Have you ever actually been scared by a video game

Have you ever actually been scared by a video game

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a few times, yeah, but now i'm gonna watch thriller

i never did appreciate michael's music until after he was dead


cause this is THRILLER

Dead Rising 2 I was scared of zombies at the time, so I didn't play it when it got dark. Eventually I found out about super zombies and stopped playing it because the idea of fast ass zombies just made me check out and play something else. It probably wasn't even that bad. I got over scary stuff when I saw Drag me to Hell with my cousins. Scary stuff just felt silly after that.

SH2 was pretty scary when I was like 12

it's only a movie


Why does Michael look like he's a red ninja from Mortal Kombat?


where do you think mortal kombat got their inspiration from?

>23 years later and no music video has come close to surpassing this

Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles?

I actually had an irrational fear of zombies after seeing Zombie Land (I was ten and it was scary to me)
What helped me get past it was that game because it allowed me to beat my fears in hilarious ways.

Silent Hill. I was at the school, when I passed thru the lockers room and a rotten body came out from one of them.
I jumped out so hard, I removed the controller from the port without moving the console an inch

If Michael jackson doesn't scare video gamers everywhere I just don't know WHAT will!

Jackson was pretty damn God tier until his last few albums....even they weren't all that bad.

I powered through Fatal Frame pretty despite get spooked fairly often. That was until I faced the two ghosts at the well. I died and immediately dropped the game. But now I really want to return.

I miss 80s and 90s music videos. There are a few decent MVs that have come after, but none have the production quality or creativity of the golden age.


man, back in the '80s MTV played music videos all the time

this is the first one i ever saw: youtube.com/watch?v=ST86JM1RPl0

That first run of Dead Space (using only the default gun because a buddy told me it was actually decent).

Bedroom lights off, crappy headset on, wrapped up tight in my piss and mountain dew saturated bedsheets.

Fucking magical.

Yeah, his work was pretty consistent. The whole pedophilia thing is what ruined his career, not the quality of his work. I remember Invincible came out when I was in high school. It was a great album that literally no one in America bought.

the media jews really fucked him over

Not true; I bought it. Jackson's music is fucking ace. I don't care if he allegedly diddled some kid.

The same reason the chick from Flashdance looks like Sonya Blade.

It's clear whoever did the character designs in the original MK drew influence from 80s pop culture.

the hedge maze in re4 still un-nerves me

He was a good host

>have a phobia of height
>mfw playing Demon's Soul and Dark Souls

i don't believe it myself; i figure when michael asked a little kid to come over and ride his train, it wasn't a euphamism

guy got his whole childhood robbed from him. he wasn't trying to fuck little kids, he was trying to be a little kid

i still havent played bioshock past the first 10 mins because of how much of a pussy i am

The only thing comparable was when the first Dead Space was released.
Some fucked up jump scares in that game.

Jackson was no pedophile. What happened with Jackson was some of the worst media manipulation had to offer and we lost one of the greatest musical artists because of it. It's a damn shame too since I only really began to appreciate his music until after his death and looked into more of his history. I was upset at myself for thinking he was a pedophile for so long until actually looking into the facts and realize that's the farthest from the truth.

Bioshock? Seriously?

I personally always preferred the Beat it and BAD videos, not that I dont like Thriller.

This. The moment he began vocally criticizing Jews they fucking destroyed him.

Still was weird that a guy in his 40's was hanging out with kids under 12 years old. Once the first report started he may be a pedo, he should have stopped being around kids all the time.

I used to think that until last year.

He was a kiddy diddler dude

>Playing Borderlands
>Jump off of a cliff so I can leave the area
>Body feels funny
>Feel like I'm falling

no bully, man. i really don't like being spooked at all
i can just think about my future if i want that

Opened the wrong chest in Dark Souls 2 and almost got mcgobbled up.

The end of every dating sim fills me with a deep, crushing existential dread as my mind returns to real life.

Does that count?


>be like 5 or shit, cant remember exactly but i was really young
>wake up
>see my dad in the living room playing on a brand new computer
>whats he playing?
>d-does that guy have a cannon on his head (This is what I thought it was, apparently its just a hand holding a gun. The entire concept of fps was new to me)
>oh no demons, blood, death
I was scared shitless of that game
I tried playing it a couple of time which usually just ended up with me spawning on the first map, and running towards the right to hug the corner for 20 minutes until the first grunt got bored and walks up to me

Except two things about that. One actually taking a good look and not just reading the headlines. You'll see not a single one of those items contains anything in relation to real child porn. Nothing containing children in sexual acts or anything suggestive.

Secondly the biggest question is, if the police found really did find something like that. Would that have been the biggest piece of evidence they would have brought into the case. Cause everything else they brought in were reaching to the straws to the other end of the planet.

Saw this as a kid, scared the living fuck out of me after the premier of it, it was a big deal. Couldn't sleep that night.

Always believed the jew lies about him fucking kids. Now I'm redpilled and see how they character assassinated someone who his father took advantage of, then when he started naming the jew they fucked him over hardcore.

Whenever I read play or watch something and I reach the finale. I think about what could have been for a few hours.

You conspiracy theorists are a cancer

I agree. Judy Garland was exactly the same way.

When the shark appears near the beginning of Abzu.

Fuck that shit, I alt-F4'd and haven't gone back since.

>playing war games
>Put on some really good headphones and turn up the SFX
>Nearly shit myself when Artillery comes from seemingly nowhere on my position

Am i a pansy?

That's what I always figured. There was never any forensic evidence that he molested anyone, and in the first case there were demonstrable pieces of evidence for the accusers conspiring to fuck him over for easy money.

Michael was certainly weird, but after his upbringing how could he be normal? He was robbed of his childhood and forced into fame as a meal ticket by his parents (his dad would literally beat him for not singing and dancing well enough). All the women he ever had relationships with, as well as his close friends, will tell you that sex simply wasn't a part of his life or who he was. He wanted to be a child, to reclaim those years he never got.

But the fact that he liked to invite little kids over and play with them, have sleep overs etc really did make it look like pedoshit at first glance.

The flood terrified me as a kid

Back in the day I would refuse to play Alone in the Dark: TN if there was noone else home. Even in broad daylight.

I think SCP CB is the only recent game that gives me the heebi jeebies now

By a fucking Pink Panther game no less

If you have 40 minutes to spare, there's a video that rebuttals that news and goes into the actual case as well. Backing up with well researched facts and interviews with people who personally knew Micheal Jackson. And he does go over everything the case had to offer.

Ignore the fact of his appearance and the fact that it's Razorfist. Just pay attention to the facts he brings

Same, I just turn my face away from the screen or close my eyes.

The ghost room in Last Light, the one in the subway, legit made my blood run cold when the groans started; it was the last time I was ever scared by a game, unfortunately.

Alien Isolation gave me some spooks.

ALso Silent Hill back in the day terrified me.

Outlast as well, was pretty spoopy, specially near the start.


I have a fear of the ocean

no, jews are, look at the garbage Disney and Marvel spews out now as compared to the great things they did in the past.

>also jew detected

Story Mission 4 in Dying Light, have to run for you life in pitch-black darkness, being chased by some scary mofos that don't give a shit about your parkour skills.

Same, Last Light never came as close to being spooky like the first game, but that medical room was legitimately spooky and I would have hesitated if they made exploring an underground hospital full of a shadow ghosts a thing.

>jew detected
I'm actually a muslim

The Myst games. Walking around by yourself while creepy ambient music plays in the background. Feels like you're being watched. Myst IV especially.

Fun fact: the phrase conspiracy theory was created by the CIA purely to lambast people who think out of the box, making the phrase a conspiracy in of itself. :-)

Was Michael Jackson /one of us/?

Silent Hill 1
Pretty much the whole time I was very unsettled and would get shivers occasionally
This was like 6 months ago, i'm a huge pussy

>he's played through at least 4 Myst games

My copy of metroid prime on the gamecube would sometimes freeze when in morph ball tunnels in the chozo ruins and emit an eatpiercing noise until I unplugged the gamecube (it wouldn't turn off). 10 year old me was scared shitless by it mostly because I'd be alone in my room at night and it was just so sudden. It typically did it in the same few spots (always chozo ruins and always in morph ball tunnels, one in particular being the tunnels after the area where you boost from a half-pipe). Something similar also happened on prime 3 for the wii but I really only played through that once so I don't remember where it happened.

Yes. He was a huge manchild.

Can't believe Amnesia is not listed here... probably the scariest game I've played (at least the first half).

There are some pretty creepy parts in Bioshock, I feel that.

Agree with these. Silent Hill made me feel such dread, and I wish Silent Hill 2 had made me feel any.

I was going to say Amnesia, but i didn't want to be ridiculed. I can't even play that game.

Myst and Riven were 10/10 spooks.
>CONSTANT feeling of being watched
>native dude falls off cliff at beginning of Riven
>a short while later, if you look over youll see the body is gone
>giant talking head apparition randomly appears

This nigga gets it.

I love fatal frame, 2 and 3 are my favorite ps2 games, 1 was ok but the controller sucked

>Also very intrigued by the mystery of the ocean
>Think sea creatures are cool
>Love beatiful looking games with little to no combat
>mfw abzu

it's only weird because of the pedo craze

fuck, this. I was fine in the starting biome but was afraid of going further out or deeper.

Why ridiculed? It's definitely scary. The first part of the game has absolutely phenomenal level design and masterfully controlled tension. The last half drops the ball so hard it hurts when I think about it.

Didn't realize these were scary at all. I have them both installed, but from what I've heard it would be a very involved process to play them and take notes on everything, so I've never felt like I would be able to commit to starting it.



Haunted hotel in VtM



Doom 3. That game continues to scare the living daylights out of me

i'm a seasoned horror player/movie watcher, and nothing really scares me anymore (last time i was genuinely scared, but excited to keep going were AVP2, Penumbra and Amnesia)

The picrelated is the first game in years that not only scared the fuck out of me, but gave me slight wish to not play the game anymore.

what is it


Definitely creepy. Wasn't expecting the horror angle to be so well developed in that sequence.

Has some jumps in it, but almost always some variation of "I grabbed the armor, and, guess what, a zombie came out of the tunnel next to me!". Gets a lot less scary as you go on. I thought it sucked at release, but playing it a second time this last year, it's actually a competent game. Push on, user!