Why is red mage so fun and how could it be made better?
Will there be a nerf for it soon?
Why is red mage so fun and how could it be made better?
Will there be a nerf for it soon?
From previous thread about DF stories
>healing stone vigil
>drk tank refuses to turn on grit
>says he cant maintain any MP with it on
>has darkside on constantly
>party explains blood price
>"play your own jobs"
>hard to keep him alive
>have to actually stop between fights to get MP back
>tank dies a couple times
>party refuses to kick him cause of how long it could be to get a tank
>end up leaving way before the last boss
another one
>healing for arum vale
>dumbass pld cant not stand in the gold bile
>types in "???????????????????????"
>over and over
>explain he should use shield oath
>whatever lets just get this done
>still standing in the gold crap
>"?????????????????" in chat
And that was months ago. Nowadays its retard samurai running around the boss/mobs all the time like monks, or rdm still wearing their shitty looking 50 gear
>nerfing antmage, the easiest caster job that does the least magical damage and has to go into melee to do it
>jump off cliff at Peering Stones to a safe spot to run toward an Aether Current
>1 HP but I jumped where there were no monsters
>one of those invisible monsters pops out of the ground and one-shots me
>hour-long expert roulette queue
>Nowadays its retard samurai running around the boss/mobs all the time like monks
Do you play samurai? They have positionals and their aoes are shitty cones that you need to aim
Shits fucked for the rest of the expansion bruv, they finally added dps people wanted to play.
why is plenary indulgence so useless?
Why do these cunts so much aggro if they're so weak?
Why is tank aggro generation half of what it used to be?
>>drk tank refuses to turn on grit
>>says he cant maintain any MP with it on
I'm assuming that this is from before SB hit? because now you get MORE mana from Syphon Strike in while in Grit.
lets make a list of all the bullshit things that have happened to SCH this expansion
>Aero gone
>Blizzard II gone
>Virus Gone
>Sustain Gone
>Adloqium mana cost nerf (huge)
>Aetherflow mana regen nerfed
>Fairy Embrace nerf
>Miasma II gone
>Bio gone
>Shadowflare gutted
>Cleric Stance gutted
>Bane gutted
New abilities
>Excog is literally only useful as a stack dump before Aetherflow comes off CD - giving up the flexibility of a stack for an ability that does a tiny bit more healing than Lustrate and has a cooldown AND a timer is pretty much never good. I'm pretty sure it cant crit either
>Broil II - Wow exciting, the same spell but bigger numbers
>Fey Union - absolutely trash. Tiny tether range, not effected by Rouse, Fey Illumination, Convelasence etc, gauge runs out if the target runs out of its (tiny) range. Also is an anti synergy with Dissipation our big level 60 ability
>Chain Strategem - No trick attack, but this is legitimately fine
I'm sure this isn't even everything either. But great, we'll get some band aid buffs to bring us in line with AST/WHM viability speaking, but be left with an incredibly watered down class that is 0 fun to play. Hurray.
Samurai has positional abilities. They build more of their gauge if they hit from flank (kasha) or back (gekko).
>Ala mhigo was in a perfectly stable state as long as they listened to the garleans nothing bad would happen
>We come in and demand they fight for us against the niggers in magitech while they just have hammers and pitchforks
>All of their former leaders die trying to fight for the country they believe in being in capable safe hands
>A blonde teenage bimbo who demands the peasants go in before her ends up leading the country.
We made things so much worse.
>trial roulette
>Lakshmi normal
>everyone but me dies during her animation attack because they don't use vril
There were only 2 new people and yet 7 out of 8 died. Normal mode was a mistake.
why would it be nerfed? It's pretty much exactly where it needs to be right now. Average damage with good mobility,utility and solid burst.
1) They're not weak
2) they burst very quickly especially if their mana is stacked up.
DF is usually just a "one and done" kind of thing, but holy crap can it be an enlightening experience. Sometimes I forget there are people who can't walk and chew gum at the same time, and they play the same game.
>Ala mhigo was in a perfectly stable state as long as they listened to the garleans nothing bad would happen
Not with Zenos in charge and not with faggots like the Skulls stirring up shit just to show their masters that they're useful.
spellswords as a concept is always fun
The best thing about Stormblood is all the hq SCH tears.
>Ala mhigo was in a perfectly stable state as long as they listened to the garleans nothing bad would happen
People were literally starving on villages because they had to pay all their money to the garleans.
Ala Ghanna was starving because they were still trying to be a damn quarry town for 20 years when the Garleans don't use stone. They should've adapted.
>Why is red mage so fun
Because there are no DoTs and one (bad) buff, with a simple to learn resource system (keep black and white close, but not equal) so your dps is based entirely on your skill compared to say DRG who needs BotD or MNK who needs GL3
List of bad ideas that removed the game's charm and quality:
>increasing level cap
>large zones
>palace of the dead
>nerfing FATEs
>ability pruning
>story mode raiding
>refusing to add more branching jobs
>buy 99 iron ore from guild supplier for less than 1800 gil
>sell the stack for 9,900 gil on the MB
>it sells in less than an hour
OK, what's going on here? Are people really this retarded?
Why is trial 3 so difficult for newbies? You'd think it'd take them a couple of wipes, then they'd know the mechanics and be able to do it. So far, though, in my experiences with it, I've had one good df run. The rest were hour-hour and a half long wipe fests before we either got lucky or vote abandoned.
>(keep black and white close, but not equal)
>get POTD group with a tank and two dps and me on healer
>tell them to just pull everything and run to key room and aoe down
>they respond as if i've said something ludicrous like play with their feet, but try it out
>finish the run in like 10 minutes and receive 3 commendations
You need them offset to get the benefit from Verflare and Verholy.
Reminder that there's literally nothing wrong with WAR
>palace of the dead
thats it
Use your ranged pull for fast enmity, that shit generates so much now
Verholy always procs stone if you have more white, Verflare with fire if you have more black
8000 gil is nothing. Why would I waste time going to NPCs when I can simply craft one thing and sell for several thousands?
Who let you out of the shed?
Sustain removal hurts SMN even more than SCH, because they don't have any reliable way to keep their pets alive in melee range. They really do need to revert the Bane nerf. I find myself using Shadowflare more often, since it seems to do more damage, but it's on cooldown. Whenever tanks do large pulls, I feel like there is very little I can do to help beyond spamming heals. After the entire 3 dots I put down, all that leaves is situational Broil spam, which also costs a lot of mana.
Excog is decent imo. Using it at the right time allows you to do other things (albeit limited things since a lot got removed), while the tank survives whatever bullshit damage is coming his way.
You know what would be awesome? A stance for SCH that increases crit chance. Since a lot of its abilities are enhanced by crit, why the hell not? This actually would make new SCH somewhat fun to play.
>Male cat
>Sice hair
>Fox ears
Are these people not self aware?
What's the point of Provoke if you can just use Shirk to tank swap now?
Does anyone else hate how the DRG plays at lvl 70?
>Leveling RDM
>Left all the side quests available in SB as leveling a tank was easy thanks to insta queues
>Getting to 60 is a slog and a half
Do I really have to just spam pvp? I really don't want to do PotD.
I don't know what makes healing you faggots more of a pain now, your drastically sliding health bars or all the mobs that I pulled off of you with one Benefic I.
Get your shit together.
Should've left SCH and SMN alone.
start quest
see this
wat do
>friend thinks they're an expert on ffxiv because they spend most of work reading r/ffxiv
>pretends he predicted stormblood features even though he just regurgitates info that reddit stole from Sup Forums threads (like the leaks)
>complains that I play Monk because 'it's not meta' even though he only began raiding in 3.5
Anyway Riddle of Fire buff when? I'm stacking skill-speed just to counter how slow this ability makes nuMonk.
What's the exact date for Omega normal?
When some DPS blows all their cooldowns on something you haven't pulled yet.
No, they aren't. Every shitty healer I've had since Stormblood's launch has been a cat or Au Ra with pineapple hair, fox ears, and the full Shisui set.
Take pictures
July 4th
Fuck Riddle of Fire, when are they removing one ilm punch and unnerfing Forbidden Chakra
What did OP mean by this?
>complaining about DPS queues
There are shit loads of ways to level in this game. Why are DPS crying so hard about queues? Spam fates while queued for dungeons, do PVP, do POTD, do sidequests if available. Dungeons are not the only source of EXP.
>have to raid while every household around me is trying to blow themselves up
time to get my BLM up
Well, the Shisui top parts are good, especially relative to the robe shit overload that makes up almost everything else available in 4.0 content.
He meant that you can have fun if you steer away from 1-2-3 combos.
Nothing wrong with fox ears, shisui or samurai.
Please tell me they will add another way to get ixion mount. This is bullshit.
pretty sure he was talking about the combination
Why the fuck did they make Paladin so god damn broke? They are literally the best class in the game right now.
>Highest tank DPS equaling some DPS classes
>Highest tank mitigation by a huge margin
>Most raid utility out of any class
I'd worry about nerfs, but SE tends to never nerf classes. Looks like this is going to be a PLD expansion boys.
I bet you s-s-stutter type too you fucking massive faggot
>refusing to add more branching jobs
SMN and SCH are fucked because of this stupid idea. Branching adds nothing to XIV other than balance issues. A whole new job is a lot more interesting than this broken Branching shit.
>MCH pulling 4500 DPS in Susanoo
What the fuck, I thought you guys said this job was bad?
because bad players tend to play it
all dps classes are pretty equal right now, sam coming out a little ahead
>hoghest tank DPS
Intense doubt. I'm leveling Warrior, and I really can't see Pally hitting these numbers at all. I get damage per hit and damage per second are two different things, but still. Pally does have fucking amazing support and mitigation though, no doubt. I'm really jealous of their new moves. Only reason I didn't level it is because of how boring it was in ARR and HW
No you help liberate savages and ala mhiggers while jerking off japan
If there's any social justice propaganda in the game, it's pretty well hidden.
Nope, no political pandering here.
Whoever made the bot that's making these posts needs to put some more work in to it, it didn't even use "cuck" once.
The way they portray the Ala Mhigan refugees is very anti-SJW.
Is this some Sup Forums raid to make a related post in every active Sup Forums thread? Seriously like 80% of the threads I've seen today have had someone basically saying "Sup Forums here"
In mechanic/movement heavy fights RDMs and BRDs still come out ahead desu
You all got a Wind-up Khloe from this week's Wondrous Tails, right?
Just report and ignore.
Nerfing Eye for an Eye, making it a role skill, but then keeping Deployment Tactics exactly as it was.
>dps classes are pretty equal
I assume you don't count MCH as a dps class in this statement, because that would invalidate it.
Only ironically :^)
I bet you're a male hyur or elezen.
I'm getting mixed messages. I know anime and Japan is based, but one guy said there are niggers.
warrior is fucked all around right now. their class mechanics are aids and dps is pretty poor. paladins are parsing 3.5k+ dps, dark knights aren't far behind. good ones anyway
enjoy being the new paladin. nobody wants to take warriors atm
>So quick to parrot DPS cuckshed meme doesn't even look at the post he was replying too where a MCH pulled off great DPS.
Which is the best pvp for leveling? Does it matter?
Looks like shit so no.
Maybe the player was just really good. Dedicated mains can make low tier characters/classes look much better than they actually are.
>this blatant lying
post the parse then, or are you another bard false flagger?
How come they were the most balanced jobs in ARR when only 5 spells made them different, and the most unbalanced, boring jobs in SB when they're more separated than ever?
>tfw can't equip the shisui gear without glamouring something over it
It's good to know that I'm not that deep in yet
Can someone explain to me how people enjoy this shit-tier game?
>Want to level a BLM
>Hour long queues for everything
Back to healing I guess
>leveling Warrior
At least now we know without a doubt you're a retard, PLD has better spike and sustain than WAR and DRK has better sustain than WAR
At least you can do 6 meme cleaves at once now
If you read these threads you'd find out that they don't enjoy it and they play mostly because they hate themselves.
Just do POTD, PVP or Fates you whiny fucknut.
>no proof
Keep dreaming.
>Implying you don't want to fuck a got roegadyn bitch
Anyone know when the next live letter is?
it's pretty fun desu ne