What is the most addictive video game you've played?

What is the most addictive video game you've played?

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Monster Hunter

Smash bros in general.

csgo. I'm a sucker for skins.

Reminder that smoking is a patrician-tier hobby.

eve online.

it was a great 3 years then an awful 1

what you smoking man. im tolling with menthol filters because im queer apparently

WoW, not even a question

I only go for the best, senpai.

Diablo 2 and Median XL


Stellaris, but I had to mod the fuck out of it.

I haven't played it, but EverQuest, from what I've heard.

dota, get me off this shit.

Dota 2

Crusader Kings 2

>Marlboro Reds
muh nigguh

>Sim City

this can make days disappear

My *cough cough* muh *wheeze* ni- *coughs blood* my niggas

SS13 by far.
That shit is like video game crack.
Got to the point I was dreaming about playing it.



>world of borecraft
>Chase the dragon of vanilla like gameplay for years
>Never get anywhere near it

Ffxi online. That game is like crack, got something like 17000 hours and the one character

I spent years on Ragnarok Online. It was mainly because I had more of a social life in the game than outside of it and ended up getting in to a long distance relationship with another player which resulted in her and I losing our virginities to each other. Shit was SO cash.

World of Warcraft when I was still in high school. I have a hard time keeping my interest for more than week now.

Did you have a wet dream about getting banned by badmins?

Binding of isaac Rebirth (with or without AB+)

>addictive video game
low drop rate
capitalism (auction house)
subscription (or PLEX whatever)
ingame gambling
mind-numbing grind
achievements ("achievements")

who here /99runecrafting/?

Runescape. I finished all the free quests back around 2006 or so. Took a break for a few years and saw it went to shit. I even tried out membership, but it just isn't the same.

football manager

WoW. Still occasionally have withdrawal symptoms. Been free for two years now.

Not even black, and I prefer menthol. Mixing tobacco and pot is nice, too.

inb4 DUDE


I missed this barely, I played the pen and paper tabletop, and then got into WoW a bit later.

I want to rape elves, am I a bad person?

Sounds pretty normal to me. Some might even say it's Vanilla

>quit like seven years ago
>it's obviously fucking disgusting and horrible in every way
>still miss my red 100's
How'd they make such a perfect cigarette? Literally nothing can compete.

The game I have the most hours is in GTA V. 1600 hours
I would say 600 to singleplay and the rest online
1000 or so on PS3


Came here just to post this. Going to a tourney on Saturday. Shit is like crack.

Winston's motherfucker


As someone who smoked weed for two years straight, spliffs are awful. Especially when you take a hit out of a White Owl expecting bud.

this, in that i barely have fun anymore when i play it but still put several hundred hours in each game and feel uncomfortable if i don't play it for long stretches of time

>two years straight
damn dude that's wild

Rhythm heaven I can just start it up any time and I would waste my entire day on it.

Not really. All I did was sit around watch 2001 A Space Odyssey a bunch. Gave me much needed perspective on life though.

What's this?

Animal Crossing New Leaf, played it every day for 4 months, for hours at a time.

Also every bethesda game since oblivion I've put at least 3,000 hrs on each. Hell oblivion may be 5,000 hrs. I also played them mostly on the 360.

>Gave me much needed perspective on life though.
Go on.

>Sim City
>Age of Empires 2
Those are some of the games that almost made me repeat a year at school

Seconded, it's the only game I consistently come back to every couple months whenever I get the itch to hunt. Right now I'm trying to charm snipe a Power Coat +10 charm and I don't want to move my RNG at all so that save is suspended from play indefinitely. I need to crack down on it and just grind it out over a weekend, but I really don't have the heart for it right now.

Civ 5
Mount and Blade

X-Com, probably.

>marlboro reds
>babby's first cigarette

American Spirit Blacks here.

>Smokers will cease to exist within your life time.
>There will no longer be a tobacco industry by the time you're an oldfag.

My first cigarette. Smoked those for like 6 years, went through a newport phase, now I smoke turkish royals.
To answer OP's topic once I turn on ROTK13 I have a very hard time putting it down.

Civilization series for me.



Thee is lterally fuck all worth while in SP after the story, what did you do for 600 hours?

Feels liberating, man

>smoke 5-8 reds a week, no more than that, whenever i have a nice coffee or when im relaxing
>more than pleasant and have developed no addiction after years
>all these self righteous faggots debating me whenever i light a cigarette getting btfod left and right which makes it even better
>tfw picking up smoking made life better

SquadTD on StarCraft 2 arcade

maybe modding or recording

Ragnarok online

I feel like there will be some sort of small niche for it.

>user this delusional


Halo 2/3 multiplayer in its prime

Are you me?

Although admittedly since I moved out a few months ago I've been smoking more mainly because I have no job and get bored as fuck sitting around the house

You're post reminded me how god tier pacing out cigarettes is, thanks man

Halo 3. Custom games kept bring me back and i played it consistently for a good two years. Met some nice people who i'll probably never talk to again except one who I still keep in contact with.

Dark Souls was also pretty addicticing, I played it so much that when I was going to school in the morning, the light from the sun reminded me of anor londo and I was imagining a knight combat rolling.

Lol I usually only buy a pack when I'm going to a party or meeting up with people and I end up chainsmoking a shit ton and giving alot to friends/randos.

i'm sure your lungs are also better

I'm sure you'd be able to quit at any time.

World of warcraft
Quitting drugs was easier than quitting that game.

I could, yeah

Occasionally when my pouch runs out I leave it a few weeks/month before getting a new one because Im not that desperate

dota 2

it's been almost a year since i quit playing and watching esports, and i still think about it and keep up with the patch notes and occasionally have a dream involving it

Winston tastes good like a cigarette ought to.

age of empires 2 cba mod

>want to play addicting games
>end up getting bored with everything due to having an overachiever complex

Smoking cigarettes is for queers. Real me smoke cigars.

My boy. So many games with ~60% completion, I can't help getting overwhelmed near the end.

If you see this user I beat the story about 5 times
And then I modded it and just literally drove around in nice cars and looked at the scenery.

Realm of the Mad God.

As much as I hate to admit it, League of Legends for me. Started in Season 3 and have like 1400 matches already.
The weird thing is I only play it in every few months. I play it for 5 months every day, and then suddenly lose all interest for the next 5 months.
I got to Gold this season in February and haven't played since.

Any game that has a definite power cap, by which I mean a point where you can't get any more powerful, but it takes a long as shit time to get there.

Specifically games like Borderlands, Diablo, Torchlight, it's like fucking crack.

Mah nigga, blues and dark greens are cool too

Fighting games in general

World of Warcraft before it went to shit.

classic 3d platformers like mario 64, psychonauts, spongebob movie game on ps2

WoW. Even when it went to complete garbage with cata took me a while to drop retail. Yet i'm still playing on private servers. Fuck this game.

>The Witcher 3
>Fallout 3
>Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
RIP productivity, especially with FO3 mods

Touhou Pocket Wars 2nd.
>Tons of characters to get to lvl 500, reform and do it two more times
>Necessary to do to get through the mazes
>Need to wait for a quiz to get a costume
>Spend hours rolling for spell cards for each character to upgrade them all to lvl 10
>Entertaining enough to give my full attention if I feel like it, chill enough to watch something else while playing it
I know it's basically a grinding game, but damn if it isn't satisfying

League of Legends, I fucking hated it and still played it for a long time.
Grim Dawn really hooked me in too shit was addictive for me for sure

Overwatch. Loot boxes are like crack but I don't want to spend more money on them so I must play.