons put that APB out 3 days before the outbreak?
Weskers Died, user.
Nostalgia pandering with a shitty story and CUHRAYZEE action scenes.
So pretty good by RE standards, would watch again.
It was pretty clear that everything the survivors of the mansion incident filed reports on got lost in the mail c/o Irons and Umbrella.
>there's waifuposting or tournaments, nothing in between
>french big nose is the same as jews
>this is what killed the series
Are you sure it wasn't RE4? CVX? 5, being the ending to the main story? The live action movies? Gun Survivor in general? Director's Cut: Dualshock Edition? ORC? UC? VII?
>he knows the fourth cg movie
>people in resi threads actually know shit about the series
It was killed by faggots who suck the first 3 games' dick like they're the greatest thing ever.
The first 3 games are the best games in the series. Sure, only 2 or 3 would make Top 5 Survival Horror games, but they're still better than the rest of the series.
Biggest problem RE has is a lack of rational character sense.
While that goes for "lets use X and Y again" RE6 tried crossing over the RE1 and RE2 legacies and competing series leads, with conflict. But they failed to examine where Leon and Chris differ.
Then they engineer a situation as a climax between them that makes no sense even in its own setup.
Sherry is love
Sherry is life
I'd love to fuck Claire.
Well, RE never had competent writers anyway. Don't really expect this to change at this point.
I'd love to get fucker by Claire!
>gets hanged with high heels on
Sheesh, are those shoes glued to her feeT?
that's just leon cosplaying
>It's dessert, not coffee
Your point?
she always was, you faggot
But do you have a FAT COCK
Bunch of slack-jawed faggots in this thread. Rebecca literally shit-tier when compared to the queen of RE.
now im hungry for a sandwich
good post
Fun, but fucking ridiculous. They should've had more character development, the movie was for the old fans anyway. But still it was cool to see Rebecca and Chris interact.
I'd honestly watch a Scrubs-like show with RE character so perhaps i'm biased, but i'd kill for my character moments from the core RE cast. They were talking about having Jill and Helena be the stars of the next film, and giving them kids for some depth which would mean some character development, but I feel like they'll half ass it. Vendetta had potential, but ended up just being a "shoot'emup".
Rebecca was on that "Jill who? I'm taking Chris for myself" game though, shit was hot.
All RE girls are destined to be single cakes.
Sherry and Jake were the lone bright spot of RE6 for me, their dynamic was awesome imo.
Shame that game was shit besides that, well that and the Mercs mode.
Yeah, too bad she's gonna die a virgin.
Sheva, Jake, and Jill. Alternatively I want Jessica, Dr.Pavel I'm Redfield/Hunk, Carlos, and Jill.
Do any of the heroes actually know each other? Does Claire have any interaction with Jill? Does Jill know Ada? Does Chris know Sherry? Does Jill know Sherry? Why was Chris x Leon such a letdown?
>Does Chris know Sherry?
They met in 6 but were aware of each other before that.