
Can someone explain why the hell anyone plays the game?

THe whole is basically clicking on something and watching it happen, if i want 99 strength i basically just click on some monsters hours and hours a day doing mind numbing games, and if I want to buy an expensive sword i repeat the same action over and over again, why the hell do people play that garbage?

At least play a real game like csgo, or some other game that iis at least fun and takes some skill to play

whocares play Sup Forumsscape

>At least play a real game like csgo, or some other game that iis at least fun and takes some skill to play

>RS3 is shit
>OSRS exists, but the community is dead and they didnt include the run energy update


sometimes a mindless timewaster is exactly what we want


So do people only play this game because they liked it when they were younger, and have nostalgic fun with their old buddies, or can you go into it completely new and have fun?

Why would you play a private server when there's a legitimate legacy server?
I'm honestly curious

>At least play a real game like csgo
terrible bait

it's a very simple 3d mmo, some aspects of combat/skilling/exploration/questing are considered fun, especially the earlier ones.

for autists that just care about 99s it's mostly a cookie clicker, but it's a weeks long journey before you're even caring about that. it might be your cup of tea.

Sup Forumsscape is a good place to scope out if you want to get into osrs or rs3, but they're all basically different games.

the private server has none of the content released past 2007. it has no GE to begin with. also free membership? osrs only becomes an automatic bond producer after you've spent several weeks grinding to get that money going, or spending actual cash. RS3 is also a thing.

>legacy server
>that has the absolute worst parts of newscape and beyond shit custom content that was never in old runescape

Runescape, both versions, are the only MMOs and maybe the only games in existence with actual quests, ones that mix story, lore delivery, and gameplay.
OSRS is an autistic grinding sim for people who are either too stupid to understand the new combat system and ride off of nostalgia, or people who for some reason hate the microtransactions in RS3 but still want to give money to the company who put them there.
RS3 has its flaws but is a much better game, mostly due to having much more content, and the different combat system actually makes combat something other than protection prayer and AFK.

OSRS feels like a private server now

>tentacle whip
>rune defender
look at this champ

I love Runescape because it is click-only and rarely requires focus unless you want to go full effeciency. Meaning I can do it while doing pretty much anything else. Right now I'm doing agility while watching youtube while playing some random steam games.

it pretty much is, with the player-ran polls and repolls
private servers are closer to older legacy rs

>enjoyed playing OSRS for the first year it came out, getting back to what made runescape fun again

>they add GWD
okay, I can live with that
>they add the G.E, unbalanced shit, stupidly easy new training methods that don't get fixed for 18 months

>the entire game is now populated by powernerds who consider any aspect of the game that isn't grinding an exp waste, and all the bizarre fucking custom content crapped out by the b-team litters the world

oh okay

All I wanted was 2007 runescape.

Just play Sup Forumsscape then, it's literary that.

>the entire game is now populated by powernerds who consider any aspect of the game that isn't grinding an exp waste

this isn't new

People actually talked to each other 10 years ago.

>Can someone explain why the hell anyone plays the game?
Nobody should be playing this game in 2017, that much is true.
But in 2004-2009 it was arguably the best online experience you could get. A product of its time. The community is what made the game, and the quests were well written. I personally liked the in game music as well.

>The quests were well-written and are still unique to this day
>You had things to do in literally every single corner of the world even at higher levels
>If you so wanted to you could be entirely self-sufficient
>The game was very AFKable, most activities require you to stay in a small area.
>Weekly updates and constant contact with the developer team.
This just all combined into a rather easygoing community where you could chat with people without playing the game worse, as it was mostly just AFK.

>THe whole is basically clicking on something and watching it happen
The whole game is social interaction and trade.

But yea 3.0 is not worth playing anymore because they did everything they could to remove those two elements from the game.

Can someone explain why the hell anyone plays games?

THe whole is basically pushing buttons and watching it happen, if i want to finish a game i have to push buttons for hours and hours doing mind numbing games, and if I want to buy an expensive game i repeat the same action over and over again, why the hell do people play that garbage?

At least play a real game like football, or some other game that iis at least fun and take some skill to play.

its fun when you start hacking and make everyone go apeshit

It would be fucking dead if not for the updates. The game would've never survived off nostalgia alone.
Granted, I don't exactly like where it's heading currently but it's a whole lot better than just letting it die.