Will it fail to meet expectations like the first? Will Bungivision jew it out again?

Will it fail to meet expectations like the first? Will Bungivision jew it out again?

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Considering expectations should be somewhere near the floor now, they better meet them.
And the game already has a two DLC season pass, and Bungie is contractually obligated to produce an "expansion pack" for the mid-point in the game's life cycle.

It'll be more of the exact same shit. Everything we've seen so far proves that.

Hopefully no, but I will be purchasing it day one on PC a month after initial release. because i'm shit

>Only 4 destinations on launch
>Only 1 raid
>Probably only 5-7 strikes like vanilla D1
>replaced patrols with scripted, but replayable "adventures" and "lost sectors", arguably the only thing they did that might be considered more content
>Taking away some crucible modes at launch

Yep, it's going to be the exact same size as D1 at launch, but with a lot more QoL improvements. People will still be salty, though. Me included.

They'll have to contend with Anthem in a year's time.

Depends on if the story is passable or not. The 60 FPS gameplay of it looks really good though.

>Only 4 destinations on launch

that'll be fine if they're at least 6x bigger than in Destiny 1

I'm sure they'll have a huge expansion like Taken King to battle it, though. If they're smart, it'll continue the main story of Destiny 1 that they left behind for the Cabal invasion for vanilla D2.

>counting on Bioware to do anything right
I'm not at all saying that D2 is going to be great...in fact every indication is that it won't be. But betting on Bioware to not fuck it all up is retarded

They did say it's not the Andromeda team working on Anthem. I'm sure that band of idiots got a serious chewing out by EA for embarrassing them.

It doesn't matter - the main team made DA:I. There is no good Bioware team.

Luke Smith has me convinced that he actually has a narrative arc in mind for D2, unlike the nothing that was Destiny.

none of them know how to use frostbite, their last two games look like complete shit

Luke said himself in an interview that everything that happened in Destiny 1 was "nothing of significant importance." It should be treated like a so-called "issue #0" if Destiny were a comic book series. The REAL story starts in Destiny 2.

I'm not really offput by the 1 raid as long as the expansions include raids. 1 raid is actually ok as long as that's only the case for 3-6 months or so.

The dumbing down of the weapons on the other hand....

>Bungie still insists it can balance P2E and P2P simultaneously without splitting them out
So yeah, probably

They're doing it by changing the dynamic of PVP matches.
>No one starts with ammo for their big gun
>You have to find the ammo for it somewhere on the map
>When you get your big gun ammo, EVERYONE IN THE MATCH is going to know about it
No big gun being a constant presence means more balanced matches, on paper at least.

I have friends who are gonna play it, I'm into that sort of FPS psedi-MMO lootfest thing, and there's really no better alternatives
so I might get it desu

Hold on a sec, let me check if Destiny is still shit.

Yeah, still shit. So, 2 won't be any better.

They still need to just admit that they should balance guns separately for PvE and PvP or neither can really shine. You should be able to have kind of OP guns in PvE because that means they can throw more at you and make it feel more epic. But if they do that then PvP becomes a shitshow as long as they insist guns must be the same in both modes.

Also, it took a whole game to do it, but they finally figured out how to balance guns on an individual basis.

it's absolutely mindblowing that was an issue in the first place

it's fun with all the expansions but that's about the only way to have fun, all the endgame playlists and shit

I had a lot of fun with it

Then again I got it with the Taken King DLC and had friends to play it with. Rise of Iron was cool af too but way too short

it will be very hard for bioware to top bungie at action gameplay.
exactly, I personally think DA:I was even worse than andromeda. At least Andromeda had semi-passable gameplay.
going from 30 fps to 144 fps is huge, the core gameplay should be tight and more content will come down the line. I'm just hoping for decent endgame pvp from the initial game, as long as I have that I'll be happy.

>If you want hard sci fi, go play Mass Effect
>If you want silly Star Wars-esque shit, play Anthem
So it's definitely going to be closer to Destiny in that respect.

As long as I don't get rifles with shit like Exhumed on them, I'll be happy.