*something something* EMULATION IS BETTER

>*something something* EMULATION IS BETTER

Why has Sup Forums been so retarded this week?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah heh

Sup Forums here, that looks like a NEGRO hand holding the SNES on that box!

Surely they're not only releasing a shitty American SNES version, right?

Who cares? I managed to get a European copy and I'm happy about it.

what? those are good ideas.

Autistic NEETs. That's why, OP.

You know when you mock arguments you aren't actually refuting them right?

of course, it's the american version

Why do millenial hipsters feel a need to buy an emulation box?

>stop buying things I don't like
90% of this board has autism, what did you expect

I've seen like 15 threads saying the exact same thing

Are the controllers going to have concave buttons? the pictures make it looks like a pallete swap from famicom controller.

Because if Sony made a PS1 Classic you'd be shitting yourself with rage.

My emulator doesn't come with an OFFICIAL version of Star Fox 2

Same as the original: xy are concave, ab are convex

meanwhile, /vr/ is giddy about starfox 2

Is this your first week here? Just Nintendo drones buying up more outdated shit nothing really new.

It will be dumped in hours after the SNES Mini release, no point in buying

Why do shills still try to advertise here?

The SNES Mini threads have kept drones out of the MH threads, at least.

That shit costs $80. I do want the controller though.

Why would you want those controllers when you can get a superior version for less money?

The American SNES version is objectivey better due to the controller.

>the threads from when it was just announced
Epic win

I want to use it with my Wiimote since I don't have a Classic Controller.

I noticed that earlier. I'm pretty worried they're going to give NA the inferior controller.


it's annoying having constant threads about something that isn't exciting or relevant and only gets talked about because of all the nintendo fanboys on Sup Forums
literally the only thing interesting about this is star fox 2 and even then star fox was never really that good to begin with, it's only interesting that they're making an "official" release after so many years

could've sworn it was released ages ago.

The most complete version out there is a basically finished beta. presumably, the one in the mini snes is done4realz. whatever difference that'll make.

>That'll be $80 for these 2 bug fixes.

ignore nintendo shills and sage. they make these threads because they know how Nintenbros will do any retarded shit with their wallets just to spite common sense

pretty much. but like someone else said, it'll probably be dumped right after it comes out.

Becuase it's Nintendo? They release a new game? It's shit. They release an emulation box like sega? Fuck Nintendo, steal it all and emulate it on a raspberry Pi. You're retarded for spending your money in ways I don't approve.

Are you retarded? The only difference is that the American controller has the shitty blue colours instead of the proper ones that all the games used.

How much for a basic model of rasp pi and what kind user will send me one?

No one will send you one, because it's a meme to shit on Nintendo with the raspberry pi. I guarantee half the fags posting about it don't even have one.

>You're retarded for spending your money in ways I don't approve.
*donating to nintendo for absolutely no reason

And here comes a redditor to prove my point.

>*something something* EMULATION IS BETTER
if you don't like emulators then why are you buying an emulator box

>Minimal, if not outright negative changes
>Will be dumped within hours of release

Worth it

I have a friend that use the Pi3 to play SNES/Genesis/Master System + some old arcade stuff, he use a pretty cool case and I really want one of those very soon

If you don't have an OUYA with kodi and the rom depository installed, I don't know what you're doing.

50 bucks can get you access to basically everything up to and including the PSX

you had no point. You're fully aware that by making this purchase you're encouraging nintendo to shut down emulation sites to make a profit. You're giving money to criminals

>Shutting down piracy sites is criminal now
You redditors and your shitposting is getting old now.

two ibuffalo controllers and a snes case with the pi is probably more than $80.Plus you will probably be able to hack the snes classic anway.

not an argument

I want this thing so much. You fuckers better leave me one!!!!!


They look concave in the OP...

It's actually distinctly an argument. Shutting down piracy websites isn't criminal. Your move atheist.

Sup Forums can't seem to comprehend that there are people out there who have no idea what emulation is.

well i mean that $80 also buys the rest of the console, too

unnecessary assertion of force, especially for personal gain, is criminal in my book. You're welcome to disagree

not an argument, my man:)

uhh, IP law demands companies take steps to protect their own IP or else it becomes public domain, so that's hardly unnecessary.

Also, it's their IP, you aren't entitled to free ROMS of it

>Unnecessary assertion of force
Shutting down piracy websites, isn't criminal. Your turn atheist.

>I'm not entitled to certain combinations of 1s and 0s
what part do you not agree with?

>>I'm not entitled to certain combinations of 1s and 0s

It's summer

>Not agree with
Nobody gives a fuck what you disagree with. Fact: it is not criminal. If you want that fact changed, become the president and change it. Of course you'd have to come out of your basement first you mouth breather

>I'm not entitled to certain combinations of 1's and 0's
Not a fucking argument

let's say, for example, that companies were allowed to censor the books written by muckrakers and being sold to the general public. Do you think this would have made the world better or worse

This, sadly. Never underestimate just how unaware most casuals/normalfags really are.

Sup Forums hates anything new

I would feel like a retard buying that shit when I can buy something way better for that price.

woah where did those goalposts go?

>overpriced piece of shit using outdated, imperfect emulation software
>literally a pi with a snes case (the nes mini was a pi with a nes case)

hey OP

you're stupid

The NA controller also has concave X and Y buttons, which arguably feel better to rest your thumbs on.

Don't know if it's been mentioned, but why would anyone buy this when you can just emulate for free. Pretty sure I'm the first person to mention this. And here's a bonus one: has anyone heard of Raspberry Pi? You can load full romsets from many retro systems onto an SD card. Just wanted to pop in here and make sure you guys are all aware of these points. Haven't seen any of them posted yet. To summarize: you can emulate all these games for free. Just a reminder in case anyone was unaware.


did you really feel the need to put your tripcode on that post

are you literally fucking braindead? you're saying censorship is justified yes? I'm telling you why I oppose your point. I'm telling why corporations should not be allowed to censor. Not that I expected you ninten-drones to actually have a real argument and just say retarded shit like "yo goalposts XD". seriously kys you waste of human life so that the average IQ of the population increases

>you're saying censorship is justified yes?
I didn't say that

what are you saying then? absolutely nothing? oh right you're probably just a shill bumping this thread

But he's right, you're not really entitled to do whatever the fuck you want with a company's goods.

no I just said you weren't entitled to free roms off the internet

If anything the SNES mini shouldn't be relevant on Sup Forums. 99% of people here can, have and will emulate games. It's purely something for retarded consumers. The relevancy of those nintendo cashgrabs on Sup Forums of all places proves that Sup Forums is extremely biased towards any kind of nintendo product and that the title of nintendogaf is rightfully earned.


>Raspberry Pi
Can this meme end already? There are far cheaper and simpler solutions.

what are you 12?

It's their property

It's probably mentioned because an all in one kit is the same price as an SNES Mini, with just a pi being much cheaper.

My htpc connected on the main TV runs all Nintendo games through emulators and roms easily obtained for free on the internet.

Fuck off with that shit.

literally anyone who wants one of these would know enough to know emulation is a thing.

You can't prove me wrong either.

>hurr just break the law it's easier!

not an argument

Which is? Raspberry Pi has such extremely low priced products that you can build a fine emulation box with no more than 10$.

its literally using the same motherboard as a the raspberry pi you beta faggot

Sup Forums likes to display their $200 Ubisoft collector's edition statues in their living rooms, but pretends they don't want this funtional piece of nostalgia.

How does nintendos emulator compare to snes9x and Higan?

>I abide by the law when it suits my argument
Fuck off. With a pearly white vest you don't even belong on reddit, you belong on facebook and nothing else.

So when the fuck is this thing gonna go on sale in the US

get a job

I guaranteed I earn more than you and soon I will make good profits of the SNES mini too.

I'm learning that people who didn't grow up with the SNES don't know this. Having the traditional run button as the concave buttons feels infinitely better. When you're holding down X and then pressing B (or holding Y and pressing A) having the button you're holding be concave and the button you're pressing being convex is something that makes up for the inferior color scheme. It makes the controller feel significantly more responsive and ergonomic.

sure bud

Er, let me rephrase that. X - A and Y - B. Somehow I still mix those up.