Fightstick thread

lets have a fightstick thread

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Fightsticks? More like suckdicks, you know what I'm saying, beechez??!


Is the mayflash f-300 any good? I've just started playing mostly SuperTurbo and 3S, but want to get into Darkstalkers, Tekken, KoF and maybe GG

I like it, but hori plexis look like ass so I'm probably gonna build something new soon

do you have powerful game?

It's a good starting stick. Buttons are decent and joystick is good enough. That stick in particular though is known for being easily modifiable. So if you don't like the stick or buttons get some sanwa parts and you're good to go. Adding the parts it'll still be a lot cheaper than most sticks and it'll be really good after it's been modded, which is really easy.


Have a Sanwa modded Qanba Drone. It's alright for a cheap stick and was relatively easy to mod once I got the hang of it.

Most played game was D&D shadows though and not fighting games.

recently got the hori rap 4 red version. my first stick i like it alot

i might snag something new at evo but i like my stick

I have this stick...
And beint true, the Stick part feel small.....
the arcades sticks feel alot better.
I have a much bigger alone stick part, but dont know If there is a way to mode this, because I feel you cant dissarm it.

>tfw wanna make a waifu stick
>tfw I only use stick for SF and GG
>tfw I'm sticking with Tekken for a while

how do I convince myself to make a waifu stick?

what is the waifu?

R8 m8s


OP said Fightsticks, not cheater boxes.

Good shit, nice and clean just like the 86. I give it a big thumbs up.

I have a couple more vinyl stickers to add to the side of mine, one of them is the red suns team sticker.

>cheater boxes
Are you shitposting or actually believe this? Either way, what does this even mean? I keep hearing it but what's so cheater about a hitbox?

Anyone here have one of those old school Japanese arcade machine designs in full resolution to put on a stick?

It's the same machine this Clover-TAC guy is using on this video I think

I want to make my stick, and I can get the green buttons and balltops, but I need the picture to put on the top of the stick, I think it would look nice, but I can't find one like this, I'm not sure even if an image like this exists.

It's just shitposting. It's no different than playing on a keyboard.


The layout of that is really gonna depend on the stick you're putting the art on.
I still have the vector files for , if you let me know what model your stick is and what you're looking for I can probably tweak it to fit.

You can also find the original vectors here, under "panel (vector)"

It would be one like this, I guess if there's a stick there must be an image.


>not using as many keys allowed

Thanks, I didn't know something like this existed, I can make the box to fit the art so it's not a big problem

Can I open these .ai files with a pdf reader? I'm on my phone right now because my motherboard just broke today, but I can get on a computer tomorrow.

Got a Qanba Q1 cheap that I took all the original parts outside of the start and function buttons out of and replaced with Sanwa parts.

And this is what I moved onto as a second project. Built from scratch for the most part using some leftover parts from the Q1.

Actually, can you just send me the vector files of that stick, I can probably do the tweaks to fit it myself. It's going to take a while before I actually start building the stick so I'm just going to save whatever I can for now.

please don't post my stick thanks



Is the Hori Mini a good entry-level stick?

any stick is a decent entry stick. You can't really go wrong with Hori, decent parts and make. Good for beating up on. If you want to just skip the baby entry and go straight for a big boy, any of the hori ps4 sticks are great. They're about 150~ though.

Is there a quality and also cheap fight stick I could get? I was thinking about this one but I have very big hands so I don't think it's the best choice for me.

Never go cheap with a stick, just suck it up and drop the cash on a nice Hori, razor or TE+/2

should probably mention what platform you're playing on?


Qanba Q1s are in and out of print, they have a new version but they make it for 360 and PS3 and both work on PC. You can get them for under 100 smackaroos.

I'd avoid a Mayflash... They're very cheap, and might last you long enough to get you interested in a real stick, but imo it's not worth the money when you can get a better one for around the same price.

Madcatz (Rest in peace) made good sticks. They have SFV branded stick (Madcatz Alpha I believe) that's pretty decent, usually around 80~ bucks.

If you're playing on PC, consider picking up any of the madcatz or hori 360 sticks. They tend to be fairly cheap, even more so if used. (Stick to Like New). If you're on PS4 or Xbone your choices are a little more limited. Any of the other 2 I mentioned will serve decently enough.

Biggest thing to keep in mind is the cheaper you go, the less it'll last. Expect the hori mini and the madcatz alpha to be mediocre at best. Only worth if you are really interested in using a stick and want to see how it feels.

What is the reason you want to buy a cheaper stick?

To play games with it.

Nothing special.

No, why do you want to save money when buying a stick? For example I don't live in the US and it's very hard and expensive to import a good quality stick, but if you live in the US or a country where you can easily buy a stick you should just buy a good quality one, they really last forever and can be easily modded however you want, it's a good investment if you like fighting games.

How do you change the art on those?

Well where I live this stuff is really expensive, also I'm new to fighting games so I'm not sure if the investment is worth it or not.

You can always sell it if you realize that it's not for you.

>You can always sell it

HA good one

You have to be living in some shithole if you can't.

bought different plexi and custom artwork
focusattack is where i got all my shit

Looks nice. Are those black rims with smoke buttons?

no matter how you look at it, a fight stick is slower and less efficient then a keyboard. literally. having to move the stick all the way from left to right instead of just using a finger already on the right side to press will never


be faster. its like using a xbox or ps controller to play a fps

I see, like the other guy said, you can always sell fightsticks, they never lose value, so I'll tell you what I did.

You can get "cheap" knock off sanwa parts, they are not the best thing in the world, and they even are better than the parts they use at actual arcades outside of Japan, and they serve their purpose, and buy a premade case and built it youself, it's probably going to cost just as much as the Hori mini, and you can even sell it later if you don't like it or feel like upgrading. I sold mine because I needed money earlier this year to a guy I know, and it's still working perfectly, it's probably 2 years old now so it'll last if take care of it.

Most of the world is a shithole if you didn't realize yet.

nice shitbox bro

>You can get "cheap" knock off sanwa parts, they are not the best thing in the world, and they even are better than the parts they use at actual arcades outside of Japan
I'm sorry but any arcade that isn't using actual sanwa or seimitsu parts has to be a complete fucking dump. It's not like they're even expensive.

No they don't, I knew people were going to say that but they work well enough if you don't want to be a "super pro player" and just learn or play on some emulators, they are worse than original parts, but if you never played with actual sanwa parts you won't know the difference.

true, but if you ever plan on playing in an arcade you'll be up shit river without a paddle

are you me? i have smoke hbfs buttons for punches, white hbfs buttons for kicks and the same carbon mesh balltop on my hori


Sticks for my super gun.

Thinking about building one for my Super Nintendo since I have a bunch of adapters.

>have te2
>literally the ugliest stick out there
>want to change the face plate
>no ideas for a design
The real struggles

>Dat Kuuga
I appreciate your taste

>paying large amounts of money for something you're only going to use for one or two games

I have that, this stick is only ok IF you play on a desk, the controller is very small so having it rest on your lap is very unconfortable and the buttons are kind of small and a bit harder to press.

all in all it works for me cause I put it on the desk when I play.

webm related, thats using that stick.
please no bully

Anons, can you guide me to my first fight stick? I love fightans and have been playing on pad since forever but for Tekken, I feel the game would be best played on stick. I tried one for a day and my EWGF/OTGFs were coming out almost 95%. More consistently. I want something that feels good but also affordable. Easy to mod as well. I came across the Mad Catz TE2+ but since they're out of business, I'm not paying $400+ for a stick. Any advice, anons?

be prepared to pay 150-200 for any good stick user.

the cheaper ones almost always have a drawback like being small or for the old consoles.

Yeah, seems that way. l think l'm willing to shell out $200 and maybe a tad more for mods but nothing beyond that. I'd like a stick that works on PS3/4 and PC. The options are just overwhelming. So many sticks I don't know which are even good.

qanba obsidian, free

>when you gotta play with shit you wont be good at it because your not used to playing with shit

fair enough

I'd love to play with this while yelling BANDITO BRINGAH

How does it feel to be drowning in trap pussy?

>that reflection in the balltop
>obese looking fucker
thanks, needed a laugh today

You can either make a hitbox if you have the time and the tools or buy an omni korean stick.
are you sure that you're willing to put in time though? because if you won't, then it's gonna be a waste of money

I was thinking of getting something to decorate this with but don't know what

>Buttons taped
>right move button is falling down
>the condition of the box in general
Nigger, what are you doing? Get a solid box, man.

I have tape on the other side that keeps buttons from falling in its all solid and secure

I don't know, this set up works and I don't feel a need to upgrade

>Have Razer Panthera
>Can't change the plexi because it's annoying as fuck to do
I thought I wouldn't mind, but seeing all this nice art in this thread made me realize I made a terrible mistake

Well so long you find it okay, but don't cry while you play if you suddenly press the button hard enough to the point that the box break

Got two sticks. Custom art PS3 HRAP3, Hori stick with Sanwa buttons. Xbox One HRAP with no art (Peeled the sticker off for dat ghetto feel), Korean stick, Hori Buttons (Might switch to gamerfinger later).

I adore this stick.

Obviously you've never played on a Korean or good American stick. Resistance is so high that as soon as you let go, it's back to neutral.

This is my stick. I modded Sanwa parts into it.
Only cost me like £60 overall.

It does the job.

too lazy to take a photo. here goes a google picture.

Nah, they just look black because of the panel.
Great, isn't it?

So I'm still rocking this from the bundle when it first came out. Should I upgrade finally or is there any chance of modding it?

>buying razer products

The mistakes started here.

I like the feel of battop more then balltop, but people say battops are shit. Should I switch back to balltops?

>I like to use thing
>other people don't like to use thing
>I'm not going to use thing I like because other people don't like it.

You could make your top a fucking dildo and if it works for you go for it.

Also got a quanba q4, though I need to get new buttons for it. Going to hold off on getting the buttons as I rarely use the q4 nowadays.

why did this get deleted
I wanted to see it

what's the cheapest way to make one?

it feels good being a lazy motherfucker

I bought it for 99$ so it was a steal. Though maybe I should get a Qanba instead.

Is it better than the hori RAP N? I can't decide between that or the obsidian. I want something that isn't VLX tier huge and moddable. Mainly for putting a design on it and I want something that will last, having sanwa is a plus for me but I heard the obi is big and not mod friendly. Any help here user?

Anywhere to get one in Straya?

Or am I doomed to pay huge shipping fees?

I have over $1000 sunk into sim racing hardware, and that's not even counting the VR headset. Niche hobbies are expensive, that's how it works.

Are korean sticks a meme?

It was about $70 per player to make So if you use a shoebox or something laying around you could get one built for 70ish maybe less. With woodworking knowledge and having tools avaliable you could easily build a box for cheap.

>paying large amounts of money for something you can use for fighting games and arcade games

The only thing that was stolen was your money.

You can still steal some faggot's money with it though.

you should upgrade.
I have that and it's honestly pretty shit. I got a shitty doa4 hori stick that is leagues better than the T6 bundled stick.
Biggest problem is the shaft of the stick being plastic.

Can't speak for the modability as I haven't modded mine yet personally nor have I seen any heavily modded ones, buttons and stick are as easily replaced as any other flagship stick though. Obsidian definitely isn't huge, you're probably thinking of the dragon, which is pretty big but I still like mine.

Shit, meant for

Just bought a hayabusa 5, recommend me some games to play with it, can be anything, steam or emu. Currently enjoying shmups like Ikaruga, Crimson Clover World Ignition, and some cheap fighting games like UN:IB. I really want the new kof and gg xrd rev 2, but they're expensive and I'd have to play the shit out of them to justify the price, and being in oceania (lag) and average skill level makes that hard.

thanks user, I'll go with the obsidian then