>video game has a futuristic gun that fires bullets made of light
>they travel much slower than regular bullets from regular guns in the same game
Video game has a futuristic gun that fires bullets made of light
Name one(1) game
sounds familiar
Just because the bullets illuminate, doesn't necessarily mean that they're light; you dunce.
It could be a much denser matter/energy - for you to dismiss the intelligence of game devs with the excuse "muh physica", is foolish when you know nothing about Physics.
I've never played a game with fast moving energy weapons. It's always slow moving projectiles.
That's super heated plasma, not light.
It's actually super-heated partially ironised gas, dumb cunt.
That's plasma.
Promethean weapons shoot hard light.
Heh, I see you've done your research, kid.
Maybe it's slower because it's hard. Can't have force without mass. Mass takes more energy to move than something with no mass like regular light
No they don't you dumb faggot; they fire ionised particles - not as dense as plasma, but very similar.
the entry in serious sam says the laser thing fires slowlight, that's why it's slow, duh.
It's not light, retards.
Covenant - Plasma, which is PARTIALLY IONIZED.
Forerunners/Pro - COMPLETELY IONIZED particles.
The only difference between the 2 is that their weapons fire a more dense and compact form of matter.
Still not light.
This guy is an idiot. Disregard what he says.
This guy is a disregard. Idiot what he says.
And that dense and compact form of matter is light, hence the name "hardlight."
any fucking star wars game maybe not the dance central game
No it isn't, it's ionised gas, you mong.
Light cannot be ionised, or compact - stop pretending you know shit and go to Uni you basement dweller.
>I am human and can't comprehend how a super smart ancient alien race can make weapons out of light
>I am stupid and can't comprehend simple physics are a part of a fictional video game world
Borderlands 2
Tfw Bison And Pomson are so useless now.
Bison's still good to use the splash from the charged shot to annoy snipers on 2fort, but useless everywhere else.
Pomson has literally no use cases.