ITT: Lazy enemy design

What are the laziest enemy/boss designs in vidya?

RPG enemies that are just a recolor of a previous enemy

Name one JRPG that doesn't do this. You literally can't

Pokemon Blue


worse yet

you fight a rematch against the exact same boss again
even the same color

>tfw no final boss at all

Really a shame since the original concept of Big Sister and Gil Alexander could have made for great final bosses.


fuck you i like ramiel


Slime monsters

Not a recolor

Ninja Gaiden 3

>fuck it we'll just make them QTE until you get him down to 1/4 health and then it just triggers a cutscene where Ryu fucks him up

this is an actual Ninja Gaiden game that exists


>literally a still png for the entire battle


I wish BotW had more than 6 basic enemy types. I guess each one being able to pick up different weapons makes them feel a bit different.


why isn't anyone afraid of me?

Ramiel was the best angel.


Final Fantasy IX

please tell me that's just vanilla NG3 and not Razor's Edge

> Pokemon Blue
> Having shinies

don't fucking make fun of my waifu asshole


You got me there

Ball > Ring > Polygon

[SCREAM] mind

This is now a Ramiel thread

>Actually calling Ramiel lazy design
How about I geometrically fuck up your face for dissing my waifu, OP?

>talking shit about Ram-chan


FPS miniboss exactly like every other enemy in the game, BUT THIS ONE'S GOT LOTSA ARMOR.

>lore has holes that jump onto you and become wounds and polyhedrons that are immune to sword slashes because they are mathematically incompatable with anything in the shape of a segmented line
>gameplay has a dude with horns and a sword

Thanks Bethesda

>final boss battle is actually a bunch of lesser enemies ganging up on you
Really shitty ending indeed.

The four fiends from the elemental temples get recolored versions in the Crystal World.

I'm glad to see all this Ramiel love in here. Ramiel is best angel.

deadspace 2 didnt have any boss battles did it

the part with the canisters doesnt count, it was just a bunch of bigger enemies of the same type that kept coming

This is the finale of the Half-life series.

>boss is just a bunch of regular enemies with 1 unified life bar

What games do this?

Are the rebuilds decent? It looks like generic shonenshit to me.

How many games just have a sphere as the final boss or one of the climactic fights?
>Persona 4
>Salamander/Life Force
>Front Mission: Gun Hazard

Needs toast in her mouth

KH2 and the endless heartless wave might as well have.

It kinda did. There were bigger enemies that you fought effectively one on one. Nicole was a boss fight, by all technicalities, but it's really all about finishing the story. It's kinda hard to die in the Nicole fight.

Dark Souls 2

The art is borderline pornographic levels of detailed. Watch it if you like seeing cool technology and you might find other things to enjoy, too.

Persona 4 isn't even the first SMT game to do it.

It's shameless milking, don't bother. Ignore everything after EoE

Kirby 64 has an isocahedron as a late-game boss.

They got worse with each new movie. Who knows how the latest one is gonna turn out.
First one was best cause it was basically the original series with tons of budget.

They're shit and should only be viewed in small doses to see your favorite angel fight in better quality.

>Everything badass Asuka did is now attributed to Mari
Fuck Anno, the more he is allowed to work in the industry the more he shits on his fans.

Elder Scrolls games and Elder Scrolls lore might as well be two entirely different franchises.

do you mean that you can focus just one of the regular enemies without having to ever hit any of the others and be able to kill it or do you mean a boss where you have to kill all the enemies

it was just a bunch of dumb demon baby shadows

i liked everything better about deadspace 2 except no boss fights, 1 had some gooduns

Giant ________

Almost every wrpg start with some giant bug monster, and almost every rpg has a variety of monsters that are just big versions of things in real life.

It's much more what I guess would be "expected" of a giant robot anime. So it's very decidedly not what you'd want from Evangelion. I'm interested in seeing what they do with it, but it's very clear it's not going to be on the same tier as the original series.

If anything, watch it for all the BUDGET that they finally have.



I tried.

Forgot Near a tomato
Though i suppose its somewhat acceptable since they're more like mechanical spiders, but still


Are intentionally designed as a pair and not individuals.

>it was just a bunch of dumb demon baby shadows
Yeah, but you just have to hit Nicole, it still counts. I think I just swapped to Force Gun occasionally to deal with the the little fuckers.

Why does nobody ever talk about this one?
Probably the coolest fight second only to Zeruel

So far


You know exactly why.

= (

Persona 5

actually I don't, that's why I asked

Oh, yeah, I guess it's a recolor + they made him angrier

>mfw i bought the platinum box set and saw the Jap version of this episode
Fucking spectacular.

>when you run out of money so you have to fight a white squiggly
this is almost as funny as the literal crayon drawings and the one minute and ten seconds of still frame with dramatic music before shinji kills kowaru

I know, but it doesn't change the fact that they're recolors

It wasnt just a white squiggly in the japanese version, it grows a rei body.

You could say dark/shadow/evil copies of the main character, but fuck me if I don't love fights like those.

destiny's is a blob controlling 3 statues

SMT :^)

Ramiel was fucking crazy in Rebuild

for two seconds before rei absorbed it and kamakazied
also you know what else was funny, that they ran out of money to animate seele so they just became rectangles

nuDoom, unfortunately

>they ran out of money to animate seele so they just became rectangles
Kek no wonder japs got so angry that they even threw rocks at the Gainax's building.

any aaa game where chad mcnormie fights humanoid mcmenace

also whenever 'lovecraftian' aka squid monsters come into play

The absolutely fucking fantastic but Sup Forums hates them for dumb waifu reasons so don't expect to get any good discussion about them here.

Of course how good the ultimately prove to be will be determined by the ending which still hasn't been released after 5 years.

>studio is running out of money
>better damage their property
Fucking really?

That was a cool boss, fuck you, OP.

I'll never understand who thought it would be a good idea to go from giant mushrooms and rideable blowflies to generic fantasy with dragons.

And I'll never get why everyone ate that shit up.

The reason why they didn't have any boss fights is the creators hated the frank fontaine boss fight in the first one.

For some reason cuck developers hate boss fights and find them to interrupt the story for a blatant video game mechanic. Because they don't think you overcome physical obstacles in actual real life scenarios.

Fuck off morroshill.Vvardenfell is on of the worst game settings I've seen.


>oh so the first movie is a shot by shot remake of the first few episodes with the rival eva thing cut out
>get to ramiel

Rebuild 1 & 2 are pretty cool. Rebuild 3 is shit after the opening.

Worth watching

You prefer skyrim's setting?

Is there a place where I can watch Evangelion with a shit internet connection?

your fat mom's house

Give me your home address and i'll mail you my dvds. But only if you pay shipping.

I hate the narrative through gameplay meme.

Boss fights and cutscenes are god tier. Audio tapes and forced walking sections are absolute cancer.

Vvardenfell and Morrowind praised about being unique with having kirkbride still at the helm making wonky lore and having an actual unique fantasy world because of his drug fueled drawings.

Suddenly one of the worst game settings according to random user.

Easily the exact opposite and among the very best game settings of all time.

Or Oblivion's.
Morrowind is just brown generic shit everywhere and some swamps along the coast.
The only reason they chose that setting it's because it was easier on performance.

enemy.sprite = player.sprite;
enemy.color_index = 0x0000;

Gogo anime not working for you?

Everyone here says this but I don't really understand why. The animation was definitely not as good, but plot-wise and thematically it was perfect. Shinji's character arc near perfectly reflects Anno's real life. The gay friendship sections were great and the post 3rd impact world proved for an interesting setting. I also liked how the weird live action film that played before actually tied into the film.

My only real complaints are sparse backgrounds, absence of some side characters and the fan service ass pull of the characters not ageing.

Oblivion and Skyrim are as generic as you can get, morrowind is a pleb filter for video game players.