What is the single most disappointing game you've ever played?

What is the single most disappointing game you've ever played?

The pain will never leave me for as long as I live.

No, that would be Halo 2.

Halo 4

>Slightly below average souls game at launch that was made just above average with patches and DLC is the most disappointing game you've ever played

Can't say you've played very many games at all then


Bioshock Infinite

Daikatana or Prince of Persia Edgy edition.

At least when Jak and Daxter went edgy it was good, PoP went from GOTY to absolute shit.

I can tell that this person has a messy download folder

The one in your image op

kids on here might be too young, but the hype for TP lasted YEARS

what a disappointment THAT was

You posted it. Dark Souls 2 was the single worst experience in my life. I spent months contemplating suicide because we live in a world that would allow something as shit as that to exist.

This one for me as well, because I think the core gameplay is a 10/10 but the story and pacing a 5/10.

Final Fantasy XIII
Quit the series after that.

I actually like Dark Souls II, I think it's the best one

All relative. I have hundreds of hours in DaS2, it's a good game but nowhere close to the first.

I blame it for my vidya depression

This and Zero Time Dilemma. I also deliberately avoided ever playing MGSV simply due to everyone else's reaction to it.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is the most disappointing game I've ever played. Coming off of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask it felt so incredibly basic and empty, and it made me sad that this was released as a final game.

-There's like 1 real town/island in the entire game. 2 if you include the start of the game. Going from the complex towns and overworlds with dynamic time in MM to this was unbelievably underwhelming. I was expecting a ton of exploring, but all of the islands in the game are extremely small, and there really isn't much to see at all, besides the dungeons.
-There's really no big or interesting places in the game. Virtually every island to explore/discover is a tiny piece of land, often leading to a hole to collect some treasure/items that you don't need. The overworlds in the older games were far more interesting. Especially in the case of MM which had real content and sidequests everywhere. The content in WW is noticeably copy pasted and dull.
-The gameplay is noticeably much easier and simple. Every enemy explodes with hearts and useless collectibles. Dungeon puzzles are much more simple, basic, and even re-used. There are only 2 new original items in the whole game. 2 of the dungeons are escort missions. I'm not particularly interested in any aspects of the gameplay because it was done leagues better in the older games.

It took me until Dragon Roost Island for me to realize how disappointing the game was. I was expecting an evolution and a step beyond Majora's Mask, but it was so many steps backwards, and fell into complete mediocrity. WW, TP, and SS are all about a 6/10 for me.

That or gta 4. Dark souls 3 after those two.

Mgs5 would be here, but I honestly knew it wouldn't be so good just from when the gameplay was being revealed. It turned out exactly as I expected: a bland as shit open world with ridiculously repetitive gameplay and boring as shit missions. If you expect a game to be mediocre u can't be disappointed by it.

Three of years of hype for absolutely nothing. I've literally never felt so disappointed until I played this piece of shit. Ground Zeroes might only be an hour long but fuck it was so much better.

I played MGSV but avoiding ZTD for the reactions, too.

Even though I have the game

I knew Deus Ex MD would suck as soon as it was revealed they were keeping Jensen as the protagonist.

Never played MGSV. What's the problem?

Crackdown 2.

it still hurts guys

Great gameplay with tons of little easter eggs and features and stealth mechanics.

But thats put on top of a pretty much unfinished story with an almost mute main character.

Its like eating the most delicious cake ever, but 1/3 of the cake was mad up of sand. So every few tasty bites you get a mouth of sand and it sort of ruins the whole thing.

>Years of trailers promising a dark, emotion story only to get the most phoned in, dull story imaginable
>Every cutscene is the most boring cutscene
>Open world with absolutely nothing to do or find
>Spend 2 minutes at the beginning of every mission running through the pointless open world to get the actual base you're supposed to be sneaking through
>Every mission is "make x disappear"
>Ridiculously easy, and only gets easier as you get D-Dog and Quiet
>Online is shit

Definitely Spore. There has never been a game in all of history that promised so much and failed so thoroughly at every thing. There were lawsuits of this shit.


Star Fox Zero. Had the lowest of expectations, and was still disappointed.


Nothing like the disappointment in WW.

I want this fucking meme to end. Dark Souls II is a good game, and while it might not have the same charm and quality as the first one, it stands on its own and does some things very well like combat and variety of builds, which is what gives the game longevity.


You're not that old, stop trying to fit in.

persona 5 tbqh

I'm that old.

Fuck you.