Argus 7.3
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I miss MoP, bros...
Weren't they just weaklings who were stuck on the other side of the portal?
What kinda mount you want?
It's over
Legion confirmed last expansion
I don't see Sargeras.
We'll be going underwater to rape Azshara after this
If i remember correctly, they are khadgar friends, so of course they will be pretty strong thanks to plot armor.
>The unmaker
>No sagaras
Lol, sure is bud
Holy shit that looks fucking cool. I wish I cared about WoW again, but that's probably some low chance drop from a faggy raid.
Nah, we still have that comic with Anduin wayyyyy in the future about to fight a final battle with the Legion. If anything, we put a serious halt into their war machine.
I assume it would be too much to ask of blizzard for sylvanas to be involved in this fight
>Argus the unmaker
Are we fighting the planet itself?
Imb4 argus is the planet sargeras was born from, like azeroth being a planet/titan, and killing argus kill sargeras.
>Thry finally show Alleria and Turalyon, years past the point where WoW is worth giving a fuck about
Argus Old God
Sargeras probably is somewhere in that fight just not a direct boss (Thank God)
Turalyon is the guy who got draws power from the fact that he believes the orcs should go back to Outland. How did that guy ever come to lead an interstellar army
It's probably another Titan Sageras has been corrupting.
Hes gonna get hit by one of sargeras aging rays, like khadgar did.
>The only thing that interests me in the game post-catalclysm is the raid content
sad days these are
I want to fuck that Windrunner
Butthurt orc babby detected.
If we can beat an corrupted titan, we can push it a little further and beat sargeras himself.
alleria was already in wotlk wasn't she
Holy shit. WoW is finished. This really is the last xpac.
Vereesa was in WotLK, Alleria has been missing since WC2
>run into room
>Slyvanas doesn't wait for tanks and runs in swinging and screaming and cursing
Try that again?
Because he's a paladin, and Blizzard can't remember their own lore so they forgot he wants to gas the greenskins
When Doomhammer killed Lothar at Blackrock Mountain towards the end of the second war, Turalyon was thrown in this short midlife crisis about why he was able to wield the Light against the orcs. The resolution he came to was that because Orcs are not from Azeroth but from Draenor, they don't belong here and should go back. That gave him the power to continue to fight.
So how did he become the Leader of the Army of the Light that is made up of multiple races from different planets, that takes some serious character development.
>aggramar a titan
>Argus personified
what the fuck are they writing
>yfw Sargeras IS Argus itself
>yfw he was actually born on Argus
Eonar is also the second boss.
what the fuck am I looking at
Didn't Sargeras bisect Aggramar when he betrayed the Pantheon?
nice original character design blizzard
Aggramar is a fucking titan, the second best warrior (sargeras being the first one) and was slayed by sargeras.
Are we going to fight hes reanimated / corrupted body?
If he isnt even the final boss, it is safe to assume Argus is either another stronger titan, or even sargeras himself.
Congratulations to the raid group, you are slaying fucking titans already.
the titan pantheon is presumed dead by sargeras
Looks like an overgrown wrathguard.
None of the current wow audience even know who the fuck they are or their significance
>tfw offscreen character development
sarg is an anti hero now bro
hes all sad about having to make the tough choices and we get to watch as he redeems himself by helping out on a boss fight
>Baine will NEVER EVER get any development whatsoever
>Literally got cut out of Legion
is this the perfect cell version of Lei-shen?
Lol they wouldnt
They did that once and it almost killed the game
Just resurrect him for a raid boss.
No it's not after this you have to go after the VOIIIIIIIIID LOOOORDS who were apparently the real big bads all along.
Prepare for 5 raids and instances of fighting different variations of warlock voidwalker pets that've been in the game since vanilla.
What else can you have after this other than sargeras?
>29 afk lfr babbies watch as 1 mythic raider soloes a literal shit ton of titans for his weekly tokens
>the next day the new expansion opens up
>everyone goes back to killing/dying to random birds/boars/spiders
Where is this from?
Do you have Khaz?
This corruption fetish has gone too far.
Does he wear the inifity gauntlet too?
It didn't work in cata. There was suppose to be a raid to save neptune or whatever the fuck from that squid. and they couldn't figure a way to do an underwater raid/boss fights.
Azshara and Nzoth after sieging all the power of Azeroth
The Void Lawds
Makes me think of Galactus.
at least we have alleria lewds to look forward to.
because she was totally involved in killing Arthas, who tortured her to the brink of death, several times, and then enslaved her. Its not like she bitched out and said he was too powerful and ran away and let the "heroes" take care of it.
def not user
That reunion with Sylvanas is going to be akward.
WoW is for faggots, not vidya
Oh boy, a long-eared human to wank to! How different!
Get some taste, faggot.
How many people left playing that abortion actually played Warcraft 2?
Really awkward.
About 3 people
Started with WC2 and ended with Burning Crusade.
Jesus Christ how horrifying
Oh shit Turalyon and Alleria? I've been away from WoW for a long time, but I heard Turalyon was "dead" in this expac, has he already been revealed or is this a leak?
Shit's got me pumped, not enough to fucking buy the expansion but I do still love me some Warcraft lore.
hey, deathwing lemme borrow your jaw
>most of the wow playerbase thinks its the only game in the series
he literally has to turn his whole body if he wants to look from side to side
Is he being double corrupted or something, the fuck is up with that arm?
>Aggramar has been corrupted.
>Argus is also a titan
>We are going to kill fucking 2 titans in a single raid (probably with buffs from the other uncorrupted titans, like in the Dragon Soul Raid)
>Then there is Dark Naarus and Void Alleria shenanigans.
Oh God, my sides.
pretty sure that's him being punished by Sargeras for fucking up previously
I played RTS games from the age of 6 to 14 but I played WoW before I knew WC was a thing
Don't ask how it happened
>People actually pay attention to Warcraft "lore"
Color me surprised.
Skin is stripped away and that's muscle, I'm assuming.
Of all the demons to get VOID'ed, Dreadlords fit best(Considering Voidwalkers are already Void). Half their schtick is shadow magic.
Also and
Yeah but its a lot shorter than the other one
He betrayed the legion, so i guess they are torturing the fuck out of him now.
Three titans, Eonar is also a boss.
the boss fight takes place in his jail cell
It used to be good
>Eonar FEL'd SFM
She doesnt look corrupted, but i just found the boss list.
What the fucking fuck. How the fuck is a bunch of nobodies purging the entire pantheon.
Nah, that was an undercover operation to open up another Legion Portal in the Undercity and using the Wrathgate to distract everyone. He didn't actually kill Balnazzar or Detheroc.
Sargeras or Kil'jaeden were obviously not pleased at his botched attempt. This could be him in a tortured state, but unleashed anyway because Azeroth's heroes are literally on their doorstep.
you mean greened
its a reskinned quillen
>bunch of nobodies
You haven't been paying attention, have you?
First patch In years I've ever gone wide eyed and cum in anticipation for
Betrayed? Didn't he try to summon some Legion agents the last time we saw him in WotLK, after wrathgate? He was undercover the whole time when he was Sylvannas bitch.
>bunch of nobodies
they're just going to put an important lore guy here and you'll be helping him (doing basically everything), canon
>The champions of a planet
Yes, they are a bunch of nobodies
Your forgetting that every player now wields literal superweapons and have literally every type of soldier in azeroth under their direct command
Fuck, i miss farting around in the forrest worrying about bandits and spiders
They're reskinning a fucking vanilla WoW model for Eonar? It's the maiden from uldaman. Wtf.