Fanboyism aside, what's the better game Sup Forums?
Bloodborne vs Breath of the Wild
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what's the bloodborne area on the very top?
Hemlock Charnel Lane.
This might be the most arbitrary comparison I've ever seen.
Like wow what a horrible thread.
"better" how?
Provide your arguments for why you feel one is superior to the other.
>BotW adapts biggest modern gaming trends in a dull, uninnovative manner
>Bloodborne regresses on things already previously fixed in the series it serves as a spinoff to
>>BotW adapts biggest modern gaming trends in a dull, uninnovative manner
>>Bloodborne regresses on things already previously fixed in the series it serves as a spinoff to
It's like you haven't played BOTH games.
I haven't. I just watched LP's.
completely different genres
Can't be compared in any way.
Shit thread Mods delete
>I just watched LP's.
Then you really haven't experienced the games, especially Zelda. BotW is boring to watch but is an incredible experience when you play it.
>Both videogames
>Can't be compared
The delusion
Theyre completely different fucking games you console war fag. I would sage but whats the point. Inb4 image limit and 400 posts
What's a better game?
Warcraft III or Parapa the Rappa? show us a comparison on how one does things better than the other.
>Game on PC
>Game not on PC
Gee, I wonder which game Sup Forums will choose!
but if it doesn't look fun when my favorite funny youtube man plays it then it isn't fun
t. gen z faggot
BotW is my new favorite game of all time
Bloodborne seems amazing but I haven't given it much time yet. I just got a PS4 early spring and once Persona 5 dropped that's all I did on it.
I've only played bloodborne, but it's one of my all time favorites. BotW looks like it does a pretty good job of letting you use items in a creative way, instead of treating them like quicktime events near certain objects in previous games.
Parappa the rappa is shit so that is not hard.
Parappa without a doubt has better rapping dogs. But rapping bears? Wc3 beats it out pj berri sucks.
Who fucking cares
All this is going to do is spark more stupid fucking console wars
Both are fun games
If you hit up the poll results you'll see that BB is winning by a landslide
I'm saying this as a pcfag
Bloodborne is challenging while BOTW is for kids.
Why do people think that shit is indicative of anything meaningful when results are almost always skewed because of the tiny sample size? Even then it just turns into a popularity contest and is in essence the same as two people arguing over shit on the internet, not indicative of objective truths at all.
I refuse to vote thereby skewing these results even further away from any logical conclusion.
PC + PS4 bro here
Played both. Bloodborne is far better. Breath of Wild is just an empty sandbox devoid of meaningful content, sure the traversal is fun (really fucking good, so good that it makes a 2/10 suddenly a 6/10 or even 7/10) but everything else just sucks. Enemy variety, combat (Fucking QTE flurry rush), boss design and the 4 shrines are complete trash that take 15 minutes. The moments between the monotonous tasks are pretty good but the rest is just so fucking exhaustive. When you're not killing the same reskinned Mokoblins, collecting 900 pieces of tree feces or doing some pathetically easy 5 minute long shrine or doing some fucking MMO tier fetch quest (seriously, are there ANY worthwhile side quests in this game? All i've found was that Evertide Island), you're walking around beautiful landscapes and feeling a genuine sense of exploration, it's such a weird mix. Weak as fuck content vs Ridiculously satisfying controls/engine. Reminds me of MGSV
Bloodborne on the other hand was sublime. Fantastic boss design, brilliant combat (not too complex and not too simplistic, the trick weapons are literally genius in design), some of the best level design i've seen in a game and a unique fucking setting for a change (compared to another high fantasy open world game, aka Zelda BoTW).
Bloodborne >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Witcher 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zelda
Holy shit, how the fuck is Bloodborne winning?
I love the game but i'm just shocked. Sup Forums is pretty much Nintendo/PC dominated and Zelda is on both of those systems.
Really shows you how fucking good Bloodborne is, when even PCbros have to admit that it's GOAT
>Sup Forums is a hivemind
>Zelda not winning
>all of the sonybros in this thread
>zelda catching up
I've only played one so I don't know. those picture comparisons look like hot garbage though.
And sonyfags say they don't have a persecution complex
I will never understand the love this board has for Souls and Souls-likes.
That's because you're a literal megapleb.
It's just Sup Forums acting like they're elite gamers.
>Sonybros vs nintenbros and pcbros
>Bloodborne still tied
to everyone saying theyre completely different....theyre honestly pretty similar. casualized rpg with a focus on combat mechanics and more difficulty than most games (relative to recent Nintendo inregards to botw). i could see myself getting into botw but its a different story/world to follow
>literally who trash that nobody bought or played (worst selling Soulsborne game after Demon's) vs one of the best games ever made in the history of mankind that has an over 100% attach rate and several millions copies sold
LMAO, sonegers are a fucking joke.
>sonegers are a fucking joke
>Sup Forums is pretty much Nintendo/PC dominated
Given the shere volume of sony posting on this board I would argue otherwise.
You mean falseflags?
BotW. Bloodborne just felt like every dexfag run of darksouls. I don't know how nintendo or whoever did it but botw made me stop being a jaded shithead towards games for a little while at least.
Guys whats better apples or oranges?
it's not really falseflagging when it's so blatantly obvious.
forgot link
Honestly whats the difference at this point? ironic shitposting is still shitposting and ironic shillposting is still shillposting.
I can't vote until i platinum BB and play BOTW (which probably never will happen).