Here's that Gameboy you wanted son!
Here's that Gameboy you wanted son!
Thanks dad!
Vaporwave as fuck. I'd play it
>would be pissed off as a kid
>want it as an adult
what went wrong?
Thanks dad, now time to go sell it for loads of dosh on eBay.
Limited edition!? You're the best, pops!
Fuck off
Fuck off
Fuck off
Everyone's stupid as a kid
Sakura was my first crush as a boy
>still like little girls in the present
in 97 i wouldn't have gave a fuck if it had pokemon yellow
Drank out of too many plastic bottles.
Here's that copypaste you wanted Sup Forums!
Choke on your mother's cock.
Wait. Can it play NA games?
vaborwade af my dufe! kino!!!!!!!!!!
Sup Forums really does need the xenopill, maybe these motherfuckers would calm down
>somebody posts collectors gameboy
>with open box and grandma's furniture pattern
>call it vaporware
did you just hear that word in another thread and think it was cool?
lel, this
sakura kinomoto was my waifu back then, I'd have been a happy child
>Heres your controller user!
>sells for 260 on ebay
guess this is the gameboy i wanted
more like gameGIRL
tho desu i would rather just buy a nicely modded GBA with a backlight.
I stood in line for an hour, just to walk into a Japanese toy store, and buy the WRONG Nintendo handheld?
Sorry bro it's the only other one I have
Nothing. You're naturally more insecure as a kid about girly stuff like that.
>start on the left side of the controller
This triggers me way more than it should, I always use my right hand
I don't know how long it's been since I've seen that show either on Cartoon Network or Fox/4kids, what was it like again?
He said vaporWAVE, not ware. It's not an error, that's a real word now, but I don't blame you for not knowing, I have a hard time keeping up with all these memes myself, and FUCK if I know what he meant, I barely understand the meaning of the word myself.
>doesn't know vaporwave
You are a boring dweeb
So I recently finished watching this anime and I realized something. He was totally fucking Yukito's boypussy wasn't he?
Standard monster of the week with occasional lesbian undertones.
I would unironically like that as a kid. I would just hide it so others wouldn't see me with it.
>mfw even my anime liking friends don't know I like shoujo anime
Post Sakura.
There is nothing wrong with liking cute anime girls.
That shit is practically canon in the manga.
Of course he was.
But sakura isn't video games user.
tfw my sister and I fucking loved watching CCS on teletoon as a kid pretty sure if one of us got this and the other a normal gbc it would legit get bloody
hell I've thought about getting one for her birthday with a flashcard but the gb has aged terribly I mean all the good games came out ust before the gba took over a decade for the gb to have almost everything worth playing
Here is the controller, my brother.
Speaking of Cardcators, i'm curious. When exactly does someone have to be born to be a "true early 2000s kid"?
GBC is amazing though. It's not just color, it's more powerful. I never had one as a kid. GBC specific games are amazing.
fuck off
if you have to ask, you're too young
Yooooooohoooooooooo *pon*
No but she's pedosexual
its really not tho I had both the classic and got a gbc when pokemon g/s came out she got shantae for her birthday which we both loved ignoring pokemon/zelda the gbc isn't all that great i downloaded a complete gbc library a year ago played a shit ton of games but personally would not buy a gbc I do however want a gba
I remember when my dad bought me a n64 instead of a ps1 for christmas. I was so fuckong disappointed that my face i cried that day. We were poor af though and i felt really bad for my parents for buying the wrong system. But man just think as a kid how it felt not being able to play ff7.
I finally managed to get a ps1 after a couple of years with my odd jobs but there was a ps2 by that time. Still managed to play ff7 and ff8 after all those years
90s Kid: 1978 to 1991
Early 2000s Kid: 1985 to 1997
kek user I got a PS1 but it came with the red-white-yellow cables and my poor family only had RF
I too cried like a bitch and my mom drove us like an hour to a store to get one.
I was such an ungrateful shit as a kid.
fug meant xmass I got warioland
So you didn't have a VCR either?
That was the workaround we had.
>not owning a laserdisc/betamax
fucking trailertrash poorfag bet your dad kept one hidden for porn
what was this used for?
probably phantasy star online
I figured. Thought it was only on dreamcast
>12 when I got my GBC
>Watched CCS every day
That is EXACTLY the gameboy I wanted, Dad. Thank you!
A Betamax is a type of Video Cassette Recorder.
Also it was dead by the mid to late 90s. I used the RCA input in the back to play consoles that I didn't have an RF switch for. I doubt LD players had RCA inputs, since they weren't recorders.
fuck off
Betamax was better than VCR though
VCucksR should hang
I'm a 30 year old man and I want to sex Sakura.
Card captor Sakura.
Literally the best Magical Girl show ever made, but you'd never know it unless you watched it subbed.
Go to bed, grandpa
Sup Forums exposure turned you gay
>hiding it
I would fucking take it to school and rub it in the faces of other kids and their lame pikachu GBCs
back then I thought pikachu and pokemon was laaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
You got tastes.
Also I would pretend to hate it as a kid but secretly be 100% into having cute anime girls on all my shit. 4kids turned me into a weeb, even back then.
>Betamax was better than VCR
no shits its like comparing gbc to a dreamcast
no a betamax is a type of videotape
I hope the mods give you PROMOTIONS for posting such heresy
i'd kill for that gbc to be honest, Sakura is cute. CUTE!
Are you sure?
A Betamax player was a type of VCR.
VHS was also a type of VCR.
I'd have hidden it from my friends but would have totally loved it. I enjoyed CCS and Sailor Moon as a kid. Totally not gay, half the Clow Cards were naked girls and the Sailor Scouts were fighting sexy ladies and busty monstergirls most of the time.
Sakura was my first waifu.
If liking Sakura makes me gay, I don't want to be straight.
>this thread
I'd buy a cover for it, it still plays Pokémon after all. Maybe I can go down to those Chinatown electronics shops and see if I could get the case replaced with something more dignified.
>Here's the you wanted, user!
>Used, damaged, abused
>Was on clearance for less than $5
wtf is a VCR
It stands for "Vertical Cunt Rectifier"
back in the old days, all cunts in porn were required to be horizontal. FCC censorship regulations and all that. VCR's would take the horizontal cunts in our blacked porn and turn them vertical to retain the realistic experience.
it was a marvelous design, I tells you.
I fuckin' want it so bad. It's probably not even region free but I don't give a shit.
I want to fuck Sakura as a kid and I want to fuck her now.
Where would one go to re watch this show? Asking for a friend.
you are a faggot with shit taste.
but honestly I didn't really understand why they went with teal when I would have been infinitely happier with either blue or green.
None of the Game Boy consoles had region locking. The CCS editions are super expensive now though.
I probably would have rocked this, honestly
I live in the UK, and I remember Cardcaptor Sakura being on TV before I went to school, so I would get up early to watch it. I remember watching Pokemon and Digimon a lot as well, so I think I liked CCS for the collectible monsters.
Of course