Pikmin is one of the worst Nintendo franchises, prove me wrong

Pikmin is one of the worst Nintendo franchises, prove me wrong

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my fraternity pours hot sauce on my balls during pledging

How so?

LUL, you didn't even say why it was the worst!

I can't. Shit deserves to flop and be forgotten but Miyamoto still pushes this crap for some reason.

But they are CUTE.

Its way too easy and has zero story, also the graphics sucked ass.

>3 games
ye ok user



Is one of the best ip nintendo have, and in a genre with very little representation on consoles

Someone hasn't seen this fellow then

>OP falseflagging so he can trick people into talking about Pikmin because too many people on Sup Forums only discuss something if they take offense to it

>Prove me wrong
Easy, you have shit taste

Fucker isn't even hard, but then again literal babies play this game so they had to make it easy

Wait, why are you talking about Mario all of the sudden?


This thread is shit, can we make it not shit by posting the ost.

It actually works because of how contrarian this shithole is.

Shit taste, Pikmin is GOAT


In dev.

This is true. See if I had started a Pikmin thread wanting to talk about the game it would have gotten no replies.

The only reason you people clicked on this thread is because it was inflammatory.


I'd be down for that

Let's be frank, the only difficulty in the first Pikmin comes from
>Pikmin AI is fucking terrible. Will take ship pieces through hazards, walk into water on their own, trip, attack without being commanded
>Enemies Bulborbs take no damage while they're attacking

Pikmin 2's only hard part is the Submerged Castle which isn't a problem if you don't get greedy and keep trying to get treasure while the Waterwraith is on the floor


Pikmin 3s challenge mode is actually pretty hard to get the best score

Also the waterwraith only spawns once so defeating it on the first run and coming back after defeats the difficulty completely

Sorry, meant to day "in dev forever"

>not Pokemon

Startropics exists.

Anyone else like the caves in 2? I know they're pretty unpopular because they're repetitive, but I find them comfy as fuck. Especially the music and atmosphere on some levels like bulblax kingdom, shower room. and frontier cavern.

Giv pik4 pls

They're unironically my favorite part of the pikmin series. They really allow the ideas of pikmin to shine as you literally delve deep into the world.


Im a fan and I agree with you. Game Freak is such a terrible developer to squander the franchise on and the series has looked like shit since going 3D. goddamnit.

This gave me nightmares as a kid.

>1st game was a flop
>So it was the second
>Miyamoto forced the third game development just because
>Just like the past 2 games it flopped
>No Iwata Asks about Pikmin 3 because it would show how a hack Miyamoto can be
>Miyamoto is now forcing the development of the fourth title
>Very likely that the spinoff game will flop too
Yeah it was a franchise that nobody asked
Good luck having Sup Forums agreeing with you

I love them, particularly the toybox and grass floors.

Miyamoto keeps pushing this shit franchise