We can agree on this, right?

We can agree on this, right?


>No archive

Is that even English.



give me a tl;dr. I don't want to be gone form my shitposting for too long.


>You can't point out oppression unless you include us every time!

Yes it fucking can.
You don't need to tick every fucking minority box to be an underdog, jesus fucking christ.

Also why does it matter that they're queer, why not also black, fucking skeleton warriors man. Always forgetting their own rhetoric.

>That title
I dont care about any of that shit man.

literally the title
can't have a cast of underdogs without a gay, because gays are the underdogs of the world

Have you played Persona 5? The game reolves around righting society's injustices and confronting social stigmas. But then the gays in the game are stereotypical jokey rapists.

>Underdog stories must be about the LGBTBBQ to be underdog stories
I wonder if the writer thinks Rocky is a white supremacists film

>When marginalized outsiders come together, they can confront their powerful, privileged antagonists and change society for the better. At least, that's the point that Persona 5 is trying to make: These non-conformist high school outsiders—known as the Phantom Thieves—strike back against the shitty people in power, get justice against abusers, and change the world.

>But just how representative of marginalized youth and teenage outcasts can Persona 5 really be, when the cast excludes queer characters altogether? It's an erasure that's difficult to reconcile with the game's ostensibly empowering contemporary message.

tldr persona 5 is for normies

homosexuality is literally celebrated these days, who are they oppressed by in Western society?

I told you this last thread you mongrel
P5 straight up says what the PT was doing was wrong at the end of the game, that they're taking away other's freedom in the name of their own.

>Wahh wahh wahh where is muh nuKanji Alitus?

You can have a game about marginalized underdogs without a queer character, or a person of color character, or a jewish character, or a guy in a wheelchair....

Fuck it, Persona 6: Burger King Kids Club


And into the trash it goes.

Stereotypes are true for a reason user



Persona was a mistake

Why cant fags shut the fuck up already?
We no longer gather them up in the town square and beat them to death shouldnt they be grateful enough already that they are treated like anyone else?
Why do they think they are entitled to more shit?
I dont give a fuck if you are gay, you are not special, deal with it.

>Still no archive

Nope. They only need nerds and women and they're good to go.
Gays aren't even THAT accepted in Japan, probably won't ever since homosexuality might decrease their birthrates even more.

>homo faggots

It's 2011+6, this is no longer the 80s-90s.

>tfw your entire identity revolves around perpetual victimhood


Society is obsessed with treating faggots like kings and granting them special rights constantly., how are they underdogs? OH right, because the same people who put queers on a pedestal also want to bring in fifty billion subhumans who would like to literally murder every queer person and will do freely once there's enough of them to form a majority....so that bigotry is justification for pretending that homos are endangered in the west.

most gays have, it's the fucking trannies who won't shut up

>Ubisoft, Bethesda, and Polygon shills still trying to shit on Persona 5.

Wow, really makes me think
I never knew being gay was the top most important way of being marginalized or oppressed in modern societies, just forget every other kind of shit people all over the world deal with
Gays need representation, I'm sure you've never heard of their plight, it's truly like another shoah

Homos in tight black leather clothing are still used in japanese anime for kids as joke characters, and its glorious.

This. I didn't play SMT4A until after I beat Persona 5 and holy shit did I have so much more fun


They're right, Persona 5 would be objectively better with a gay romanceable confident in it.

Meanwhile in another universe, P5's main cast is all women. Sup Forums bitches ceaselessly and says they're not real outsiders.


I love atlus

Nice deflection.

It's weird that gays are such a stigma in Japan now considering that they were pretty chill about fucking boys just a few hundred years back and it's not like christianity ever really took off there

Fucking boys wasnt considered gay or a problem because it was just to relieve themselves they later went home and procreated with their wives.
On a related note Im glad gays can marry because now the gay gene will finally go extinct

Homos, are you looking for a twink or a bear?

But P5 is about not losing sight of what is really important just because you want something

Just like not losing sight of rationality because you want everyone to bow down to gays... Hmmmm

It's not gay if you're nobunaga

user...who do you think makes gay people?

there goes sjws pushing their agenda in video games again

gays will never be straight so I don't think it'll affect the population

now trangenderism will never be accepted in japan

Thanks for bumping clickbait, cumstains

Every society has something against homosexuality considering that homosexuality is seen as abnormal and doesn't actually contribute anything to society.

ADN gone wrong somewhere, if they no longer have kids it will die off eventually

For traps obviously you faggot.

dont give a shit see you in a week

Gays, trans, what's the difference? They both fuck the same sex.

I mean you sorta prove my point. Gaynigger trans attack helicopters are outsiders. So much so that even outsiders webzones such as this hate them and try to distance themselves. They'd be a perfect fit for a game about outsiders. But that'd make the average JRPG degenerate think too hard. Waifus and shit only. No thoughts or hard themes allowed. You want Xenogears? Nope, you get Paper Mario.


>>Every society has something against homosexuality
>what is ancient greece

>No queer characters

Gotta love how much P5 pisses off SJWs. First they threw a fit about the translation since they weren't allowed to infect it with their bullshit, and now this. Is Nippon, dare I say it, /ourcountry/?

Considering that heterosexuals make up 95% of the population, that's pretty darn representative

Japan has several categories of people that are far more marginalized than queer people. Such as, you know, people with criminal records. Homophobia is a problem, but Japan has a dozen other societal problems that are far bigger, which the writers chose to address.

And there's the huge irony of a writer complaining that people aren't empathizing with zim/xer while admitting that they're incapable of relating to heterosexuals

A place where they are RUMORED to have Yaoi stories but no Yuri.

Too bad that wasnt explored much during the game outside of Akechi mentioning it off hand. P5 had so much wasted potential as a JRPG

why do you faggots constantly cry about other people crying?

Someone has been spamming this thread for the past 3 hours.

do not reply


Im glad the nips dont give a shit about what western """""journalists""""" have to say

Yeah I had to read it multiple times.

Empathy? wait


All Japanese games from Japan starring Japanese teenagers struggling against Japanese society while attending a Japanese high school should reflect the identity politics and "struggles" of whiny American hipster douches whose only idea of marginalization or suppression is not getting to kick every non-minority in the balls every chance the get.

Makes complete sense.


Literally worse than shitaku

No problem XP

Because faggots crying against games is what triggered DOAX not getting released in the US. It triggered Australia to ban 99.99% of games.

It triggers censorship. And so we have to cry against those who cry for censorship.

The worlds first transgender mayor was elected in Japan.

This is dumb even beyond typical social justice bullshit, because Persona 5 actually does show the perspective of marginalized groups - it's just that groups which are marginalized in Japanese society are different from the ones marginalized in American society.

Ann is Hafu (re: Japanese biracial) in a culture which emphasizes the purity of Japan as a Japanese place, and so she is treated with many of the same stereotypes my wife gets for being a Hafu. Essentially, she's considered to be only good for looking pretty, and not only does this lead to people downplaying her intelligence, but it also leads to more unwanted sexual attention than any of the entirely Japanese girls.

Ryuji is the child of a single mother in a society which is all about the male last name. This societal factor was a significant part of the backstory to how he got kicked out of the only place he'd previously felt he belonged. For those who don't remember, Kamoshida used it as verbal ammunition against Ryuji, which was the snapping point that caused him to knock him lights out and get kicked form the team.

Haru is the sole daughter of a powerful Japanese line, so she is expected to naturally go along with everything her male elders do to her. Especially in regards to marriage.

Joker was falsely convicted under a legal system which operates under "guilty until proven innocent", then found out just how much Japan considers the convicted to be subhuman - Burakumin, basically.

Makoto is pressured into blindly doing as her authority figures say because her sister warns her that Japanese society is more harsh on women than men. And no, Vice, the situation is not even remotely comparable to America. Women are still explicitly disbarred from holding many higher positions in the workforce.

Also, Vice, Yuske is clearly either in the closet or asexual. This is a point of humorous tension for the group throughout the entire game.

>implying everyone browses the internet the same way you do

You know user, egocentrism is a sign of autism.

Trans people are metally ill and think they are the opposite sex, gays just wanna fuck the same sex

>not knowing 8ch and Sup Forums constantly spam shit like this on Sup Forums
I think some of them almost treat it like a job.

>it's not like christianity ever really took off there
It kind of did. Nip Christians weren't well-behaved. Almost as bad as Islam until Hideyoshi fucked their shit up.

>every group of friends needs a token gay character because I SAY SO

mental illness

>kanji wasn't a real gay
>naoto got over her problem with not accepting her femininity

I think they're just upset with how Persona treats their tiny, tiny market

They really aren't. You'll find yourself shut out of Japanese society for 20 other dumb reasons, including having any criminal conviction of your record

The author doesn't seem to grasp how fucked Joker's situation is at the start. Probation and juvie aren't as big of a deal in America. In Japan it's life-changing, there's a 97% conviction rate because law enforcement routinely beats confessions out of people, and having a record will bar you from all but the shittiest jobs.

Fuck, the top companies in Japan still won't hire anyone that isn't from a top 5 university, which is why students kill themselves over college entrance exams

Not to mention the rampant xenophobia and latent sexism Japan still has to deal with.

>I like Persona 5. Hashino and Atlus made a great game. But they did not do their jobs here.

It's a dev's job now to include mentally ill characters because if they don't a person or two will get their feel feels hurt? Fuck off.

It's literally already happening

this. gays aren't the underdogs right now. if anything, being gay is flaunted so much these days, it's only making the situation worse for them.


>implying that Persona 5 doesn't have queer characters

>it's Hoshino and Atlus' job to have a gay character to represent their plight

As a writer for fiction, fuck this person

>mascot is an interspecies lesbian
>no queer characters

>persona 5 is for normies

I mean.

That isn't wrong.

Morgana is male
stop this meme

Not having gays in your game is "erasure".

The article has really good points and anyone who overreacts like some anons here really need to stop internalizing that you the player are homophobic

>Austin Walker AND Patrick Klepek
No thanks

Eitherway I still want to fuck that cat

this is a good post and it's a shame that you would get banned for posting this on any other site than here

>archive doesn't work on vice
>wonder why
oh that's right the dmca notices

This is what happens when people identify too much with their porn addiction.

Things like this make me wonder if people like the article's author want every game brought over from Japan to get the Phoenix Wright treatment - to be entirely Americanized, with "problematic" content cut out and marginalized folks shoved in regardless if they'd fit.


>its just a fetish bro

Delusional bastards.

Is being a journalist that makes clickbait articles next level shitposting?

I wish the shitposts I make up got viewed by thousands of people.


is that really a bad thing though

>We can agree on this, right?
These meme topics are get worse and worse