Why did they have to make literally EVERY male companion a gay LGBT faggot? I understand one or two, but literally ALL of them are gay bumfuckers. Why?
Why did they have to make literally EVERY male companion a gay LGBT faggot? I understand one or two...
because diversity mainstream and globalism = max profit
What game?
Gay bumfuckers are nice when they are girls (female)
What? All companions that are romancable are bi. It's lazy as hell.
>implying military organizations aren't cesspools of homosexuality
It's my kind of lazy, though. Like Dragon's Dogma.
This guy gets it. It's easier to make everyone bi then create new lines shooting down homosex.
to increase the likelihood of playing a single character for hours without making a new one so todd can quote "hours of playtime of a single character". bethesda dont make rpgs user, they are hybrids
They make them all bi so regardless of what sex you are or what sexuality you have, you can romance whoever you want. It's still really shitty and unrealistic though.
Fallout 4 might have the worst companions/NPCs/factions of any game I've played in recent memory. I fucking hated all of them. Except Nick, but the rest were unlikable with retarded fucking motives.
>not liking le french robot
She's obvious waifubait but I still love her.
>all of them
None of them are gay you dumbass.
She was better in robot form
Bethesda has handled the homo/diversity shit pretty well with this maneuver
1.) It's easy to give all romancable characters generic relationship dialogue, rather than give them sexuality-specific dialogue
2.) Making everyone bi doesn't piss off a lot of people (usually). Straight people go for opposite sex and faggots go for same. No one is canonically homo or straight and it keeps both the right and left from freaking out
that dyke and that other dyke
they're all gay
You faggots are both wrong
you can romance any companion
which means they're all bi
Fallout 4 would've been better if the story where the adventures of Nick after being re-activated. I'm still confused how they managed to get such a great character in such a shitty game.
What did he mean by this?
Uh, it's current year
It's Bethesda, it wasn't due to some grand idea. It was simple laziness and not wanting to deal with the ree'ing idiots on Twitter whining about gay romances. They just made it generic as they could while being completely open.
He hated that he had to do it but it was necessary.
todd likes player sexual. the world revolves around the player.
Fallout 4 is even more stupid because you can have sex with any and all of the companions and they don't seem to give a shit.
I was lezzing all the femme companions and they didn't mind.
It's stupid anyway, at least play some squelch sounds or something during the fade to black.
Is there a part of any Bethesda game that isn't lazy as hell? I think they're actually making the worst games of all time.
>Is there a part of any Bethesda game that isn't lazy as hell?
Does marketing count?
Would anyone have really been upset if a companion turned down the protag due to sexual preference? Isn't that what the LGBTBBQ has been fighting for anyway?
>PC tries to until settler
>Danse goes full-BOS
>I love this part of the job that i love!
>Blasts helpless settler
>Danse hated that
Brotherhood of Buzz Lightyear strikes again.
they'll never be happy with anything. this way just punts tells everyone to fuck off and enjoy your game how you like.
It's what pigskins want
I find it pretty ironic this thread complaining about the devs choice to just be blanket inclusive accuses SJWs of being complainers.
Mass effect and Saintrow 4 didn't suffer from NPC's having specific preferences. I doubt FalloutScrolls would have been any different.
idk dishonored is pretty gud :3
I would have liked it more if it wasn't so angry with me for killing everyone.
What's the point of putting all those nifty environmental kills in if you're never meant to use them?
Only if that applies to heteros as well, and not just because of sexual preference. They should be able to deny you for a variety of reasons. Harem romances are so fucking boring, characters lose their personality and fling themselves on the MC.
I want to be shamed for having too small a penis and being white
DA2 had all bi party members and the tumblr crowd all hated that, I guess it takes away a part of what makes the characters unique.
>They do this
>Sup Forums lols at "sjws"
>finds character that turns them down cause is lesbian and another who is gay
>rages about fucking cuck devs being sjw panderers
Which ones (if any) would be gay in FO4?
I like Cait's slutty dialogue after you max her affinity
>because diversity mainstream and globalism = max profit
It's just corporate bullshit. The industry can do great without it.
Didn't Arkane make that?
All the females are gay too, so only a faggot would complain about it.
piper is for sure a lesbian
and I duno maybe the little lamplight dudola turned out gay
I think hancock would be cannon bi because he's a free spirit
because every game has to push a leftist agenda for the NWO to have any chance. They aren't popular any other way
Absolutely and fuck OP. There is nothing wrong with the companions being bi, because then everybody gets what they want and can play the game the way they want. I will NEVER EVER FORGIVE NEW VEGAS for being a pozzed piece of shit.
Mod them straight. Todd has given you all the tools to tailor the game to your tastes.
bi =/= gay holy shit I fucking hate OP. I'd rather them all be bi then some be gay and unromanceable. Holy shit there were so few female companions to begin with. Imagine if they made one of them canon lez. I fucking hate the modern gaming industry.
Any good lewd mods yet? That's the only thing that will make me reinstall this shit game
It's not "corporate bullshit". It's SJW forcing it on companies. DARPA even has funding sources for this.
Finally someone else agrees with me. They make lazy fucking games and expect mods to fix it all for them. And people keep throwing them fucking 10/10s because everyone has a huge boner for open world games for some reason.
Playersexual =/= Gay/Lez
Wow OP you are fucking retardo. This was actually the best way for Todd to get around having to put canon gay characters in the game and fill the diversity quota.
this isn't corporate bullshit. it's a compromise.
this stuff was always catered toward heteros. player sexual just lets the company ignore the issue altogether (it's not a very interesting issue)
Piper is not fucking lesbian retard, she is the reincarnation of Nora, and the perfect replacement for her. It was obvious Piper was the canon love interest for Nate. If anyone was a dyke it was cait.
>lets the company ignore the issue altogether
Which is why its fucking ingenious, and the reason why OP is a retarded fuck for complaining. If they made all the characters straight then the lgbts would jus complain and make our lives fucking worse by demanding gay characters. It's the sad fucking truth and I hate it but Bethesda is actually really fuckig based and smart for getting around this.
>No sex-tec
>All mods are basically tacticool or meme shit
>Become leader of institute
>No way to tell them to stop being total cunts
Why won't Bethesda get an actual good engine and make a proper game that's still modable? Is it too difficult to do both?
That's why deacon was best companion. He couldn't be romanced at all. Also he has best perk.
That is a cute girl
You don't need to tell them because they stop it themselves. They don't swap people with synths anymore because they're in control so there's no reason to.
>He thinks fourplay is on the same level as sextec if it will ever be made
It's literally just an animation mod (adding only a few ones too I might add), not a framwork with tons of different animations for different positions, and is not meant to be a suitable replacer for a framework sex mod. If you ever look at that mod's page it's being used as a placeholder until Ashal makes Sextec.
It's realistic you retards. When the world gets nuked and the population is down by more than half, anyone is going to be down to fuck anyone.
i have no clue why people like piper so much she comes off as the kind of girl who would unironically use the word "mansplaining"
Arkane was the dev, Bethesda only published.
Degenerates like you should be lashed to a cross.
All of you degenerates who actually like this should be nailed to a cross
Actually Fallout 4 is fun on survival mode
>become general of the Minutemen
>Preston still acts like a bull and gives me orders
>actually I'm the only one that does anything in the Minutemen
>be Sentinel aka Arthur's Boy toy #1 of the BoS
>only purpose in life now is to roam around the East Coast doing fuckall since you're outside the chain of command, just sometimes helping the Prydwen rape the next city or village for resources.
>be nothing for the Railroad
>still remain nothing
>Desdemona straps a bomb to my chest and makes me explode in the middle of Diamond City to make a point about toaster's rights
All factions fucking suck
wasnt bethesda
Only if you fix it up so it's not being paper against hundreds of tanks. Literally artificial difficulty where all they do is inflate the numbers even if you do more in return. Needs to be more like Metro where everyone dies easily, not just you.
You guys are taking this so seriously it has bisexual shit because Bethesda is lazy that's it
Its a trope across all forms of media. Make the MCs sidekick a total pussy so the protag looks even more badass in comparison.
off his meds
>kills everyone in sight
>bodies help spread the plague
If you killed low amounts of guards and only the targets you wouldn't have gotten "punished." For high chaos, it simply gives you more enemies to fight and a darker ending for preferring to kill countless men for only doing their jobs instead of sparing some of them.
Retards like you are the reason why devs dumb down games.
What else is there to do in the wasteland I guess.
Same reason why rural town girls get pregnant so early?
I'm More bummed out about not being able to build anything that isn't a run down shack in the settlement system.
>Game has binary ending with no real choice but to play "good".
>Game gives far more options to kill but only a few to spare people
>Giving a shit about nameless guards
Retards like you are the reason games like that even sell copies in the first place.
>that isn't a run down shack
This annoys the ever loving fuck out of me. I enjoy making good shit, but everything looks terrible because they decided it'd be nice to have everything full of holes and gaps and mismatched shit. And since the player essentially creates or makes all of the pieces of equipment from generic metal or wood, why not have stuff that's not broken or rusted to all fuck? Seriously, it's stupid how they thought having this few of nothing but ugly shit is okay. The only good I can give is that items don't go flying around like a nuke hit the room when you pick up anything in FO4.
but they'd have to fix AI to do that... AI is hard.
Also why can't you clean the areas?
Why does the minutemen fortress, which is like the capital for the wasteland afterwards, still have piles of rubble and brick everywhere.
Why does hangman alley still have dead bodies handing from the wall and rubble up the sides of the buildings. Fuck, why can't you even use the buildings.
>kills shittons of people
>haha user you think games should have consequences? lol ur dumb
Handled it pretty well actually, as far as I'm concerned. They had their own personalities but their sexuality didn't matter until you tried to romance them. Better than DA where you have characters that are just there to be gay.
That's actually not how survival is, you take a lot more damage but they take a lot more damage as well