Game is set in the future

>game is set in the future
>everything is made of hexagons

What's so special about hexagons anyways?

I like that trope

Hexagonal shapes are the optimal way to cover a large region with shapes of the same area while minimizing the boundary/wasted volume/area.

>game is set in future
>whole cities are filled with bright neon lights

I loathe that trope.
is way better

Hexagons are the future

cyberpunk chinatown/tokyo cities give me the moistest schlonger

Squares are a lot more effective and simpler to arrange than hexagons. They just use hexagons because they're more "sciencey"

Even triangles would work better.

>game is set in the future
>everyone dresses like a faggot

>set in the future
>vehicles still have manual stick shift
>cars don't drive themself automatically

>set in the future
>everybody has robotic augmentations
>set in the futurest future
>nobody uses them anymore

They're not. Additionally, hexagons are formed entirely by triangles, which also gives them better tensile strength.

>Game is set in the future
>At least 1 obligatory slums level where everyone lives in squalor

>game set in the future
>nobody is smart enough to make their own guns

>game is set underwater
>only sources of light are bioluminescent

>Can be made into a uniform grid
>Structurally sound
What's not to love?

>game set in the future
>home computers and tvs still exist

>white people still exist outside of zoos

Square fags btfo

Is 4Hex the next big meme in gaming?

Human Revolution went hard on triangles too

Pixels don't need to be structurally sound, that's why

Hexagons are unable to perfectly render squares or even horizontal, vertical, or diagonal lines, the most common and useful shapes in most UIs

>Lights have a cheap looking glow effect.

>game is set in the future
>people go outside instead of fucking their vr waifu all day


Wait, we're talking about screens? I thought it was about architecture and shit.
Anyway, at a high enough resolution, it wouldn't matter.

>inside a hexagon are 6 triangles
>at the center of these 6 combined triangles is another hexagon
>infinite formations within formations
We've been building weak houses, walls, and many other structures this entire time.

Hexagons also have better density in sphere packing than face-centered and body-centered cubic structures. Higher density = less space between "spheres" (units) = more stable. It's pretty much the perfect shape.

I don't get what this is getting at.


>I never graduated middle school

Hexagons are the apex shape nigga. Meta strats right here. Take notes.

Hexagons cover more area, are denser and are more stable than cubes.

Are we posting monitor effects or whatever they're called?

It's the most efficient and strong geometrical shape in nature. Why wouldn't you use them?


Yeah, just pixels. OP said "everything" in a videogame. This includes anything in real life that can be made into a hexagon shape to become better.

Wtf I love hexagons now

And included a picture of hexagonal pixels

>game is set in the future
>productive black people everywhere

Those aren't pixels. They're panels.
Pixels would imply they are one solid color, but each one in OP's image acts as an individual screen to make part of a much bigger screen.

Which now that it's brought up, is actually a very smart way to ensure longevity. All you would have to do is replace a broken panel instead of the whole thing.

The panels are made up of pixels (and metal frames) of course.

They're supposed to be pixels but the texture artists got lazy and just applied a hexagonal texture over the intended image on the screen

>aug lives matter!
Fuck that game

And who's to say those pixels would be hexagonal.

>it's supposed to be a screen where the pixels are hexagons
>some hexagons have 2 different colors inside because it's just an image with the hexagon pattern overlaid on top
I know it's something stupid to get mad at, but it's so easily fixable.

They're the most structurally sound shape and they tile well.

Hello from /halogeneral/ in /vg/


>They're the most structurally sound shape
Nope, that would be a triangle

You can easily collapse a hexagon. You could never collapse a triangle without breaking the sides or separating the angles


FCC has the same packing density as HCP you idiot.

Try collapting a formation of hexagons in any direction, you can't. Triangle formations on the other hand are easily deconstructed in one direction.

>game in hundreds of years into the future
>people are still using pump shotguns
>people are still using muzzle loading weapons

I bought MD over the sale, what's wrong with it?

HCP's is slightly higher, even at 74%, cunt.

Who hurt you?


>Triangle formations on the other hand are easily deconstructed in one direction.
Maybe I'm just stupid but I'm not following

>you have now become aware that people this stupid actually exist


Bravais lattice is such a cool thing to learn

Hexagons and the amber color scheme represent a beehive Adam, the very hive you're being forced to serve in under the new world order. All people with implants will become Drones, Adam.


>Games artstyle heavily relies on one single color

Besides being mutilated by square to have microtransactions and only be a third of what was originally planned. Not much, but it's nothing special.


oh boy, I think that Battlefield 3 would look way better without that horrid blue filter