Neptunia games are fucking complete garbage without any value.
If you are a Neptunia fan or just ever gave a single cent to the developers of these games you should be ashamed of yourself and end your existence so that you can't do wrong to this world any longer.
Playing Neptunia is basically the same as playing Neko Para. You're a degenerate if you spend money on them.
Nathaniel Carter
Noire has no friends and pleases old men for shares.
Alexander Fisher
Can someone explain to me what's so bad about Neptunia? I haven't played it myself since the characters don't appeal to me, but I've been playing Fairy Fencer lately, and the gameplay, which I've heard is similar to Neptunia, in that is enjoyable.
Carter Foster
Greetings from Sup Forums! I love neptune!
Jason Phillips
I'd like my own Histy for on the go, shame she only has a single use.
Levi Ward
Neptunia is a fapbait loli garbage waifu simulator.
Colton Miller
Okay I'll debate you OP. Neptunia is one of the best series available today.
No other game offers the sheer amount of catering toward their fanbase as Neptunia does. >Cute girls >funny dialogue >references, memes, and social commentary >a serviceable to good battle gameplay >some good hunts/sidequests >awesome music >continuous improvement with each iteration >oodles of fanservice >doesn't care about current gaming commentary and social critics >games are plentiful long and made for all players
There's flaws sure, but the pluses outweigh any negatives it receives. Furthermore, Compile Heart and IFI are willing to cater to their fans, which is always a huge plus.
Nathan Ward
Nepgear did nothing wrong.
Lincoln Peterson
you just jelly because you have no money this still isint even all of it
Every neptunia game is made on a shoestring budget so that even if they only sold 10,000 copies GLOBALLY, they would still turn a profit. All effort goes into art, everything else is recycled from previous games and they don't even attempt to hide it.
Anthony Lopez
Why don't you own the Neptunia figure?
Ryder Cook
I can't believe that's an official design Who the fuck designed such a thing
Caleb Martin
why are they fighting over a dreamcast?
Jordan Carter
It came with a free copy of Crazy Taxi, Shenmue 1 and 2, as well as Jet Set Radio
Leo Cooper
as i said, also normal nep isint out until end of july with NEXT purple and now swimsuit noire was too poor for the formal dress PH and ALTER BH and just paid for the blanc though
Joseph Lopez
is there a problem?
Juan Morales
best chaos design
Evan Bailey
>Every neptunia game is made on a shoestring budget so that even if they only sold 10,000 copies GLOBALLY, they would still turn a profit. Truly a successful business model.
Jackson Roberts
Even for nepnep womb tatoos with corruption are real lewd
Carson Morales
I hate Ram
Carson Young
This is official artwork.
Jace Ortiz
She was the main character of one of the worst games I've ever played
Blake Jackson
What is Blanc doing letting her sisters dress like this!?!?
Samuel Morales
Don't lie
Benjamin Martinez
Someone post the one with ram and rom sharing a banana in the bathtub, that's official art too.
Ethan Anderson
who the fuck puts mayonnaise on their corndog?!
I can't worship that Nep.
Logan Bennett
K > C > S > B
Henry Thompson
Yeah, but is it good? Fapbait or not, can the gameplay carry it?
Oliver Morris
What's a good starting point if I only have a PS3?
Camden Morales
mk2 then Victory, ignore the original as it is a pile of shit
Kayden Ramirez
But I rather just read up on the events of MK2 on wikipedia or something, then jump straight into Victory.
Jonathan Ward
I love Neptune's butt
Aaron Gomez
Ah, the pedophilia has begun.
Adam Williams
If you ever wanted certifiable proof that Neptunia is pedoshit here it is.
Jeremiah Wilson
>sudden influx of threads shitposting about nep >People using "pedo" as if it was some sort of argument Is Sup Forums being raided
Jeremiah Thomas
>I have sexual thoughts about this child, and if she were real i'd fuck her >h-hah, that's not an argument for why it's pedophilia! ?
Jace Wilson
Isaiah Howard
And here's the thing user, none of them are real, are you from UK by any chance? I have noticed that people there are really retarded when it comes to lolis
Zachary Rodriguez
But it's okay to sexualize underage video game characters.
Ryan Nguyen
>i-it's just a cartoon! It isn't a REAL child detective!
Ayden Fisher
A drawing ISN'T a real child you mentally broken weirdo.
Henry Peterson
That's pretty much a given.
Dylan Rodriguez
Get 'em thoughtcriminals
Carson Garcia
The laws are made to protect children theres no child involved dipshit
Nathan Murphy
all the vita ports are on steam and makes HDD form actually worth using in mk2/RB2
Ryder Fisher
I wish these child detectives were real.
Anthony Smith
best fucking movie
Levi Hernandez
>assblasted trailsfags always jelly as fuck being outsold and outstaged
Stay mad, estelle.
Jack Harris
Post nep lolis(which is like...4 characters?). He'll have to leave so his retarded government doesnt think he was watching """""child porn"""""
Carter Reyes
Chase Ward
i will marry nep one day even if i have to become nep myself
Cooper Torres
Just play the ReBirth series on Steam.
Luis Lee
I am a complete degenerate pedo who likes little girls, but even I can see that these games are all copy and paste garbage made to turn a profit from completely brain dead weaboos, and they still give money to these fuckers, at least mind the quality of what you're buying and don't support this awful practice you faggots.
Carter Rodriguez
God that pink semen demon absolutely destroys me. What a cutie.
Parker Perez
>Totally not samefagging
Jaxson Morales
The gameplay is pretty basic for the main games, turn based rpg with a bit of depth, but it isn't terrible. The characters carry the game more than anything if you didn't know already.
Luke Long
>40 year old weeb
Wyatt Baker
Speaking of which, I liked(eh) the combat of Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (or whatever). Is Cyberdimension Neptunia the same speed of combat? I've watched some livestreams of it in Japanese but everyone is spamming Nepgear's fireball over and fucking over again even while it's doing no damage.
Ryan Hughes
Aw fuck Neptune-chan, you're too lewd! I- I'm gonna have to violate you~
Isaac Martin
Mason Collins
That's because Fairy Fencer actually has an interesting storyline and diverse characters of a much higher quality. Neptunia is just "muh loli girls spouting memes and breaking the 4th wall".
Juan Cook
It looks like her boobs sank to her hips
Brayden Hill
Yeah it similar, BitchGear is just broken as hell
Luke Perez
Samuel Morris
Noire has no friends
Jonathan Collins
No no no don't worry about it Nep, I'll be quick~ Just stay like you are, on your knees and hands like a good little girl~
I don't know about Fairy Fencer, but the battle system feels like wasted potential in Neptunia. It has potential but it doesn't feel like they do enough with it.
Brody James
Just for that, I'll buy a Neptune game. Try and stop me.
Lucas James
dont worry it still runs at 15fps even on unreal4, fuck i say that hollow realization still has better gameplay then 4go ram and uni are the most fun to play though
Zachary Campbell
Brandon Cox
>delicious 15fps Can't wait.
Owen Martinez
No, she did everything wrong, and not even in a fun way, like Revya.
Jaxon Nguyen
>but it doesn't feel like they do enough with it. Is that why every new mainline game tries something else with the battle system
John Gonzalez
I'm not sure what VII does to change things up, but I played Victory. I constantly wished that the knockback effects in the game were stronger because they almost never made a difference. A lot of enemies seemed to lack AoE attacks so surrounding them was always a good idea.
Alexander Powell
>Eating pie in your underwear >No plate or napkins What was her goal?
Jaxson Russell
She wants Neptune to lick it off of her.
Alexander Adams
There's a reason why she has no friends
Daniel Cooper
Why is that?
Carson Cruz
Nolan Butler
Blanc is the cutest
Samuel King
Stop. Shitting on NepNep is one thing, but saying Fairy Fencer is better than NepNep is retarded.
Wyatt Young
there is a lot of flicker in his shit monitor/tv
Nicholas Brown
Blanc? more like Bland
Noah Sanders
Christopher Baker
Christian Turner
Bland like stale candy
Colton James
Julian Phillips
>tfw keep buying nep games when they go on sale >don't even play nep games because I'm too busy fapping to neps
Nolan Phillips
Alexander Murphy
>dont worry it still runs at 15fps even on unreal4
Jackson Price
you must be starving of replies here's one (you) don't waste it
Kevin Bailey
Nolan Richardson
In some ways I envy that guy and in other ways I don't. He's got a sick house and a nice setup. But then there is the reason why he's alone.
Elijah Baker
I like this guy more than the other people who post his shit
He's got a sweet painting of Suigintou and cute dolls. That's dope.
Nolan Brooks
At least they added a ton of new dungeon tilesets in V-II. And no factory levels.
Ryan Baker
>try to play a Nep game >constantly have to fap >never get anywhere And JRPGs are fucking long, too. I'm juggling a lot of them that I have to finish.
Andrew Walker
That last bit is what makes me hope they continue to do well, even if I am not a part of it. It's rare for companies these days to give a shit about their fans and it's weird that the creators of games like Neptunia and Senran Kagura seem to be the most since about it.