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>trailer literally started with WE
Fuckin memes are getting into my head.

gamergay in a nutshell.

fuck. that actually made me feel weirdly proud

woah...never thought of it that way...


>search origin of pic
How surprising it's fucking reddit.

Neogaf, is that you?

bro you're SO going to HELL for posting that pic mad up votes bro! o7


That was pretty cute.


>i dont know what that is
Jesus Christ, how can you even be THIS causual?

What have women and minorities ever done to deserve my affection?

Wasn't there a version of this image where a guy from Sup Forums put together a bunch of 2011 games to show how generic their box arts are, then someone slapped that quote on that image?

chuckle chicken has something to say to you

heh us vidya lives

Nothing wrong with women in general but minorities can go fuck themselves

>sexism has to exist in video games because boys pay more attention to them than they do me!
>video games have to be sexist because there are female idols who couldn't possibly exist.
Boy fucking howdy, i sure would ever like people to keep their geopolitical grubby hands off my hobby. Its escapism alright?
The world i live in is full to the brim of shitty excuses for humans and i don't want to deal with them for entertaiment. Fucking bowling doesnt get accused of sexism. You know why? NOBODY FUCKING CARES ABOUT BOWLING. Why can't people go back to the way it was when i grew up, where games were just the stuff you did after school or work to pass the time, and not be somones personal fucking war propaganda?


Nice meme

Whoa, makes you wonder who the real monsters are

>this is from a comic where Dobby tries to relate the trials and tribulations of being an """artist"""

this is actually funny

Fucker still shouldn't have taken any pens if he wasn't actually given any permission.

defend this one

wtf I like chiefxsamus now

Someone should edit it so both of the panels next to him are empty


i like that he's more alarmed at the sexy girl than the murder man


reminds me of this

Sounds like American media in general

hey, I can't read that, could you inflate it for me?

How many different size pens do you need to draw eyebrows launching themselves off of a shitty cartoon face?


OH GOD i always post the wrong thumb for that one i need to delete it.

fuck yeah


Courtesy of Sup Forums





needing to be validated is what it means to be a millenial

i get it, shes a bigot who brings on non bigots to talk with her and so she calls her show talking with bigots

Fucking nigger cheated and hacked a gen III mon, thankfully the cop was there to save the day.

Is this loss?


>worldstar mudkip

Do you think the cop will be a good father to mudkip?

Why have white males done to deserve mine?

These are also loss

Despise everyone and everyone. It's the Sup Forums way.

whats it like to look for things that aren't there, nigger?

I don't ask for yours faggot, you're the ones complaining about us not loving you

Hate speech is different than a "call to action" Which is actually a punishable offense. If that audience actually got up and start killing him she'd be to blame under the law
Fucking sjw's still trigger me

but thats not how free speech works

sjws are mentally disabled

Your love isn't worth anything though, so why should you deserve anything?

>that chat
Has Twitch become /ourguys/? Have they finally accepted our meme blessing?

some of these are genuinely cute. i thought the whole
meme was supposed to be sarcastic?

There are probably more """"""minority"""""""" gamers per % of their population than there are white ones, what the fuck is Reddit on about?

yeah and? is there a problem nigger?

Look at how miserable /r9k/ is. People are miserable without the affection of a woman. Our affection isn't worth nothing.

Really fires my almonds

Built literally everything in society and stopped you from living in squalor. You wouldn't even be able to bitch about your precious fucking "rights" if it weren't for white males, cow.

>Chief and Samus

That was actually really cute

Bitch, the very second sexbots become a thing is the moment when no male ever cares about any female ever again.

So... he wants everyone to suck his dick like everyone else? He didn't think this one through.

REALLY makes you think

mary sues are always female though =(

dobson why cant you even trope correctly

That goes both ways though. Females will stop caring about males.


everything from the discovery of fire to the invention of the wheel to vaccinations and every single step civilization has ever taken
youre just walking holes, the only thing keeping man from ignoring you altogether is female anatomy
youre born with tits, an ass and a hole and these things keep life in easy mode for you
look at fat ugly women and how shunned they are by society, you fatties can cry all you want on the internet but this shit will never change
ive had times with women and times alone and i have absolutely no need for female affection at this point in my life
keep preaching your bullshit though, whatever helps you go to sleep at night thinking the guy telling you "i love you" wouldnt 180 out the door if you were less attractive or if a better looking woman gave him a shot at pussy

Chief n Samus was okay

Shit they know our secret.

>white people discovered fire
apex kek

>comics try to pander to SJWs
>no SJWs buy them, because they were never the audience
>SJW comics fail miserably
>now they're begging their old fanbase to give them another chance
This comic is very divorced from reality.

Everyone is educated on this is school, regardless of where you go. Shouting "FIRE" when there is none is not free speech, same as "CUT THE CIS-PIGS' THROATS" is not free speech.

Good, now women can stop pretending to like men too and submit to robocock like the cock gobbling sluts they are.

>ywn push Dobson down a flight of stairs



This can't be real

They never did to begin with. And just being ignored by biological men will hurt them.

>Sup Forums homepage

he's not wrong

>tfw dobson gets one right

no it won't, women want men for social status not for sex

*tips fedora respectfully at you*

Oh yes, I remember when the white male, Nigel Smithson McEmpire, invented fire and patented it so that all us inferior beings would have to pay white people royalties every time we used fire.

Wish the same was true for western game developers.

Dobson has a massive hate boner for Batman despite never reading a comic in his life. He likes to pretend he cares about/reads comics because of SJWs these days.

Does...does he not get it?

what's to fucking like about that Marxist drivel?

He really does suck art wise, it looks like he's just carbon copied everything from those shitty "how to draw manga!" books

The winter soldier was good because it was a character study on captain america, not because of the politics.

>one of the best comic book movies of all time
>actually watching post Avengers cape shit
even then, Raimi's Spiderman, Hellboy and others are way better

This is wrong though. If a movie was full of references to how cool Trump was or how evil the jews are, it'd be just as stupid.

I read comics and watch movies to escape real life, not to be reminded of it.