hard mode in 24hrs, you hype?
Hard mode in 24hrs, you hype?
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no, it's lazy
If I could find a Switch.
Yes, actually. I held off my second play through so I didn't burn myself out like most. Hard mode is a nice addition, the map marker is a godsend, and the master sword trials look fun
Can't wait to play it on Windows 10.
Yep, gonna go for hard mode 100% with no fast travel supreme comfy
Wait there was fast travel? Have I already forgotten the game?
>gf bought me a switch
>won't let me have it until my birthday
When are they going to release "Fun Mode"?
Hyped for a difficulty setting?
Will it be available on midnight?
Shit the game was so comfy I forgot you don't just run everywhere. You can warp to shrines user.
Give her what for user
Show her you're the real alpha in the relationship
when's your birthday user? Also that's suffering, she clearly doesn't know you well enough
I've been waiting for hard mode to drop before replaying the game, so I can't wait to get back into it.
Not really I already beat the game on a 3 hearts
I don't know if I should restart the game in hard right away or do the thing of ordeals first.
How does that feel like?
I'm more excited about that rune that let's you teleport anywhere
Seems like a fucking godsend
Though I dunno how useful it can be for someone that's 400 Koroks away from 100%
Bags of salty sand.
2 weeks
I wont derail the thread with gf discussion
>I wont derail the thread with gf discussion
please? Just this once.
Is Master Mode really just scaled-up enemies? I'm not interested in it if that's all. I've done my playthroughs and parried enough Lynels to be satisfied with my own skill level.
The Trial challenge looks like it'll be good though.
>found game to be too easy
>waiting til hard mode to do 3 hearts
>tfw realizing I won't get to use the master sword
Kinda sucks. Maybe I'll cut out fast travel too. Can we turn off automatic saves? Reviving 10 seconds before you died made the game way too easy.
You can sell hearts.
I think it was only one at a time but maybe they'll let you go all in for hard mode.
>hype for artificial difficulty of regenerating health and more HP soaking
No thanks.
>I won't get to use the master sword
Pic related will just be a damage sponge, I know that. But any chance that these will have a higher star fragment drop rate?
You need a minimum of 13 hearts to pull the master sword out from the pedestal
Sell the hearts to that demon statue.
You mean I get to wander around the same boring empty world hitting the same boring enemies over and over again a second time but now each enemy takes 5 weapons instead of 4?
Nah you can do as many as you want, I was playing literally 20 minutes ago and gave away 10 hearts at once with the option to give more.
>boring empty world
Get a load of this basement dweller. Any space bigger than the basement of his parents house is a boring empty world.
So when will nitnendo finish their game and add dungeons to it? I swear, nintendo is the only one that can get away with an early access game
Botw is the most boring waste of space in existence. Only nintendo would make an open world game and forget to add stuff in it. Copy pasting shrines and korok seeds does not equal content.
Mate the game is designed so that as you go through it, it becomes easier and easier.
If you want a real challenge.
>No champion abilities
>no fairies
>dont use hylian shield
>don't use master sword ever
>can only fast travel from towers (must climb to the top)
>no farming weapons ever (mostly taken care of by no fast travel)
>2 star armor max (if you are hardcore never eat healing food, you have to make it to a bed).
>10 hearts (15 if you are doing no food buffs)
Made my 2 second play through god like. Though after 3 hearting the coliseum in trousers and with bokoclubs and no food the rest of the game cant compare.
Probably in the sequel.
Oh shit, didn't know about selling hearts. Do you need to collect all the hearts before selling to get the master sword?
What will be hard mode like?
It's weird how excited I am for this.
This is the first single-player game since Dark Souls 1 (Bloodborne is pretty close, too) that I can just sit down and play for no real reason and have a good time.
Fuck man, I still can't believe they did it.
Like, I know it's not without flaws, but damn I love this game.
What time will it release, or do we know yet? My guess is it's more like 36 hours, some Noon EST unlock or some bullshit.
Hear hear!
>Asinine bullshit made my 2 second play through god like.
Why do people like you exist?
how do I start a new save anyway? I'm on switch and when I start the game it automatically picks my savefile. I havent played for over 2 months
My first run of the game was a 3 heart run so... I'm waiting for more actual content
happy birthday user mine is in a month wish we could play games together ^_^
>playing the game in a different way ended up different
Wow, yeah, what autism....
Skyrim had a more interesting well developed open world than Boring of the Wild.
Do you still need a overclocked I5 for emulation?
Any advancements in optimizaiton?
salty milk and coins
It does scale up enemies by one tier, but it also increases their line of sight tremendously and gives them passive healing when they're not being attacked. Master Mode also adds floating platforms held up by puffed-up Octoroks holding treasures and enemies.
I just never upgraded my armor so enemies damage scales with my hp.
Upgrading the armor is what makes the game baby mode
You need 12 hearts for the Master sword
During my 3 heart run I invested purely in stamina and ruppees. Then when I needed the extra hearts I paid the evil statue a visit, flipped the rupees and stamina for hearts to get the master sword - then reverted back to my 3 heart run immediately after.
nwm, I found this eurogamer.net
>Zelda: Breath of the Wild hard mode has its own save slot
good news. I am definitely going to start a hard mode save tomorrow
>12 hearts
13, actually. You were close, though.
>Implying I wasn't deliberately misleading anons for mischievous purposes
I too very much enjoy playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild© on my Nintendo Switch© console! Though I also bought The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild© for the Nintendo Wii U© console so I could see the differences between them.
I had already pre-ordered my The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild© Master Mode© DLC as well as my The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild© Nintendo Amiibos©, it's going to be great!
>all those hidden underground shrines with entrances hidden in cliffs
I appreciate Ninty hiding goodies again but goddamn some of those secret entrances took me days to find
>implying the Deku Tree would allow that shit
However, watching Link just ragdoll after the Master Sword saps his strength is really funny.
>being happy to find more copy pasta shrines
nintendo fans
This is the only Zelda game I really didn't care about. It was just soulless with no personality at all.
The only copypasta shrines were the Test of Might and the "blessing" shrines. The puzzle/mini dungeons were all unique.
Don't you dare ever reply to me again.
>paying for hard mode and map markers
You guys think hard mode is worth another playthrough? I already beat the game with 100+ hours on the wii u but I bought a switch with botw just so I can replay the shit again in portable. I haven't touched the game at all so will this be enough of a reason to replay the shit?
If you bought a switch, you're already enough of a shill to buy anything else without us telling you to.
You bought the game fucking twice. You are already retarded beyond help so just keep throwing your NEET money at Nintendo.
You right. Also I pirated it on wii u 4 days before the game officially released and bought it to show support.
Every single one of those shrines has some kind of unique environmental thing going on though.
>He's only pretending to be retarded
Is it worth it for the portability user? I'm getting a switch too but already bought it on Wii U. It's not even a game you bring to a friends house to play together
Nah, not really. I just had some tax return money to spend so I bought a switch for the hell of it. If you already have a wii u with no switch just play it on there if you dont care about it being portable.
Of course the The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild© is worth getting for your Nintendo Switch© console! Now you'll be able to save the princess and bing bing wahoo at all if your friend's hip roof top parties!
Don't forget it's also for the low low price of $20
Gee whilickers, that's so cheap it almost feels like stealing! I better buy it for both the Wii U and the Switch just to make sure.
Free in PC.