What is the appeal of this character?

What is the appeal of this character?

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We want the beta orbiter audience

frankly I don't understand the appeal of most FE characters and yes this includes the ones from the old games. This shit is so dry fucking people in Arizona want to give it a glass of water

great mobility, and decent growths


great unit, good backstory, good design, makes autists angry, what's not to like?

I can see the appeal in popular characters like Lucina and Tharja but I can never understand what people saw in Cordelia. At least to the point of making her almost as popular as those two.

She's known as the thinking mans waifu for a reason

Dude, Redheads, LMAO

If you marry her, she ends up cheating on you. That's literally her entire appeal. It's a niche fetish.


Literal cordeliacucks


For you.

How is it a lie? She literally talks about going out to meet other men

For weebs dream of being hated by their wife's daughter who's dependent on their welfare and emotional support

i dont remember this part

Because rather than your usual moeblobs and kuudere's some men would rather have a smart, strong, confidant woman for their wife.

Especially one who grows bored in the marriage and ends up going out to find other men to satisfy her. Coming home each night with multiple men's cum dripping down her legs, if she comes home at all.

The kind of wife who will happily and thoroughly fuck every one of your comrades behind your back and never say a thing, not even when she's pregnant with no clue who the father is.

youre good in erp user

It's pretty blatant, it's covered in her conversations with Severa (ie. So it's NOT leftover dialogue, it's dialogue specifically written for when she was married).

* She still has her romance guide "How to make him fall for you in a fortnight" that she was using to pick up Chrom.

* She talks about how not being able to be with Chrom was so painful she wanted to die, but then says she's continuing on because her husband sustains her and she's proud of her daughter.

* She's caught still staring wistfully at Chrom even after being married (and saying she was over him).

* As posted above, she goes out to pick up other men with Severa. The JP Version makes it more blatant since it shows it's a game they do often:

>Severa:… Hey, mother, you seem pretty popular too. Want to [see] who can get more men this time?

>Cordelia: "All right. But don’t underestimate your mother."


not if you chrom

I liked her initially but the more I read her supports the more she fell out of favor with how most of them start off about Chrom. Her one with Stahl and Lonk are really the only good ones.

I seriously don't get it, why make her have this huge crush on Chrom not give her a support with him do some people at IS have a NTR fetish?

Why do you think they made Cordelia?

post cordelia netorare hentai

Does Sumia also cuck her husband if it isn't Chrom?

Her obsession with Chrom is a little much, I dislike her for the same reason I dislike Thotja. I had my Avatar marry Severa though, I don't know why I like her despite being everything I hate.

>ntr is not a mainstream fetish
>cordelia is popular among normies and nips despite this

Yeah, but how is she popular if she appeals to a niche fetish? I seriously doubt there's that many people who are cucks or closet cucks.

Nope. It's funny, the girl IS intended to marry Chrom doesn't actually mention him outside of the story and their explicit supports.

I had hoped they did more with her survivors guilt rather than making her hot for Chrom to be honest. Or that harp thing that only comes up in someone's support, blanking on who.

They probably don't read that much into it and see her as the moderately attractive peg knight who's character is being perfect at everything.

Just like in real life they don't know .

Wow Sumia's a good girl it's a shame she gets hated on because of pie jokes, fuck that stupid slut Cuckdelia she deserves 2x Sumia's hate

>red head

sign me up, i don't care if she's the ex of my brand hew friend the princess of shepperds.

yeah and severa is a good character

Severa's a rare example of a tsundere done well.

She's angry and harsh but not violent, her personality is a reaction to her own shortcomings that she can't get over (and that she suffers in response to; being a mercenary since she can't bring herself to be a Pegasus Knight) and given what she's been though and how vulnerable she is, it's even pretty understandable.

She's about the only thundere I can stand.

Honestly Cordelia reminds me of those preteen girls that obsess over people like Harry Styles or any fag from an emo band

>$150 scale of her binned and is now $30
>They thought a woman who would never love you as much as Chrom would sell to waifu fags

That's because Sumia's just a normal girl. If she can't have Chrom she's sad but she moves on and heals. Cordelia can't move on, which is why she looks to temporary pleasure to fill the void.

There's literally only that one comic with her and Severa fucking bandits together.

Because Cordelia never confesses to her husband and unless you get her supports with Severa you'll literally never find out.

They were at least that subtle.

The harp thing is Stahl

Really? It's only $30? I might have to look into that, it's a really great model and I'm into NTR anyway

>enjoy and hate some characters
>play it 10+ hours a day
>find characters bland/boring
>cant get myself to play 1+ hour a day
Is something wrong with me?

It doesn't really exist. IS did such a good job with hiding their cuck fetish that even the doujin artists were fooled

I replayed Awakening as well too and the music interrupting every time it was the enemies turn made me almost tear my hair out I was so annoyed.

Playing as a woman and marrying Chrom.

I married her. She looks pretty cute and the story of her being the sole survivor of her pegasus group made her pretty interesting. Severa and Morgan are cute sisters. Red head Morgan is best Morgan. I figured based on the DLC and the supports that she eventually got over Chrom. I didn't see her much in the barracks either. By the time I realized the NTR stuff it was already too late.

Damn dude that sucks, you think you found this amazing girl who will love you and have a nice family with only for you to realize later that she fucks other men cause she can't get over her stupid crush, Cordelia is such a roastie whore I hate her so much

Does anything changed with how she interact if femMC marry chrom?

It doesn't even make sense. Why would you be a whore for other men if you such a big crush on someone? Wouldn't you only be interested in your crush? Maybe that's why Chrom didn't bother because he thought that maybe she already had people in her life. At least Faye wasn't a slut.

>Playing Echoes
>Best Pegasus Knight costume is DLC

Nope, they still call each other friend and such. Plus it locks Lucina into a bad ending, since she can't marry Robin and complete her character arc

Most of her supports go with the idea that she got over Chrom, so she got married thinking she had... then found out it wasn't that easy.

But she'll never have Chrom and now she's trapped in a marriage that doesn't fulfill her like she hoped... So she lashes out, privately, a sort of rebellion against the perfect image she hates that's never gotten her what she wants. That's my take on it at least.

Also, Faye's ending litetally talks about her disappearing from her husband sometimes...

I didn't realize Cordelia was this bad. I feel bad for marrying Gaius to her now, oh well.

>Marrying Gaius, a guy that can pass on the Pegasus Knight class to a someone that doesn't have access to the pega pony Pega Pony to someone that is a Pegasus Knight

Faye just leaves to spy on Alm. She's too pure to be a roastie and Alm would never cheat.

are you me?
what is it about echoes that makes awakening less fun?

same thing with me except it's echoes making fates less fun. It's such a chore to get through the levels now :(

I mainly picked them together because I wanted Severa to have Gaius's hair. Guess I didn't think that through.

>Play Echoes
>Gameplay is fucking awful
>Go back to a different game

She's a trap. Not that kind.

I wish

To get her married and marry her infinitely superior daughter.

>Plus it locks Lucina into a bad ending, since she can't marry Robin and complete her character arc
What? Marrying Lucina actually means something? I married male robin with bunny lady (panne?).

All it does is alter some dialogue later on

She's perfect because the game says so, but shows that in zero ways.


the cutest dialogue in the entire game if you marry her and buy the beach dlc

Marrying Lucina with M-Robin is the only way to complete her character arc and gives her the only ending where she stays in Ylisstol with her family, the people she loves.

It also changes the confrontation scene because she's changed, so she can't bring herself to kill the man she loves.

She looks like Mitsuru.

That's it.

Mitsuru looks nothing like her.

>requires DLC to be a bearable character
And we though Ana was the jew

anime titties

You're perfect alright user. It's just strange to see people that actually have taste on Sup Forums

I um might have to look that up

How dare you compare that goddess to someone shit-tier like Cordelia


Should Faye be a Pegasus Knight or a Cleric?


The only similarity is hair and eye color.

No way.

Peg unless you are on hard and want to get Desaix' s Dracoshield.

I am on hard but I don't know what those words mean so I guess I'll go with cleric, thanks

(my bad, on bad phone)

Never played FE but that's pretty interesting

It's interesting because it makes her unique. She's the only one where her character development "failed." She wasn't able to change and instead regressed as a character.

Pretty original.

From what I read, subtle too which is neat
I want to marry a Cordelia so I guess it has appealed to a very niche market

She looks like she should be Lucina's mother. Which is funny because she can't marry Chrom.