Buy a game on sale

>buy a game on sale
>enjoy playing it
>finish game
>go on community site to talk about game, how I liked it and things I would improve to make the game better

Is it just me or are people incapable of accepting criticism about a game they like?

If you want those changes in a game make your own game you white entitle cis scum.

I thought Destiny sucked cock but that's just my personal opinion

The Destiny community is one of the most self-critical ones I've seen, so I'll assume pic unrelated.

its just you

Agreed especially regarding Destiny. Every top reddit post is them self felicitating how awesome they are as a community or how perfect Bungie is.

>The Destiny community is one of the most self-critical ones I've seen
This is literally now at random too.

I also tried destiny recently (complete version). it's fun, playing through single-player is legitimately more fun than anything in the halo series, and that's not even how it's supposed to be played. Destiny 2 on pc is gonna be a blast at 144fps. I was thinking about grouping with Sup Forums so I hope that works out because nofriends.

Eh, I wouldn't put too much stock in that right now. It's a lull period since everything revealed so far has been discussed to death. Now that subreddit is just filled with fanart and stream bullshit until the next big reveal because most of the user base has stopped commenting there.

I'm curious on what you thought made it more fun than Halo. Sure the gameplay is good, but Halo at least had a coherent story and funnier dialogue between characters.

It's like this all year around. The fact that during its dead period you still have self felicitating posts at top tells you something. Any criticism of the game gets you downvoted and mods put them in generals where they can't be discussed. This community is total ass i got banned when I said it was ridiculous that the heavy ammo glitch wasn't fixed 2 years ago when that was a rampant issue.

For me it's a combination of the shooting mechanics and the amazing art design. I also like a good story, but I didn't find that in the halo series either so it comes down to moment to moment gameplay in this case.

I've come to deeply hate the word "entitled". When the No Man's Sky shitshow happened I went to the subreddit and most of the sub was spending all their time calling people who were unhappy with the product entitled, including the many people for whom the game literally wouldn't fucking run.

I wondering if Destiny 2 will prove once again that Bungie can get away with a game that is lacking story and has mediocre content just because it has good gunplay.

>The fact that during its dead period you still have self felicitating posts at top tells you something
How so? When most of the user base isn't there, of course it's gonna be padded with bullshit because the only people left are there sucking their own or Bungie's cock. During the reveals there was plenty of discussion and criticism Bungie when some of the shit that had been demanded for three years (i.e. dedicated servers, 60 fps) was glossed over.

>i got banned when I said it was ridiculous that the heavy ammo glitch wasn't fixed 2 years ago
That's not enough to get you banned. I've literally called people idiots and have been really inflammatory on certain things and I've never been banned. You had to have called someone a faggot or something to get banned there.

No I literally complained that I thought the bug still being there was insane and got banned. Remember one of the reddit admins went on to work for Bungie.

>my england is not the goodest
>nazi readers

once again this shit is there ALL YEAR AROUND

Sure, but that still shouldn't have been enough to get you banned. I've only been banned from the news subreddit, and that's cause I called the mods there out on their bullshit.

People in every forum are gonna complain about "toxicity", regardless of game or site. I only said commented on the fact that nonsense and serf-congratulatory posts are worse when there's very few people left to actually discuss things.

Fair enough.

>Sure, but that still shouldn't have been enough to get you banned
it was what can I tell you?

>People in every forum are gonna complain about "toxicity

Which was the point of my OP. The word toxic has become an empty catch all that basically means "stop saying mean stuff about a game I like" and the Destiny community is rampant with this shit.

This is what happens when you "include everyone"


The forums on bungies site are so bad. They are filled with complete fucking idiots 90% of the time like you can't convince someone that they're actually acting autistic even with proof. It's like trying to talk to an old person about the damn internet

>any other website
>Sup Forums
Really makes one ponder.

no its not. the crying is so bad that bungie ruined the crucible trying to dry the tears

Yes it is. i literally am showing you proof with heavily upvoted posts throughout the games lifespan. You are one of these delusional head up your own ass fucktards that clearly posts on DestinyTheGame.

memes aside. the community is quick to shit on bungie when they fuck something up.
reddit sucks but a large amount of the youtubers call bungie out all the time. a few cucks do suck bungie dick though.

>the community is quick to shit on bungie when they fuck something up.
and then the people who do this are downvoted and buried and regulated to generals where discussion is impossible.

>a few cucks do suck bungie dick though.

no dude. It's the majority. God search the key words I gave above on the subreddit you will see thousands of threads whining about toxic people.

reddit is a meme for a reason. also the gap in gameplay is making people grumpy and they feel the need to defend sinking so much time into the game.

t. somebody who has 5000 hours in the game.

>also the gap in gameplay
Most of the threads I linked to were throughout the years.

I'm going to level with you. I haven't look at your thread. I just look at the first few posts.
and reddit has a super kind of autism about the game, they love it, and the downvote system doesn't let the other side speak. too many shills on rdestiny

>I haven't look at your thread.
Ok perfect ladies and gentleman this is exactly what I am talking about. A sycophant that won't even look at your argument and rush to shut you down because you are criticizing something they like.

bruh, I like the game but I can still find fault in it. I'm still calling bungie a bunch of greedy jews. I'm even calling the community a bunch of fucks who sucks bungie dick. a;; I'm saying is you're looking at fucking Reddit. the biggest meme when it comes to actually talking about the game. if you want to be a cunt about somebody who wants to talk with you about the game you can go fuck yourself.

>I'm even calling the community a bunch of fucks who sucks bungie dick
Great you agree with me then.

I am and I'm not. you're looking one side of it that is very pro bungie, Reddit.
where as let's say destiny gen on /vg/ is much more vocal about how much bungie can suck a dick.
you're looking at one part of the community that is under heavy Bungie moderation.

>I am and I'm not
>I'm even calling the community a bunch of fucks who sucks bungie dick


I enjoy the game but still find fault in it. you seem to enjoy the game but find fault in it. are we not part of the community that dislikes parts of the game?

you can like something but still disagree with other people.

Did you say this?

>I'm even calling the community a bunch of fucks who sucks bungie dick

I see you have no real interest in talking about the game.

My OP was about game communities. Did you even read my OP before commenting? Also can you confirm or deny if you said this it's a simple question?

>I'm even calling the community a bunch of fucks who sucks bungie dick

ITT: Autistic narcissist makes a blanket statement about a whole community when no one accepts his autistic changes he desires in a 3 year old game and Bungie wont notice him either.

>I'm even calling the community a bunch of fucks who sucks bungie dick

Yes or no did you say this why is it hard you cancerous bungie fanboy?