Is it worth picking up?

Is it worth picking up?

Hell yeah

i got it but i can't into jewery.

>mfw always be a gentile

I can't afford that.

Please tell me there is another game similar to this? I'll even take a console or phone app!

I suck at jewing people out. Also fuck that little girl.

For $5 sure. I'd say Fortune Summoners is also quite good.


During a price spike you can sell items for 250% base without a single complaint, that's how you make dumb amounts of money. Stock up on weapons and armor during price drops they sell easily. Sell most things outside of price spikes for 112-115%, experience chains are worth more than a couple shekels long run. Stick with the first adventure, pour all the xp into him and the dungeons become easy, plus you only have to equip a single person that way. Game is pretty fun and cute but not super deep.

Did that real easy and beat it but still want to play more like it


posting some reccetear






Does any game do what recettear does? I feel like this is an under-served niche.


Kingdom's Item Shop is a shitty 3DS knockoff released last year. Pirate it.

Downloading off the freeshop as I type

>tfw when I sold an Apple to an Oldman for like 2800% profit

Atelier series kinda has the same feel to it, in that you go out exploring to gather items and it's set in a medieval-esque setting.
You're not running a shop though.

game sucks, way overrated on here because muh anime and muh capitalism. it's a bad meme

Atelier is the king of jewing items together.
>spend hours min maxing you profit gains over your allotted time and story progress
>realize you have literally nothing to spend it on at this point

>breaks the game
>why is game broke??

You are not really a commie, are you?

Yeah, but expect the dungeon delving stuff to take a back seat to actually running a shop. When you start keep in mind building customer affection levels is key since the more hearts they have or whatever the more cash they'll have, so taking a little less profit or none is better than losing affection with a customer. That also the key to making the little girl not such a huge pain in your ass.

For the sale price? Fuck yeah. It's some of the most fun I've had with an indie game, and I'm not even a weeb. I highly recommend it.

threadly reminder that the only and actually decent recettear porn was made by shadman

That's a good thing though. The dungeon crawling is incredibly mediocre and generic, but the game really shines with the shop.

>people unironically complain about little girl
>when prime and euria are in the game

Are Chantelise and Fortune Summoners worth kicking in another $5?

fortune summoners was censored because the guy localizing it felt that the artists were fucking perverts, so you have towels edited into a fucking sauna where it doesn't even make sense

also if you complained on their forum, you'd get banned and called a pedo

fuck yeah it is. Carpe Fulgur are scum though so piracy is an option

I didn't even know the game had fap bait, but I'm definitely not buying it now.

Chantelise is kind of okay, with decent challenge.
Fortune Summoners is an excelent game, probably one of the top 10 games I've played.

If what this user said bother you, just pirate. Lizsoft doesn't exist anymore, so you are not giving any money to the developer.

It's probably for the best. I wouldn't want anyone thinking I was buying video games for the lolibutts.

except the scene wasn't even fanservice. Just girls taking a public bath, so they are actual nude underwater. but fulgur see this as pedoshit and put towels to girls who are in a public bath.

I just noticed the game has a demo, you should really try it out

She's not so bad once you raise your reputation with her.

Be sure to buy the best vending machine, and then buy 10 more of it. Fill your vending machine with vending machines. You buy them at like 80k and they'll sell around 120k a pop. The morons actually buy them. You'll crash the market for a couple days, but that's 400k profit without any real effort.
However, if the price of "metal things" ever goes up, you should keep them in your inventory. That way if a customer requests "something metal" you can give it to them and mark it up a shit ton. Same for when they order a bunch of metal things.
Old man ordering 5 metal things, and metal things are up? You can sell 5 vending machines to him at like 200k each and he'll buy it, the senile fuck.

I want to 100% the game, but before even starting Endless Mode I wanted to get all the true cards out of the way, so been doing New Game + runs. Got Charme's, Griff's, and Nagi's true cards but I'm getting burnt out. What is even the point of Louie's true card, as soon as you open the dungeons you have access to him anyway.

dude what

I generally hate weebshit, but the concept of the game got my attention. It isn't the greatest game by any means, but it was a decent game that was worth the buy.

Yes, dont marathon it tho, you will hate it.

What happened with Depthy?

I can't get through Arma in boss rush. She's like the last sticky point. Once I get through her I'm home free, but every time I try to attack her she gets me with something.
