Is cities skylines any good
Is cities skylines any good
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If you're into city builders, then yes. Otherwise, skip it.
Yes it's good but lacking in challenge
I'm not an experienced/dedicated sim guy, but it's a great game for just chillin. Throw on some tunes or a podcast, and it's a great way to kill a couple hours watching your town grow.
It's the unofficial SC4
Whoops meant SC5
if you want a game that plays itself, yeah.
If you like micromanaging, sure. But SC4 still trumps it objectively in every aspect in terms of depth.
For a traffic focused City builder it simulates traffic so poorly it's hilarious. Just pirate it and if you sink more than 10h buy it maybe
It feels more like a creative city builder and less like a city management game
It's cool but I can't figure out how to get tall buildings to develop in my city. I have a population of over 100,100. What's the deal? Is tall buildings a dlc or something? Wouldn't surprise me.
Are you zoning high density zones?
Yeah, I know how it all works. I have a more than casual knowledge of these games so I know tall building should be developing in my city but they simply don't and I have no idea why.
Make sure all the demands are met, they're VERY picky. it needs good traffic access (low congestion), good public transport access,
Where's this from? Gave me a hearty kek.
Which DLCs are worth it?
No, and here's why: instead of giving us modular parts packs to build our own utility infrastructure they give us boring (and ugly) ploppables.
I want to build a power plant by placing the nuclear reactors, cooling towers, waste processing, turbines, site administration and services, parking, access roads, and so on. The parts would all be linked together to form a single power-generating utility but it would let me make the plant as big as I wanted. I could have a single massive coal plant covering acres upon acres powering the entire city, or I could have a mix of systems spread out over the map discretely.
And this same system would exist for ports, train stations, bus depots, airports, and so on.
>but that's too much work, Mr Ideasguy
It's literally not. I could do it right now myself with the fucking modding tools if I knew how to texture 3d models. It wouldn't be supported as well as if it was implemented by the developers but it would work.
This exemplifies the entire game. Instead of cool customisation options giving you the building blocks to make your own fantastic utilities that really give character to your cities you get boring pre-made ploppables - AND ONLY ONE OF EACH. I hope you enjoy every High School in the entire city looking identical, serving an identical number of students, having identical upkeep, and an identical service radius.
How hard would it have been to give us a handful of different classroom buildings, gymnasium buildings, admin buildings, school bus service buildings, and so on, and let us tie them all together into one "school complex" that lets me build schools that are unique and meet my exact needs? No more 5 storey brick monstrosity in a rural town, and no more quaint 5 storey suburban high school in the heart of New York City.
In short - it's shallow. Enjoy running 1,500 mods and tanking your performance to make it good.
You're playing a European map, retard. European style has no skyscrapers.
You can get the district themes mod and building unlocker to grow European or International style buildings on any map at the same time by district.
I'm pretty sure there exists a mod for that
>Running 1500 mods to make it good
what other mods are you downloading to make it more fun for you?
>european map
This was not made clear to me by the game and it didn't give me any other option for the building styles.
>When you watch your city literally collapse in on itself because everyone gets sick, and traffic is to the point where ambulances can't get anywhere
>Try to fix this by making more hospitals but this only hurts the problem because now the streets are clogged with hundreds of ambulances
>Ditch the city and make another better city in another zone, and sometimes come back to the awful detroit city to look at how much I improved
>I'm pretty sure there exists a mod for that
Nope. There are plenty of other ugly power plant ploppables but nothing like what I'm after.
I want a collection of modular power plant puzzle pieces that can be used to develop a realistic complex. Not just "place whatever you want, it doesn't matter because everything just generates electricity off no inputs" buildings made to resemble modular power plant puzzle pieces. I want to actually have to ensure each reactor and its supporting infrastructure is balanced for efficient production of electricity - or that each coal-fired boiler is adequately supported with pumps and stacks and all the other things that are needed.
And then all of these modular pieces combine into a complex on a footprint which I can decorate with parking garages, gardens, whatever.
And this same system applies to all services and utilities. I could have a port covering square miles of real estate, or an airport with 17 runways and 140 gates. Or, on the opposite spectrum, I could have a police station which is just a cottage and two squad cars if I were building a rural town.
>but that's autistic
It's really not. It's GAMEPLAY.
And this system could even extend to letting us custom-build unique skyscrapers storey by storey, letting us design setbacks and pick cladding or finish.
This sounds like ideasguying but it's all eminently possible. It can be done. Colossal Order just never thought outside the box enough to see it.
God the lots in C:S look so bad.
>max lot size is 4x4
What the fuck were they thinking.
I tried it. Yeah, if you like building cities.
I personally wouldn't reccommend Cities in Motion 2 though. Boring in comparison.
If you like any other city building game, definitely for sure. There's a pretty decent level of complexity, and it's designed pretty well I suppose.
If you aren't actually into city builders, it won't offer you enough to get interested
Nah that is pretty autistic. Like, gameplay or not it's inherently autistic.
not as good as SC4
years ahead of SC5
Which is more autistic: an actual game with gameplay; or virtual gardening with plastic graphics where you can sink 1,000 hours and never achieve anything measurable at all?
autistic is just a buzzword for depth
>That disgusting layout
You deserve it
It's pretty and the customization options are pretty nice, but it's sorely lacking in challenge so keep that in mind when you dive in. Even the traffic which is probably the only relatively complex part of the game can be planned like a total retard since clogged roads aren't going to destroy your cash income nearly enough, so you end up doing traffic optimization for the sake of traffic optimization. Once you get the basic shit set up you'll be drowning in money.
Also it's only good with the no-vehicle despawning mod and the no utility vehicles (dead people picker, garbage truck, etc.).
I'm looking to buy some Skylines DLC, any recommendations? I can't make up my mind.
Newfag out
Don't buy paradox DLC. Cities has all the DLC already downloaded and all you have to do is literally change a .txt file to call it.
No fucking way, how can I accomplish this?
Google it m8 jeez, you're using the internet right now
Come on, I can't exactly google that can I?
not with that attitude
I got this shit.
Lurk more.
If you can't figure something out yourself (and SC4 is totally google-able too, you spaz) you fucking LURK and figure it out by context instead of begging to be spoonfed.
What's wrong with the utility vehicles?
sim city?
are you fuckin underage?
i played them when i was like 11
>SC4 is totally google-able too, you spaz
Are you fucking braindead?
Try looking beyond the first result, cunt. You only have to scroll down about half a page. God, kids these days are fucking dumb.
Not that user, but in my experience utility vehicles cause a lot of frustration because they can get stuck in the game's awful traffic system. I've had people dead in the houses rotting for weeks despite just building a cemetery down the street. Fucks with happiness and property values.
>posts a fucking tumblr picture
get the fuck out
It's a nice casual version of Sim City, if you just want to build a bustling metropolis and not get punished for making your people happy.