"Ok user, you get on game, one drink, and two snacks"
Half-life (will copy&crack on my pentium 2)
coke, doritos and hershey
you dun goofed
Superman 64, water, no snacks mom :)
I really don't think giving that choice to a 3 year old is a good idea. Think I had Hercules on vhs and some other shit like Toy Story so I was fine with those for movies and had Super Mario for snes. Might have had Aladdin on genesis or whatever it was on.
My life was fucked from the start.
Castlevania legacy of darkness
WCW/nWo Revenge
Pokemon Snap
>implying my parents could afford to get me more than just a game every other week or something
I wasn't even born yet
What's Blockbuster? This thread should really be on /vr/ thx
Sarge's Heros
Sour Gummi Worms and Popcorn (for the movie we also got)
We mainly went for movies.
Parents picked out one for them, us kids got one or two.
The games weren't a no no, but it was like every other time kinda deal.
If I had to guess why, it was because they were probably a lot more expensive.
Turok 2
Wonka Fundip
Baby Bottle Pop
Cream Soda
I understand the concept of a video store is obsolete these days, but fuck do I miss the experience of going to one.
>two snacks
haha for me this was 1989
Me too. We went pretty much every weekend. It was such a fun thing. I always looked forward to it.
>You can't get that game because it looks evil
Two bags of reeses peices
>you will never have kids and take them to a blockbuster and relive your childhood vicariously through their joy
>you realise that there's a 50/50 chance this poster is actually 18
>you can't get that game. It looks too violent.
The fuck is this?
You got food back home.
Have you remembered to thank your mom for making you into the fat slob you're today?
What are you a fucking prisoner? Is josef fritzl your dad?
Snowboard Kids 2
>No snacks, we're having pizza tonight!
>you're today
I can still smell the inside of a Blockbuster store. So many great memories.
Except for that time we got Superman 64.
Oh wow, so I'm not the only one who had christfag parents that wouldn't let me get any games lol
>That excitement when you drive up to your movie rental place
>row after row of movies and vidya
>that indoor plastic fresh smell
>spending your Friday or Saturday night with movies and snacks
>a few days of a new vidya
Good shit.
i got married in 1999
Holy shit are you old, get the fuck out. My parents got married in 92' I was born in 93'
No snacks or drinks. Just give me Flashback for a week. And can you make me some nachos when we get home, please?
We'll be actually old, eventually.
Eventually the year 2060 will hit most of us will probably still be alive, who knows what'll have happened by then.
this. I never got snacks and shit from the movie store since they cost so much
I loved going to video stores. I worked at Blockbuster in 2007 when the Weinsteins were gonna save the company lmao.
>Perfect Dark
>Dr. Pepper
>Reese's Cup Kong size
>tfw parents were like that for me when I was a kid
>now near thirty
>visiting parents
>they had another kid when I was like 20
>little brother is 10 now
>cod, doom, and all the latest twitchbait shit
>he's like every caricature of annoying only screechy kid I've ever seen
>older brother and i at blockbuster
>enough money for 1 movie
>while brother picks movie, waltz over to the gumball machine
>pop in quarter
>out pops gumball with FREE RENTAL printed on it
>grab copy of road rash 3
>"put that back. we're only getting a movie
>point to magic gumball
>go to check out
>tells cashier we're only getting the movie and we have a magic gumball to pay for it
>brother spends movie money on cigarettes on the way home
The Warriors
Quake II (N64) for me and a bro
Cream Soda
Pizza, fuck snacks
Man that fucking sucks, I was an only child and I'm 24 so we'll see what happens.
My buddy and I played Mortal Kombat II and III for a couple years before his parents randomly flipped through a copy of Tips & Tricks we left out that showed the game included blood. Sold the games, threw out the magazines and cancelled the subscription.
What kills me is look how we fucking turned out, even fucking worse for being sheltered.
>Megaman X2/3
>strawberry licorice and smartfood cheddar popcorn
>barqs rootbeer
EXCELLENT period in muh childhood
Gee why does OP's mom let him have 2 snacks
Your parents became weak and gave in. Although you felt stifled, your parents were right to regulate the content you consumed. Our modern parenting is suffering from a lack of discipline.
>tfw one time we got a candy at the movie theater my brother threw them up
>after that week they never sold that candy again
i miss those cherry ball things, FUCK
I had a Hollywood video store down the street from me that was one of our go-to's.
It, of course, died.
Though, after a year (possibly two) a company bought it and it turned into a used DVD/Music CD/Video Game store.
It was more or less the same shit, and I went there pretty frequently because it gave me that nice little bit of nostalgia.
Built up my DVD collection there, but I stopped playing console games by then.
It went under early 2016 ;_;
>you are now realizing they were right for waiting to give you access to violent games until you were older
>he got drinks and snacks
Well look at this silver spoon motherfucker.
Spyro the Dragon, Sprite, Fritos, and watermelon Laffy Taffy (with seeds)
It hasn't been that long since they all shut down has it?
> asking your parents for drugs
>Half-life (will copy&crack on my pentium 2)
woah dood r u like a hacker or somthin?
>not asking your parents for drugs
>until I was older
LOL I had to move out before I coukd play games they didn't approve of. Most "classics" Sup Forums experienced as a kid, I had to wait until I was 16 to emulate on my pc, or pirate them. Then I got caught and had to deal with 6 more years of my parents going through my shit on a constant basis because of the lack of trust. Moved out 2 years ago and never looked back.
RUSH 2049
Mountain Dew
Kit Kats
Stunt tracks all day let the caffeine and sugar guide you
cna i get this? it looks fun
a tube of pringles and a bottle of dr pepper too
I wasn't a dump child.
My parents weren't retarded.
We went to to the mom and pops rental places and rented games at a third of the price.
I forgot about this game
Holy fuck I miss it
Noone patents were rich enough to get a snack user.
>cheaper than large corporations
What topsy turvey town did you grow up in?
Fuck you, everybody was rich/middleclass in the 90's
Midwest america.
There is a reason Blockbuster went out of business. That reason was they were severely over priced compared to pretty much everywhere else. They just looked nice.
F-Zero GX
Some kinda fruit juice or root beer
Snickers or Reese's. (only one)
I missed the early rental days. (Born in 1998), I do remember winning a years worth of rentals from Hollywood Video when I was 5. I would get a GameCube game from there but I never used the December one because I was always out of town for Christmas break.
Man, I remember the Summers I would walk down to Blockbuster and rent Banjo Kazooie. Fuckin' 99 cent rentals, man. I still remember playing Pokemon Stadium at a demo kiosk there and buying Snowboard Kids 2.
God all this makes me want to do is go to family video.
Sorry to hear that. People can be so scumy at times
>Megaman X2
Mah Nigga
>There is a reason Blockbuster went out of business.
That reason was not adapting to the internet, Netflix and earning a horrible reputation in the customer service department. The reason they got so big to begin with was by streamlining the retail/supply chain processes, forcing out local competition by charging less while offering larger stock, and aggressive acquisition.
Was your town tiny or something? Sometimes they, and businesses like them, fail in small population areas because, while still profitable, are not profitable enough to appease investors.
The fuck kind of concentration camp were you living in?
2 games, 2 movies, snack and drink masterrace and I grew up a poorfag without cable.
What time are we showing up? This is key to what is actually available.
Most good gamers were gone by 8:30
no because I'm 19 nearing 20 and I was at least 8 when the one next to me shut down.
>tfw when your stepfather was the one who taught me about piracy way back when
>still have a copy of Win7 Pro he pirated on my main PC
>remember when he first saw me pirating,he was sort of proud of me
Kingdom Hearts 2, Mountain Dew, and no snacks. I was two years old in 99. Damn I miss walking around and discovering shit. I remember renting Sailor Moon when I was a kid, that was probably my first anime when I think about it.
>tfw lived next to blockbuster
>tfw poor
>tfw it shut down when I started making good money
Wow you must be underaged, time to leave
My mom never let me buy snacks at blockbuster.
How well do video game rentals do today?
This post actually makes me sad. Kids will just be stuck in their phones all day :(
I don't live in a city. and I won't live in what I would expect a village to be.
My town is large enough for me to not recognize 90% of the people I see any given day of the week while walking down the street. takes like 25 mins to drive from one end of two to the other.
Regardless we had two mom and pops stores and one blockbuster. the only thing blockbuster had over the mom and pops places is a new selection by about 2 weeks. But the M&Ps had a larger selection since blockbuster threw out most of their stock ever 6 months and the M&P stores nabbed them. Only the overly rich families ever bothered with Blockbuster. They only time I ever went to the get something was to "rent" a 360. in which I replaced it with my RRoD 360 and gave it back to them for a refund. Which RRoD in a few weeks again because that console was built to die.
>Rarely get new games unless I sell/trade old ones or wait until my birthday or Christmas
>Get to rent games every now and then
>Mom always forgets about them and I end up getting to keep them
>Every time they call she sides with me and says we returned it and that she's sick of them harassing us
>They just give up
>I now have a decent collection of n64 and Gamecube games but feel guilty as hell for almost getting my mom in trouble
>Tell her about it and she just laughs and says I have to do extra chores for a while
>Also that we're only renting games from Schnucks or Hollywood Video from now on and actually returning them
My mom was too based, even if she could get a bit weird I still appreciate how cool she was. She disciplined me when I needed it but let other things slide. I think she realised how much video games meant to me back then since we were always moving around and it was hard to keep friends like that, especially since it was a better alternative to how my brother was dealing with it. Thanks for making a weird childhood a little less tough mom, I love you.
>two snacks
fuckin fatass
if it were 2001, I'd get code red
but, original works fine
anyone who didn't say reese's pieces is a fucking moron
>americans are so fat they literally cannot go more than 4 minutes at a time without multiple snacks
>Blast Corps
>Buncha Crunch
>assblasted europoors being angry about Americans again
Mine shut down around 2010 so yours was probably just in a shitty area. Now it's a fucking anytime fitness and I'm sad because my Publix next to it left and became a Food Depot. It's sad seeing shit change after being there so long.
>buying snacks and drinks at blockbuster
grocery store was cheaper and had better variety
>Publix left
the worst of feels, my dude, I'm sorry
I was partial to those cookie dough bites, actually.
We'll compromise, you can get that game but you have to get a tube of dr pepper and a bottle of pringles.
there was a grocery store near the movie theater I went to as a kid that had a section literally named "theater snacks"
I'd buy a box of buncha crunch for 99 cents and sneak it in to see spider-man or whatever
>not going to blockbuster for movies exclusively
pleb kids
That too, you smuggle in the candy but buy drinks and popcorn because they have refills.
I literally don't even know where to rent videogames if I wanted to
>Mom worked at Blockbuster when I was younger
>We got 5 free rentals a week
>Always had new games to play
>Even rented a PS2 when they first came out
>It was also probably one the shittiest jobs she had.
>All but one manager were basically brain damaged most days
>the customers were also assholes
>tons of shoplifters and the management got upset if you let them just walk out, but also didn't want the cops involved, so the only way shoplifters got caught is if the employees made them stop
>one manager stole a DVD player in broad daylight, other management didn't want to press charges and make a scene, so he got away with it
>he got fired for walking out with an armful of stolen gameboys later
>other stores in the area frequently had their employees shoplift from Blockbuster and then sell the stolen games
I'm amazed they stayed in business as long as they did to be perfectly honest.
I only got to keep Hitman Contracts, Superbad on dvd, Rachet and Clank Going Commando from fucking over Blockbuster. Don't have either game anymore but I did manage to buy a copy of KOTOR 2 for Xbox from one going out of business.
that legit upset me...
>ywn know that feel