Get in here, we're not done.
Argus 7.3 Datamining
It's legion, an abomination of WoW, nothing of value to see here.
>The party raid will fucking kill 3 titans in one raid
When i though blizzard couldnt top themselves.
Edgier felbats confirmed
reminder, we're going to make some time travelling shit.
New thread new reminder: Chromie best girl
i hope his voice matches
Siege of Stormwind when?
When will sylvannas go full garrosh and we will kill her?
>dont play this shit game anymore
>tfw looking forward to the new porn
We sure it's kill?
some naga shit for hunter set
blizzards not going to kill another fucking warchief especially not a fan favorite
Well, they are bosses. Maybe not kill, just beat into submission.
The best part about being a Death Knight is that you technically aren't part of the horde, you're just a third party assisting Horde efforts. So the absolute shit show that is the modern """""horde""""" stings a little less.
What are the others?
>Argus is a no-fly zone
This kills the casual.
All the demon hunter girl porn has been great so far, I can't wait to see what else arises with the new patch.
>that helmet
Mythic Monk set
Actually like it
Going off of the icons I'm guessing the shaman one is heavily Troll themed which is cool.
I have a bad feeling the DK one will be shit yet again.
didn't sargeras kill all the titans?!?!!?
Eonar is you helping her soul fight the Legion.
same thing for pandaren and for DH I guess
DK main here, I like it, it's not amazing but looks solid and fits our theme
Another blue set is kinda shitty, but I'll take it
Nothing stays dead in WoW
It always felt odd doing those Alliance quests for Anduin as a DK. Like what the fuck, Anduin's right hand man is my decayed ass?
Wish I played a hunter. I think that looks pretty cool.
Display on a non-twig.
>Rogue set
don't like that helmet
which one has the penis
Pallies have the best set again
It looks like shti on fem blood elves but everything does
need that shit on a human male
post priest
very nice
>tfw hate playing a pure DPS
>tfw no Rogue Tank
Holy shit that's a sick set
can you put this one on anything but a female bloodelf? they look stupid as fuck in every set.
The rogue one and hunter one actually could be pretty decent.
this will look cool on a worgen
disregard humans, I want to see it on a tauren
I need it in red.
PvP come through again.
Oh look it's bloodborne
Jews are now part of the Lore.
>50 man raid
the new cooking proves it.
>A hunter is a hunter
rogues should be able to tank with dodge yanno
>A corpse should be left well alone.
>Ebon Blade niggers rioting in Light's Hope
>the Light itself sits their edygy faggot asses down and kills their leader
>still taking orders from the Lich King
Why is the EB so cucked?
kys furfag
> 50 man raid
> game is desert right now
I don't think so
>tank simply by dodging and winding the enemy up with dirty tricks
rogue tanks would be pretty neat
Basically just a cheeky bastard with a sword and buckler
Mankirk's wife does
>alright, no more giant shoulders
>they just make comically big feet
Blizzard does it again.
>Steam roll the holy paladin order
>Y-you guys are f-fuckin cucked!
Sorry champ but DKs have hands down the BEST class order campaign in the entire game.
>LKs answer to the legion invasion is to re-awaken the Scouge and send a tide of death to purge the whole of the isles.
>Tell him to chill the fuck out we got this
>Somehow this memes DKs are cucked.
Stole their souls, kept torturing and mind breaking them and trying to rezz them up.
with the right gear/party setup it was somewhat possible
The titans were demons, so they came back.
The snowboarding boots have been in the game since Wrath and I fucking hate them
I miss this talent system.
So fucking much.
what the fuck, so the DK are still working by arthas command?
What are all these things? Looks really fucking complicated. Thank god Blizzard only gives people the option to pick 1 of 3 talents every 15 levels instead of needing a degree in astrophysics to choose a point every level.
hell no
it was confusing af
Those snow boots look better than the other ones. I never want to see that ugly ass other plate boot model ever again. It looks like shit on everybody except draenei.
this looks over complicated, Blizzard did the best for us
What is there to be confused about?
Samefag shill sent by Blizzard
worgen update when
God this makes me want to play BC. Legacy servers when? WoW is under 2m subs outside of China, surely it's going to be soon?
I know you're meeming, but people actually believe this. WoW is so bad now, it will be a good day when it dies.
>that helmet
>that giant-ass belt buckle for no reason
>those dumb looking shoulders
Eh... Its better than the last one but still pretty weak. Maybe it looks better on the other races though.
> reading is soooo boring guyyyys
> it's so fucking complicated
Spot the Z generation.
There's apparently bunch of models in MMO-Champion, but yawn... it looks like TBC 2.0. Just new models for old TBC mobs.
Early on your fly Acherus over to Ice Crown to dock by invitation of the Lich King. The Ebon Blade want nothing to do with him but he assures the Order that he wants to work with them not control them and guides you to finding legendary weapons. pretty much all the quests related to him are for shadowing as fuck The game largely paints it as you two working together but there are some nods here and there that suggest the free will is an illusion and he is stealthily mindcontrolling you and the order Also in the frost weapon quest, it is implied that Ner'zual still lives despite the fact that Arthas supposedly killed him
too many options, most of them would fuck permanently my character If don't know what to do, etc.
this stuff made me avoid vanilla WoW like the plague back on the day
You could respec champ but thanks for shit-posting about a game you didn't play.
Someone post the new druid set I need to know if blizzard fucked up
You could respec for 30 silver, you fucking retard.
I think you mean
>get rolled so fucking hard the light itself has to intervene so everyone doesn't become bitches to the DK's
>killing gods
how much edgy can they get?
>you could respec
lol no, everytime I asked if that was possible I got told that the chances were permanently.
then again, it's not a problem because blizzard got rid of it.
Behold: The final boss
No you fucking wrathbabby in classic and BC respeccing got expensive as fuck
Just look up a guide.
I really wish you could use that hair color on non-DK night elves.
>50 gold
i feel bad for brainlets that can't work the AH
> expensive
So yes, you actually can respec you huge mongoloid, learn to fucking read you turd
>most of them would fuck permanently my character If don't know what to do
Yeah, it's not like you could just respec or anything. Or even dual spec. That would be silly.
I honestly don't think I could've laid the sarcasm down any thicker. Maybe this is the fabled reverse bait?
>make a rogue alt
>pickpocket for 15 mins
problem solved
Also if you respeced more than once or twice then you're just playing the game wrong
Not like you needed to do it many times unless you were a complete retard that couldn't read the talent descriptions and figure out what's decent.
This isn't ff10
I really wish you could use the black hair color on non-demon hunters. That's the one that really frustrates me.
Bolvar has taken to his job as the new Lich King a little too well lately.
You don't understand how sarcasm works, acting like a retard doesn't make you sarcastic just makes you a retard