Why is Fei Fong Wong considered one of the best protagonists ever?

Why is Fei Fong Wong considered one of the best protagonists ever?

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He isn't that title goes to Vyse.

He is?

he actually got laid

He's a top tier protag because he actually fucks his love interest.

I don't think people do consider him that but he did get laid.
That's something most protags haven't done.

Fei's journey is compelling as hell. 4000 years of love, struggle, creation, destruction.

accepted that was his fault that village went to shit on the first dungeon of the game
he won against the edylord disease hat protagonist in vydia tend to embrace
His edgylord personality is actually smart and cool
helped kids, old geezers, animals
had one of the best parties in RPG story
has Citan and Bart as friends
Fucked Elly multiple times across god knows how many reincarnations
Has a Super Robot
Had a satisfying ending with his girl, adopted cute daughter, and his super robot

so did Cloud. But cloud is considered one of the shittiest

10000 year journey

>so did cloud


Why isn't he mentioned or even referred to in the other Xeno games?

i liked xenogears but never thought much of fei desu
id, bart and billy were cool tho
citan was a fucking faggot

Because Squeenix are fucking idiots.

because his will to fuck his mother was so powerful that it dominated the reality-making powers of a higher dimensional being and caused the events of the game to unfold. he is the will to power(fuck his own mom).

Because Takahashi doesn't actually own anything from Xenogears and he doesn't want Squeenix suing his ass.

What about Caim Argonaut from Lost Odyssey? he had a rough life too and those fucking Dream sequences made me cry like a bitch more than once.
>because his will to fuck his mother
Please explain.

>so did Cloud. But cloud is considered one of the shittiest
that only happened after the expanded universe of Advent Children. before he was loved alot

I didn't play lost odyssey I don't own Xbox systems

>please explain

try playing the game

Technically, with Takahashi at Nintendo - a joint project with Square isn't unreasonable. However, Nintendo wouldn't let him publish a game with that much religious imagery nowadays.

There is a boy in Xenosaga 3 who looks exactly like him.

watch the game's opening cinematic senpai

ok will do.

don't forget L who's a reference to fei

Because most of his story is told in text form instead of some shitty cg animated video.

>citan was a fucking faggot
pleb tier opinion

Really? I haven't beat the game yet. I suppose I need to use him now.


Cloud got cucked by Sephiroth

In the Advent Children DVD directors cut it comes with a script of the movie (useless) but also a mini novel of the world

Basically Tifa is in bed with Sephiroth when she and Cloud talk on the phone


This is now a ps1 jrpg thread.

Also discuss the best ps1 jrpg, breath of fire IV.

I'm a big sucker for music box tunes in vidya

A lot of people hate it but I love Chrono Cross

I don't think people hate chrono cross as a game, but they hate it as a sequel. It's one of those sequels that kind of undermines it's predecessor.

Very pretty game for a 3d ps1 game, also has maybe the best soundtrack ever made for a game.

Dunno, but Elli was my first hentai search way back when

Because his name was the most fun to say, obviously.

I never played the original so I guess I didn't get the full picture of the story but man do I love the way the game feels and plays best overworld music ever.

Under the airship. If you dated Tifa instead of Aeris, Tifa and Cloud fuck. This is especially creepy when Cid and Red XIII make a comment on it.

Childhood is dating Aeris.
Adulthood is realizing Tifa makes more sense.

How old was Tifa then? I thought she was a teenager.

Was Sephiroth smashing that underage pusy

This is an actual scene. It happens before northern crater. Tifa freaks out and says "You saw?!" she runs to the front of the ship and kneels down in embarresment.

what are the chances this survives the remake?

Tifa is 20 in ff vii, 22 in advent children

What are the chances of anything surviving the remake? FF vii was a cartoony game with exagerated Looney rooms animation, I.e. Barret throwing wedge at the camera, Elena missing her punch and rolling down a mountain. None of that Will make it.

Is this for reals? you're trolling right.

Fei Fong Long Dong actually got laid unlike any other effeminate pussy boy jrpg hero.

Vyse got to fuck this two girls.

Yo what game?

I want to finish this game but the gameplay isn't doing much for me. Does it get harder or more in-depth as the game goes on? Right now I'm just doing Deathblow after Deathblow to win everything.

Fags like you shouldn't be spoonfed. If you dont know what this is, you don't have the console for it as it's one of the more famous exclusives.

Skies Of Arcadia

Ah thanks man


If you do decide to try it just know that is "old school" in the sense that it has random battles and is turned based and the random battle rate is on the high side.

Because he actually had sex unlike most JRPG protagonists who never scored.

>Ah thanks man
>Oh it's on Dreamcast? That shits older than me! Fuck that!

There's a gamecube version.

Hey no worries I love old school JRPGs

In CC you learn quite a lot of terrible things happened after the events of CT to the characters and world in the game. It may sound autistic but CT wasn't a game people just liked, people fucking loved chrono trigger. Going into CC and not only getting a much different game from CT but learning a lot of those characters you loved died terribly was pretty soul crushing.

That song is fucking beautiful, my second favorite in the game. My first though is life, a faraway promise. It literally brings me to tears listening to it.

Its heavily implied. She has a disgusted look with Sephiroth and she is in his bed with him. Its brief though.

In her 20's


Its the black book

You can buy the set for cheap in english still I think

You're assuming a lot about me user, I love old school JRPGs. This was just something I must have missed growing up

Fuck that. Dreamcast or no. Its like playing Shenmue 2 on Xbox. That's fucking gay.

Alright you were nice. M

Than go for i user you won't regret it.Also if you haven't you might want to try Grandia 2 which happens to have another cool protag and one of the most underrated girls in all of gaming.
So should I try Chrono Trigger?
I'll check it out user thanks.

Thanks dude I've heard good things of Grandia 2

>I'll check it out user thanks.
Its fake

Dont bother. Its not in the novel. Also the novel is shit.

Why are SoAfags so annoying? Listen I don't mind discussing the game, it's a fine game, but I feel like if someone just posts something dumb like "X is the best Y in jrpgs" just as a simple discussion starter some SoAfag comes and writes a essay on why the whatever from SoA is the fucking best thing ever made.

>So should I try Chrono Trigger?
I would say you shouldn't be able to post about jrpgs unless you have played chrono trigger. Play it user, it is only 20 hours long and pure jrpg bliss.

No problem man.
Thanks for the heads up.

Why are you faggots so sour?

You'll probably be disappointed by Chrono Trigger if you take what people tell you about it at face value.

It's a good game, but it doesn't even crack the top 10 when it comes to SNES JRPGs. If you go in expecting more than "'average", you'll probably be disappointed.

Top 5 jrpgs from ps1?

>But cloud is considered one of the shittiest

By who? Some hipster faggots who think Terra or Squall are better, despite being just as bad if not worse?

SoA has a annoying fanbase, don't be part of it.
Sound like a contrarian. It's not my favorite snes jrpg, that would be dragon quest V or earthbound personally, but if you think chrono trigger is average you have genuine shit taste.

>is butthurt about killing
>chooses a career which involves a lot of killing
Yeah nah, Kaim was a pussy and a faggot.

>SoA has a annoying fanbase, don't be part of it.
user I love SoA but I also know the game is far from perfect as a matter of fact I think Grandia 2 was a better game.

Breath of Fire III
Breath of Fire IV
Dragon Quest VII
Saga Frontier
Saga Frontier 2

The two Parasite Eve games are good too.

>actually considering that fanfic tier compilation garbage canon


My list would look something like:
Chrono Cross
Vagrant Story
Valkyrie Profile
I'm probably forgetting some.

t. Cloud

I don't get it either. I'll give it props for doing the 3D sailing gimmick before Wind Waker but it was otherwise nothing special. Even the battle system was slow and lacked depth even when compared to most Final Fantasy games at the time.

Estelle is the real best JRPG protagonist.

Any more? Ill go play those next when im done with my replay of Dino Crisis

Well, the other user may have been an ass about it but he's most likely right in assuming you never had a Dreamcast then. Or a Gamecube. Skies of Arcadia is one of the more well-known JRPGs for both consoles.

Wait I just realized, are you talking about just JRPGs or video games in general? Because there's like a million other non-jrpg protags that are infinitely better than Fei.

Sorry to say but honestly I'm more of a snes guy personally. Those are some of the ones I genuinely enjoy, if you're curious on one of those feel free to ask. My taste in jrpgs would probably be considered weird by many, for example I have never been able to complete a final fantasy game despite loving jrpgs.

Did fucking Nomura design that shit? Dear god.

I think it came at a time when most jrpgs were going a FFVII route and trying to be all "dark and grim" so having this pretty simple but fun and bright adventure was appealing.

Better then trailsfag or talesfags at least.

I actually downloaded not too long ago the entire SNES library including some english translated games

So fire away, what do you got. I was planning on trying some of them out

Next you'll tell me Tidus getting his head exploded by a blitzball bomb is canon too.

I'm not a huge fan of Vyse's design personally, the weird sleeve thing is dumb, but if you think any of those are on even the same level as Nomura then you need to have your eyes checked.

>skies of shit no one cares about


That's not true either unless all you ever played are Final Fantasy and Xeno games. We were still getting light-hearted, old-school style games like Legend of Dragoon, Legend of Legaia, Grandia etc. hell even Final Fantasy 9.

Not him but what rpgs are you talking about then? Obscureish stuff like treasure of the rudras or what?

First of all play Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger is to jrpgs what SMB3 is to platformers or doom is to FPS. It is the eternal classic that defines it's genre. Start there.

Some other really games are these:
Dragon Quest III (fan translation)
Dragon quest V (fan translation)
Metal Max returns (Fan Translation)
Live A Live (Fan Translation)
Gaia Trilogy (action rpgs if you like those)

Sadly a lot of these great games were left in Japan, fortunately fans have translated a lot of great games.

Neither of them are as bad as this though.

Also forgot the criminally underrated Dark Cloud and Golden Sun.

It's not that I only like obscure stuff, I fucking love dragon quest, it's just I'm very picky about my jrpgs and what I like.

>Why is Fei Fong Wong considered one of the best protagonists ever?
Who says this...

Looks like Auron's legit homosexual brother.

Lufia II is another great SNES rpg to try.