Game features a transgendered character

>game features a transgendered character

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Are you saying this isn't the pinnacle of western video game storytelling


>mfw the japs try it to be subversive
>still the worst character in the game

>game's main selling point is a transgendered/gay/lesbian character

Faggot, "I wanted to explore space" would have been sufficient.


The funny thing is that even a lot of progressive people think this kind of writing is complete dreck, it's obvious it's just pandering and nobody is interested.


>game features incest

I've never understood games doing this. You shouldn't know that a character is transgendered. The whole point of changing gender is because you weren't comfortable and didn't feel like you could truly be who you were. This kind of stuff shouldn't be a fucking thing.

Basically I fucking hate trans people who tell everyone they are trans. That shouldn't even be a fucking thing. NOBODY SHOULD FUCKING KNOW

It pisses me off to no end. Its one thing when you shove your retarded lifestyle in front of the players, but it another if you DON'T PLAY THE GAME YOU CREATED.

I don't get it?

>lesbian trannie
You have no idea how much this pisses me off

Well, I also don't care very much, so...

That "girl" is a guy using an illusion magic to pretend to be a girl. He was shock by an event that HE WASN'T EVEN IN and decided to change into a girl. This is what he looks like before

>lesbian trans woman
Wait... so it's a guy who is attracted to women but thinks he is a woman? I feel like he's a genius troll who catfishes shit out of nerds, gets nudes easier, and then rapes women in person.

i legit dont know a single one that likes men
theyre all lesbians

It's basically a loser male trying to get puss another way, it's kinda pathetic

>Have super ass advanced biotechnology
>Looks like an ugly ass mutant
>When there are traps in the 21th century that look more gorgeous than most women

>game features tranny
>i want to fuck the shit out of them

>game features a transgender character
>they're cartoonishly unattractive as opposed to nearly every other female character in the series

This shit is so pathetic.

>I'm a tranny did I mention I'm a tranny? You may remember me as being a man because I was before but now I'm a woman. I'm a tranny.
Very natural dialogue, I really see transsexuals as normal people now!

Special Snowflake points. He also manage to shove his self insert and make everyone see his fantasy come to life.

>Game features a reverse trap


I legitimately love drag queens in media. However, I think trans characters are complete cancer.

We need more drag queens instead. 99% of the time they're the best character.

Eh I dont mind games with mental diseases.

>not wanting characters with mental illness

those are transtrenders user
i hate all of them, but those are the worst.

The need to feel special
Most fags that go trans do it for the attention, it defines their entire lives.

Catherine was good though


It's always about attention, user. It always has been. It just pisses me off that this is how Guild Wars 2 will die. Not by an epic battle but by mentally ill faggots that inject their shit into the game and ruining other game mode because they can't fix anything

This and samus are the only trannies worth a shit, all the rest are just sjw pandering.

>and samus

But transsexuals are not normal people, they literally shove their shitty "identity" into every possible situation and you must like it and praise them for been "oh so brave" other wise you are a bigot that must be exposed and denounced as the incarnation of the most evil thing possible in the human history so you might not pay attention to the really important things happen around the fucking word, like video games, you fucking goy.
>inb4 back to Sup Forums

>and samus
cheeky cunt

Bad reviewed
Posted negatively about it on social media

I wont stop until these motherfuckers stop injecting their agenda into my videogames.

And I get my daily dose of people telling me to go to Sup Forums for not liking a culture/viewpoint.

It's like featuring a guy in a rainbow shirt so you know he's gay. I'm bi and I hate that shit. This shit should either be added organically or not at all.

Not being Alpha enough to not give a shit about gender and just shamelessly fuck cute mouths and buttholes.

Didn't you hear? Drag Queens are offensive to trans people now. They're not allowed anymore.

you can be a drag queen in Fable 2 and most people will think you are ugly but there will be a small fringe of NPCs who get super aroused by you. Fable 2 is ezmode trash but I always loved those little details.

>and samus

>/thread your own post

Putting the bullshit fags do aside.
Do you anons think transsexualism is inherently wrong? I want to hear ye opinions.
Let's philosophize a minute.

I think there's something wrong with their brains, but some of them make my dick hard, so I really don't have a solid opinion on it.

It's a fucking FETISH. Trannies are no better than furries, trying to push that their SEXUAL FETISH is some kind of lifestyle. At least furries don't mutilate their bodies.

On an individual level of course not, people can do to themselves what they want. What I fear is a dogmatic collective who brainwashes other people and even their own children into being trans.

That's so stupid what the fuck.

>>game features a transgendered character

>cant even fuck them.

As long as someone isn't an obnoxious fuck and still, I don't care. Someone I knew for about year told me they were and it really didn't affect anything. She still keeps it a secret from most people still though.

wow so brave

The thing is, Guild Wars 2 did this without anyone notice and now it full of gay shit. Guild Wars 2 is what happen if Hamburger Helper didn't get stop right at her track many years ago. Its even more annoying when people recommend Guild Wars 2 because it the most "active" mmo (mega server is a fucking lie) and casual friendly (in which the expansion fuck that part up). So now, you got a very active mmo that people recommend and these players will see these cancerous shit and thinks its okay. You can't complain about it in the forum because you get ban. Can't complain about it in reddit because they will downvote and call you a bigot.

If someone is unfortunate enough to date a tranny they've gotta tell them at some point.

If the guy wants a family the faggot is gonna have to fess up his vagina is useless and can't do anything

>implying the guy wouldn't notice the second he sees the "vagina".

>and samus

why do the japs love incest so much?

I'm incredibly confused

forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest

I love Sup Forumsacks are so butthurt when they get dismissed they literally inb4 about it to try to stave off the criticism


Anyone who claims fucking anything that moves is alpha, is infact not alpha.
So fucking thirsty he taps anything instead of only 10/10 untouched puss.

I always like how they can never write it in a way that seems natural.
>hello traveler, it's dangerous around here watch your back
>thanks for the information
>no problem I used to be a man

Most of them are only child, so it's a mix of being forbidden and unknown.

I know we're all just having a laugh here but it makes me kind of sad to see people actually latch on to that without understanding the context. Some literally who that worked on background design or something like that made a one off joke in some literally who magazine or something about her being a "newhalf", which is basically just the Japanese word for "tranny". Whatever jackass started spreading that as canon should be ashamed.
It's like when people try to reclaim awful gay joke characters or something. Maybe it's not a good idea to have something like that as an icon. I mean if Samus really were trans it'd be whatever. It wouldn't change a single thing and just make both sides more obnoxious and shit up Metroid discussion even more.
I think it'd be kinda neat if she were but there's no way it would ever happen when Nintendo is still squeamish about entry level shit like gays.

>games before
>"This character could be a tranny and I wouldn't know it or a don't care because it doesn't matter
>games now

People who identify as trans or make that into their personality are fucking scum.

>I mean if Samus really were trans it'd be whatever. It wouldn't change a single thing and just make both sides more obnoxious and shit up Metroid discussion even more.
Yes, it would change an interesting character for the sake of it.

It more about how Wu tries to say Samus was a trans in Wikipedia, then use itself as a source.

>Very natural dialogue

In some way yes, my experience with is that they never shut up about it

Where did the "Samus is transgender" mindset come from anyway? Samus looks feminine as fuck and most trannies dream of having ass and tits the size of hers

>Whatever jackass started spreading that as canon should be ashamed.


Which country has the most queers?

Ironically Germany.

I have 3 tranny friends. They're all insecure and they all have mental illnesses.

They've admitted to me that they have all thought about killing themselves.

I think becoming transexual has worsened their already unstable mental state and put more stress and anxiety on them.

But exactly what would it affect? I'm not just trying argue with you user, I'm genuinely curious about your view. Samus has already had the worst treatment possible in Other M that I really can't imagine anything worse. Especially if it was some almost hidden thing you had to work for, like a GF file on her that had her name as
Or some shit and that was literally it.
Oh it was Wu? Does she know she's a laughingstock even among more liberal circles? Even my most liberal "be nice to everyone and never upset them" friends think her game looks like shit and she's an annoying person.

It kind of what happens if you make national pride/patriotism illegal/a shameful thing.

>Where did the "Samus is transgender" mindset come from anyway?
Brianna Wu being autistic about it for some reason. Nobody actually thinks that except >her though.

She only mentions it once.
>"I was known as symon before"

Jesus. You guys need to calm down.

Some sjw site made an article claiming she is a tranny without any proof, that's literally the entirety of it.

If you want to laugh/cry a little.

>Samus has already had the worst treatment possible in Other M that I really can't imagine anything worse.
Being turned into a man.

>I think becoming transexual has worsened their already unstable mental state and put more stress and anxiety on them.
This is the biggest thing I've been saying about transgender people

The only thing it changes about you is you get to wear pretty dresses and make-up. But, you are still the same sorry old piece of shit you always were. You're poor, don't have a job, and now that you look like a weird ass freak in a dress you won't be getting any pussy or dick now

It shows transitioning does nothing for them whatsoever

I don't understand why certain people try to claim or reimagine fictional characters are transsexual. But I also don't understand why it makes me feel uncomfortable? I don't think I'm prejudiced against them in real life, but I haven't really gotten the chance to know any transsexuals. But I don't think the idea of transsexuals makes me uncomfortable, but for some reason saying a main character of one of my favorite franchises is does.

During a developer interview for Super, one of the devs joked that she was a newhalf, which is a Japanese slur for trannies. Brianna latched onto it, not understanding that it was a joke.

I'm just going to post this for your sake. The only person taht tries to make her trans is wu herself

It's still really awkward and out of place considering she's introducing herself to the PC for the first time.

Ah, I see where you're coming from then so I'll just stop this conversation before it gets out of hand and say I politely disagree.

Visibility is important user
Acknowledging that trans people exist and can lead normal lives is important. And if no one knows trans people exist or if no one speaks up, no one cares if they're being denied simple rights (like not having access to things to survive, or not having anything done to prevent them being raped or killed and , all that fun stuff)

On games that's kind of stupid though. My theory is that there's a bunch of tranny game creators and they want representation so they shoehorn in a trans character for no reason, with little exposition.
Im sure there's a decent way to have a trans character that would be good storytelling, but don't fucking rely on EA or big companies to do it without pandering.

I have no objection in principle to unusual characters in games. Unfortunately most LGBTOMGWTFBBQ characters feel shoehorned in to meet the diversity quota.