"When you wear all 3 pieces of Tingle’s Outfit together, they grant you the “Night Speed-Up” effect...

"When you wear all 3 pieces of Tingle’s Outfit together, they grant you the “Night Speed-Up” effect. So please try on Tingle’s Oufit and run around at night."

This DLC is such a huge disapointment to me.


Explain this Nintenjewery, Nintentards.

You know you can have an opinion on something without falling into console wars

>more tingle shit

alright, Nintendo?
we need to have a talk. why don't you have a seat over there, get comfortable and I'll have everyone in the room have their say.

Has it released yet? Thought it was due Friday

Th-thanks nintendo... D-DLC done right...

Nintendo used to have much better DLC. Just look at Mario Kart 8.
BOTW's DLC is really disappointing and lazy.

Does Link have gyno in this game?

Did they really give us the first real trap protagonist?

The Breath of the Wild DLC is the same price as Blood and Wine and has both DLC packs, not just the first one.

keep your disgusting fetishes to yourself, thanks

If you don't have a lot of rupees you can let male npcs ravage Link's asshole for cash

Blood and wine was 15 dollars with 30+ hours of content man.

Classic Nintenbro response.

Everything's okay when Nintendo does it!

Sonic outfit when?

Tfw you pirated the season pass and the game. Fuck you Nintendo.

I'm getting the pass in a bundle so who cares

Yeah, I fired it up this morning for the first time in a few weeks to get familiar with it while waiting for hard mode to drop and it had an update downloading. Fired it up and lo and behold it was the Master Trials dlc

Please tell me they didnt fucking do that......

I bought the Expansion Pass just for that Tingle outfit.

>30+ hours of content man
Is that counting all the sidequests, and taking into account how moronically slow the average gamer is with the simplest of tasks? If we're playing the dumb "hours game", Hard Mode alone is like an extra 100 hours of "content" to BotW.


Would've been better if it gave you a higher chance to find rupees or discounts with the merchants.

Doesn't the Dark Link and Sheika set also just give you speed? wtf.

I bet the joke is "b-but with tingle you get speed in the DAY"


I would be completly ok with this if they used it in a proper way. Tingle has always been about maps and finding treasure so this suit could do something like that.Like buzzing when a chest is near.
MK8 DLC was really Nintendo´s DLC only shining point for me. Everything else seems to be as much shit as you can expect from modern DLC.
>>Start a thread about how much dissapointed I am with Nintendo DLC
Really that's how your brain works, men?
>>-Makes you faster at night-
Yep. And the Fused Shadow gives you Guardian Up. I´m guessing Majora´s Mask gives you Skull Up or some shit...

Woulda been cooler if it replaced hearts with rupees or something

>"I'm delusional, but unaware as fuck. I got no clue why people think I'm salty and retarded."

Do you argue with everyone? Well before they stopped talking to you, Mike? Get off the computer I just saw you on Sup Forums if you stay on mom said she was going to unplug the internet please get off it I need to finish a paper and I know you have to get to summer school early tomorrow, Please just go to bed

Majora's Mask seems to serve the same purpose as Kilton's masks

Leaker here
whatcha all want to know about the hard mode
don't ask for item locations because I didn't even find half of them (tingles outfit was on tingles island duh)

so what happens once you beat it?

Do Gold enemies have their own level of weapons or do they just use tier 3 weapons?

same ending as before

What's the difference between gold enemies and silver ones?

Do you think Aloy is hot?

will this ever be a mod?

faster movement
higher # weapons
resistant to crowd control effects
6000/6000 hp on a lynel and they use bomb arrows

i meant the trial dumbass

your master sword turns glowy and stays 60 damage
why do you even ask that

Does it increase it's durability?


Is that Tintin?

Her name's Aloy. She would kill Link in a 1v1 fight to the death.

Wait what's this guys name again?

Dante from the Devil May Cry series.

Be careful who you make fun of in high school.

i can't ask a question now?

>jerks off to traps
>calls others faggots

Call me a faggot but I'm not a fan of the "fanservice" outfits, they take me out of the game. Especially that Switch shirt, jesus fucking christ what were they thinking. I'd rather have cool new outfits that have unique traits.

BotW feels more and more like the "New Super Mario Bros" of Zelda in terms of setting. Sure there's a few new things but there's a lot of reused shit. All of the races are from previous games, lots of locales are named after places from previous games, etc. The actual unique elements that distinguish BotW's world from other Zeldas are few and far between. Say what you want about Skyward Sword but its setting was a huge departure from previous Zeldas.

>and they use bomb arrows
I hope this is true

Tingle confirmed rapist?

>"Oh, you want a Master Sword that doesn't break? $30 please!"
>You are now aware that Nintendo essentially just sold the Master Sword as DLC
>Nintendo drones will deny this

howcome they only put down the koroks and shrines and not the characters / scenes like they did for the witcher?

why was it made by a biased cuck?

not even worth a (You)

I thought everyone bought the season pass because of the alledged story content they talked about back then, which has now been pretty much confirmed with Song of the Champions.

See left; you can see a bulge

Let's just hope that DLC Pack 1 is a warm-up while DLC Pack 2 will be the real deal, okay?

we're supposed to pretend that doesn't exist to shitpost about paid hard mode

Night speed up so he can make a quick getaway. Very clever, nintendo.

Master Sword doesn't break to begin with.

absolutely not
You cannot rape that which is willing

I don't do pretend that well. Sounds too much like lonely virgings playing house with their dolls.

Oh sorry, "recharge".

Either way, they've literately just sold the Master Sword as DLC.

given that pack 2 has story content and a new dungeon confirmed, that's pretty obviously the case

shut the FUCK up nigger

Literally nobody is saying this is ok. DLC was bad, whatever.

Every platform has games with good and bad DLC, there's no need for console wars.


Why are you so butt blasted user? Did you pay for the Master Sword?

all me

How butthurt was the guy who made this image?

Redpill me on witcher I liked botw, how good is the witcher do I need to play the witcher 1 and 2 to understand the plot?

>i want to burn all grasses at this place lol!
>hey let's chopped down all trees here roflmao!
>i'm gonna mow all grasses here using my sword haha!

>The villagers here seem fear-stricken, it'd better to ask them what's wrong
>I spied a royal griffin over there just now, i'm gonna slay it before it troubles the village nearby
>There's a bloody trail leading to that cave, what kind of monster will I find inside it?

BOTW vs TW3 in terms of exploration

>how good is the witcher
it's good if you play games for the story and graphics
>do I need to play the witcher 1 and 2 to understand the plot
not really

>Hard Mode alone is like an extra 100 hours of "content" to BotW
I mean if you wanna play that way W3 got New Game + in a free update, soooo whatever metric you wanna use, Zelda falls short

Nice try Sonybro

>comparing 30 hours of brand new content to a difficulty level

the irony here when half the time you're literally following trails in witcher instead of exploring anything yourself. Also you basically confirmed what said.

I may pick it up if it I can find it cheap.
How much do you think it is worth?

It all comes down to the second dlc pack really.
I hope there are new enemy types or more water dwelling creatures.

>incoming "b-b-b-but in botw you can t-t-tumble down cliffs! A-a-and lightning strikes!" webms

Was a huge zelda fan back in the day. Fucking huge. A few zelda titles are on my favorite games of all time list.

But when Majora's Mask 3DS came out I didn't finish it. I figured it was because I was busy and in college.

I didn't touch BotW when it came out. I waited until a few weeks ago. I played it. I got past the first shrine, and I said "this is fucking boring". I thought "I don't want to do three shrines to get to 'the open world' when I will be stuck doing this shit for the rest of the game". I put it down. Will it get better after? Maybe, all of my Zelda loving friends loved it, called it GOTY, the game that changed everything. But honestly I'm just not feeling it.

What the fuck happened?

Honestly I feel like the series has lost its charm for me, and honestly maybe Nintendo in general.

It really, really fucking hurts.

ill take linear content that is well crafted and interesting than shoddy boring open world exploration

>why is nobody arguing with me?
>oh please argue with me!!!

BotW is a good physics sandbox
Witcher 3 is a good adventure

>DLC Pack 1 is objectively shit
>you can't buy DLC Pack 2 alone


>I got past the first shrine, and I said "this is fucking boring"
so you played for about 10 minutes?
well, alright.

>What the fuck happened?

Really reachin' kid

It was about an hour or so.

There was literally no music except for a few small pieces and I feel like that didn't help.

if DLC 2 has a lot of content it wouldn't really matter, but unfortunately it seems unlikely given how sparse DLC 1 is (even if a new story quest and dungeon is confirmed for pack 2)

I'm more upset about the file size, and less about the price. My poor Wii U. It's just a Zelda machine now.

>can't buy DLC Pack 2 alone
seriously fuck them for that

So, The Witcher 3 then?

You'll get all the abilities within the first hour, I'm not personally a fan either but it's a low time investment if you just want to get the gist of it

Yes, it does get better.
The creativity and ambushing enemies are the first things that you'll want to try and then the main quest when you get bored of it.

gee it's almost like the game is focused on the sounds of the environment rather than blasting music constantly.
>bragging about taking a whole hour to do 1 fucking shrine
why is Sup Forums so shit at games?

its a fucking soulless shit like every part of europe full of slavs, and comunnism,germany was the only good thing about europe and the only good trace of culture

I got to the Zora divine beast and realized I was really bored and stopped playing, you're not alone.

>like the game is focused on the sounds of the environment

Bitch I didn't even hear a fucking bird. It was silence except for some stock wind noises.

>bragging about taking a whole hour to do 1 fucking shrine
I was shitting around in the map before hand too because I thought that the game was supposed to be about exploring so I tested the waters.

>literal assassins creed tier glowing objectives power