Looking back, this was a pretty good game.
Very unique.
Was wondering if there were other single-player games.
Stardew Valley
Single player games as in farming simulators?
If you want those types, go with Harvest Moon and Rune Factory series.
I wouldn't call it unique cause it's just another Harvest Moon style game, but it was a pretty absorbing Harvest Moon clone. The combat in the mines was my favorite part.
what's the appeal to a game like this?
It was comfy and good, but it wasn't unique.
In case you didn't know SDV is based on a long running series of games, harvest moon. If you haven't played those, mineral town on the GBA and the one for GC are commonly considered the best ones, though i am a huge fan of Harvest moon DS.
If you already knew about Harvest moon check out slime rancher
>Very unique.
literally a rip off of a million iterations of harvest moon dating back all the way to the SNES
journey rather than destination
I also forgot about rune factory, a harvest moon spinoff, it combines HM with RPG elements. I have only played 2 for any real length of time so IDK which one is the best.
Slime rancher fucking sucked.
>considered the best
HM64 and Back to Nature (PS1) are almost universally agreed upon as the best overall packages.
OP, try Legend of the River King
It's fun for the next 20-30 hours. But afterwards, you really notice the flaws and how tedious the game is which made me regret this game.
It's pretty relaxing and addictive, plus the upgrades are quite substantial and feel good to acquire. On top of that there's a definite "end" to the game so it's not some aimless thing where you play forever without a goal....although you can keep playing if you want to customize things.
Basically it takes a lot of good things from Harvest Moon, Rune Factory and Animal Crossing while also losing some of the good things and a lot of the really bad things in all of those series. It's pretty well made for one person, too.
haley best girl
penny a cheat.
It's way better than any other Harvest Moon game.
Rune Factory 4 has basically better everything compared to Stardew. It's fully emulatable, so just play that.
Rune Factory 3 is also a good start.
I'm considering Slime Rancher for the sale but I never buy early access games. Is it really similar to Stardew?
Slime Ranches is supposedly going out of early access with the August update.
>Is it really similar to Stardew?
Only in the loosest sense.
I haven't actually played it, I've seen some gameplay and it looks similar more in that its really comfy, but doesn't look like it has much harvest moon gameplay
>fully emulatable
Damn for real?
I liked it, but I didn't like how every year is basically the same with the same shit happening with the same townsfolk dialog. Just made me feel like I was in some kind of robot town.
Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns isn't bad, but it's hard to play without some of the quality of life features that Stardew has.
Trio of Towns was here
Stardew Valley is shit
Yeah. The only problem I ran into was slow cutscenes and for some reason fishing ponds inside interiors didn't render.
Other than it's completely smooth from start to finish.
Shit gfx tho, Stardew looks better.
They both look like ass, but the sprites for the characters in RF look better and have a lot more expressions / outfit variations.
You don't really play these games for the graphics, anyway. RF4 has probably three times the townsfolk banter that Stardew has, so it feels considerably more alive. It also doesn't have absolutely terrible combat like Stardew unfortunately does.
Harvest Moon Back to the Nature still the best one off all... the HM snes, 64 and firsts DS was almost a copy of that master piece
>god awful loading times making it a chore to leave your farm and go to town
Nothing beats the comfyness and smooth silky transitions of HM64
>more farming
even more mining
>taking care of cattle
>managing resources
>very unique
There's literally thousands of single player games, OP.
I was thinking about getting this. Should I get it for Xbox One or Nintendo Switch. Switch has portability, but Xbox probably looks a lot better.
Name one. You literally can't.
Jackie Chan
You fucking beat me to it
Are you out of your mind? RF4 has a lower resolution and still blows Stardew's visuals out of the water. Stardew Valley's art is so bland and stale it almost looks like something a teenager whipped up for a design project. Rune Factory has personality and recognisable characters.
Stardew is a good game, but if you honestly think low-effort, cookie-cutter pixel art is better than Rune Factory's art, you're a fucking moron.
>looks alot better
>pixel game
Switch you fucking moron.
Appsolutely bugger all.
comfiest game of all time
Now that the dust has settled I think we can all agree that the game was severely front loaded in year 1 and meeting grandpa should have been at the end of year 2.
Abigail best waifu
claimed niggers
>Rip off Harvest Moon
>But add gays
>Now Shitdew Valley fags have been harassing Marvelous
>Marvelous now said they are planning on adding gays to future games now because of all the requests
Every harvest moon game is frontloaded year 1. The only ones I can think of that aren't are some of the rune factory games lock crafting/cooking/ the like until after you have a kid
just don't have a gay relationship? none of the NPS's in stardew were gay for eachother
I'm okay with this as long as it means girl/girl relationships.
There are no gays unless you gay it up faggot
why do you care
I don't care about Shitdew, the issue is that the SV fanbase has managed to get the Harvest Moon devs to say they plan to to outright put gay-exclusive romances in future games. Thanks a lot.
>Was wondering if there were other single-player games.
I think there is a couple, I can't remember many off of the top of my head though sorry.
Try Battleborn though.
don't do the gay romances then
unless your a faggot
You're welcome pussy.
>Harvest Moon
>Pick one
Oh... you mean "Harvest Moon", then nothing of value was lost...
Sure but that doesn't make it any different. SDV is fantastic in year 1 and good in year 2 if you're new to the game. But if you've played it before year 2 has jack shit to do.
>Series where waifus are one of the main selling points
>Now waifus might not even be straight
Good thing subhuman degeneracy is illegal where I live and the government laughs at HR fags.
Wow, who gives a fuck? How does it affect you?
All you have to do is not date someone the same gender as you.
only fags and women play these games anyway so who cares
SoS, user, not the Natsume one.
Marvelous is the one that makes the actual Harvest Moon games, which is now being localized as "Story of Seasons".
we can never a SDV thread with Rune Fagtory shitposters ruining it.
But user, you had fun for 30 hours in a game you spent at most $15 on.
That's for Shitdew's shallow romance. Marvelous said that if they do gay romances, it will be gender-exclusive.
Any good dating mods for stardew valley?
Yeah is there a Dating Jas mod
Fuck, I confused them.
Okay? And how does that affect you?
All you have to do is not date them. Simple.
Wasn't there a yandere version of Jas?
>Waifu game
>But you can't be with the waifus
tongue-in-cheek gayness has been in HM for a while, if anything you should be thanking SV fans for helping Marvelous bring SoS out of the closet
There were already gays in Marvelous' farming games. It was called the "Best Friend System" in 2005. It's just that Natsume decided to "localize" it out.
Fuck it you know what I meant, helping natsume bring SoS out of the closet
Natsume doesn't work on the Story of Seasons games anymore.
Slime Rancher barely qualifies as a game even from a novelty perspective.
Natsume isn't even localizing SoS anymore, that's XSeed. Natsume has been developing their own Harvest Moon games because they wanted to keep the name copyright, but they're not good.
> some of the rune factory games lock crafting/cooking/ the like until after you have a kid
This is what made me drop rune factory as a whole. I think it was something to do with not being able to upgrade tools until after the house was upgraded/having a kid/getting married or some such thing. I'm pretty sure, but not entirely, that it was the first one. I just remember trying to figure out how to do a bunch of shit that would be a simple thing in Harvest Moon, only to find out a bunch of it was locked behind having a child. For the record, A Wonderful Life basically gives you a game over at the end of year 1 (if I remember right) but the only way that will happen is if you outright refuse to marry the girl that approaches you at the end of that first year.
Just like real life...
Localization would have nothing to do with it anyway.
Okay, so who makes and does what? I thought I had my facts straight, but apparently I don't. Even in this thread people are mixing stuff up even if you exclude my post.
Thank god. Natsume is trash.
>some of the rune factory games lock crafting/cooking/ the like until after you have a kid
One game, user. Only Rune Factory 2 does that.