So, MapleLegends has been getting DDOS'd for the past fucking four days and is just straight up down right now. Started two days ago, should I just go play MapleRoyals with my friends or what?
So, MapleLegends has been getting DDOS'd for the past fucking four days and is just straight up down right now...
thats what happens when you aint loyal
gross. Get over the fact that you'll never recapture the community that used to play. It's never gonna be the same. New maple has it's own flaws but playing shit pservers is just the worst thing you can do.
>Get over the fact that you'll never recapture the community that used to play.
I was playing Legends earlier today and ran into someone randomly and started talking to them, and made friends with them. Something I can't do in post-BB Maplestory where there are so many menus, events, NPCs, Mini-games, cash shop items that you can't fucking see other players, let alone interact with them. Feature creep is real, post-BB Maplestory might be slightly more fun gameplay wise, but it's still a shittier game than any platformer and still shittier as a gear grindan game than a singleplayer game.
No worse than pre-bb really. trying to play royals or legends is just an exercise in futility and realization that the old game was just as bad if not worse in it's requirements of minmaxing. The only difference is the numbers are smaller and there's overall less variety. Otherwise you still need to grind out just as many scrolls for your gear, and you still need to HP wash. Same shit, different coat of paint.
>The only difference is the numbers are smaller and there's overall less variety.
Oh, and there aren't pay THOUSANDS OF REAL LIFE DOLLARS random chance cubes and EPIC gear that gives +2834769112356 to every stat.
Though, you may be right, I've never actually gotten to the end game.
in proper maple servers you can just use mesos to buy those cubes, or you could play on a pserver and not have to pay anything but time. I still prefer how easy cubes are to get access to than having to have a dedicated grinding character to make sure I can actually get the scrolls I need in pre-bb, that shit was awful.
I just think modern Maplestory has WAY too many damn features. Way too many classes, way too many menus and submenus. I can't keep track of it all. I just play the game to talk with people and look cute, not collect all the pets/androids/crusader codex/this menu that menu the other menu blah blah blah
You don't have to take part in any of that shit. I don't understand why having more shit to do if you want to do it, is a bad thing.
Like if all you want to do is socialize why even play the game? Just go hang out on gaia or something, or make bannedstory animations.
I play a massively multiplayer online game to play that game with multiple-players and socially interact with them, a totally unheard of concept am I right? Fuck me, right?
>I play the game to talk with people and look cute, not play the game
-You, your last post
whatever enjoy your pre-bb pservers, hope you hp wash and can avoid that teenager drama.
>can avoid that teenager drama.
But I don't want to avoid it. I want that.
That's not the problem. pre-bb is shit because there are not enough players. Shit like Zakum and Horntail requires so many fucking people that you just cannot realistically run them on low pop servers. It also doesn't help when only a few maps are actually worth grinding on for the majority of your levels past 100 and the number of channels on pre-bb private servers is shit.
Also, HP Washing is gay. There was this one server called Rien I think that increased hp gain per level up and removed hp washing from the game and that was fucking great.
>make autistic threads on Sup Forums about your server
>get DDOS'd
that's what you get. you need to learn to just move on from maplestory
You're welcome, I'll move on to royals and ruin that too. Fuck private servers
>Way too many classes
I see so many people complain about this and I don't really understand why. I actually like the stupid amount of classes.
Also, gachapon is fucking retarded.
>haha spend a shit ton of tickets until you get the scroll you want and then hope the scroll passes
>oh? it failed? get fucked
Mages were also too good at mobbing and shit at bossing unless you were a supporting Bishop so there was no reason to play any of the mages as your favorite character since they were only good at farming and grinding
no but seriously stop playing pre-bb servers they're all shit now. even royals is trash.
A lot of them have single player stories and shit when the point of an MMO is to be multiplayer??? Who gives a fuck about the story, especially when your "UNIQUE CHARACTER WITH STORY" is standing next to 14 other "UNIQUE CHARACTERS WITH STORY" in the same fucking room
You do realize Henehoe's existed in pre-bb right? These are people who put the bare minimum into playing the game and just bought CS items and hung out in random towns. There's literally nothing stopping you from doing the same.
Why, what are they all doing that's wrong?