Fire Emblem Heroes

Did your cleric win?
If not, who are you migrating to?
>Probably confirmed winners:

Other urls found in this thread: Emblem Heroes/page/14/

>probably confirmed
U wot

>Probably confirmed
Unless they've started giving out victory bonuses to everyone, those three are confirmed.






Elise is going to win the whole thing unless that 7x fucks things up.

Does anyone have that Julia molestation pasta?

Fuckin lachesis man, fuck that slut

It's your fault for not blowing all your flags on Minerva's sister's face.

I have this

Kill Lachesis.


I do aswell but I need the rest

Fucking Awakeningfags voted in worst sister and worst cleric. I'm moving to Lachesis.

>Lachesis won

wasn't all the fanart about her losing? Did she get a bonus at the end?

>setting my alarm for 5:00am to catch a bonus

fuck this system

ELISE WON!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!

You fuckers see this? THIS is what second place looks like

For you.

But seriously, look how sheer her dress is. You can see every last inch of her curves through her clothes, and she's probably too dumb to even realize it.

Can you imagine being around her? She's hot as fuck and obviously has an amazing body under the frumpy robes, but she's completely oblivious to it. She probably doesn't even realize what her body is really even for thanks to her inbred genetics keeping her brain in a constant, endless fog of incest-induced numbness. You could probably walk right up to her, lift up her shawl and press your crotch against herr ass, bulging dick lodged right between her asscheeks and as long as you just make casual conversation her inbred brain wouldn't realize what you were doing, even when you started rocking your hips to jerk yourself off with her soft, fat ass through the fabric.

God, what a stupid slut.


Lachesis's vote count was simple increasing at a faster rate than What's her face's, and she edged it out in the end.


>Clarine lost
Darn, we were so close too. I guess I'll be joining Lachesis now. She looks like an interesting character so I want to get to know her better.

So, who's going to get multipliers the most beetwen lach vs elise or prisc vs lissa? Maria and clarine is kill so i don't have bonus units anymore

>Every round 1 match-up had a blond face off against a non-blond.
>Blonds won every match
What does it mean?

Join Lachesis if you're looking for rank feathers

Lach is probably going to be getting constant multipliers, judging by how round 1 went.


>tfw Priscilla is cuter but need multipliers badly


Lissa v Priscilla is probably going to be neck-in-neck
Lach v Elise is more weighted, but Lach's side will be full of salty Sakurafags, so don't expect to rank too highly there

Thanks, looks like it's settled then.

Join her in round 3. All she needs to win is a well timed modifier in the last hour. Sakura ALMOST had that

This were the natural scores after the first hour of round 1

Why is Elise so popular? I thought Lissa would be the biggest contender for victor.

bullshit! this is right?
Maria lost?

Elise was everyone's imouto and her entire characterization was imouto while Lissa was "I am NOT delicate!"

she did but

>reading conprehension

that was from the first day

She's from fates or Awakening. That's literally it considering most of the fanbase hasn't even touched FE1-12.

nice design and personality. Lissa is just super forgettable

I wish i could fill my hall with only Lissas.

I want to unite all redhead imoutos under one flag


>All of these GHB units

shit, they're really starting to clog up my barracks

Well, Narc and FemRobin are good as SI fodder at least.
Delete ones you don't need.

>inbred Julia meme
While it's true inbreeding causes genetic defects to occur, and that those might include mental or developmental maladies such as Down's Syndrome, they don't happen because two related people fugged and most certainly doesn't occur inmediately.

Incest leads to genetic defects after several generations of it happening, because the bloodline's inherent defective genes aren't being bred out and perpetuate. After three or so generations of in-breeding, that defective gene becomes dominant and the child ends up developmentally disabled, or hemophilic, or just plain disabled.

tl;dr: my waifu isn't an inbred retard, just pureblooded

I honestly wish that more of them were shit with good skills.

Why not spend the orbs for extra slots? 20 orbs to set your max to 300 units.

Fuck off Seliph.

The game actually prevents Seliph from romancing Julia unless you do some integer overflow glitch even though in every other respect she's his Dierdre.

With the arena quests also happening during the same time, I've been getting alot more defenses from people trying to finish their quests.

How's your defense running? I'm just using my offense team as defense. Reposition works wonders.

WAIT, canon incest in fire emblem exist? what game?

FE4: Zigludo's incestuous Jihad. It's a plot point but it's easy to miss

Genealogy of the Holy War is a wild ride.
Technically Awakening also can have cousin incest if you want.

downloading right now thanks anons

When is this thread going to move to /vg/ exactly? We've been having them everyday since February! Emblem Heroes/page/14/

Got lucky with a Taco, but aside from that nothing so far.

>1.2 MB update

Fuck off fag

probably to unlock the swimsuits at midnight

Enjoy the game that introduced the weapon triangle, and has what are probably the most massive maps in the series.

Incessant "I'm not delicate" echoes in the distance.

Elise won before the poll even started.



there is a kagero at the bottom

I don't know what you're talking about user. There aren't any Fire Emblem Heroes threads in the last two days of Sup Forums's catalog.

Robin Xander Julia Healer

Try Robin with his raven tome.

>Xander, Camus, Azura, Julia who you probably won't use but why not?
>Have Xander break bottom wall, Azura dance, send him to attack the ninja
>watch Xander proceed to solo almost the entire map in one round
>send in Camus for horse emblem shenanigans and clean up

It's fucking peasy.

the image next to clarisse in the in-game announcements had a staff icon next to her instead of a bow icon. they fixed it. don't know what else they changed, though

Since you're asking I will too.
No I don't have any triangle adept to put on Robin.

Where did this molester Lukas thing start anyway? Did people just thought it was funny and started making these?

>whale can't cheese his way through the easiest GHB even with a dozen 5 stars


If you can get Ike/Ryoma on one of the leftmost defense tiles, they'll solo most of the map and only leave the blue mage and a second swordsman alive.

I like the one of him pouncing Hinoka. He has the perfect personality for it. Calm, calculating, American Psyco kind personality.

>Tired as fuck
>Don't want to miss the bonus in 2 hours.
East Coast is suffering.

Nope. Ryoma is -atk too so he'd fare even worse.


She was the famous princess class and promoted to Master knight.

have a consolation image Clarine fags





What Bonus?

Fates lets you fuck your cousin and make her pop out two kids.

I only use the strongest and the most beautiful

Gonna be joining team Lachesis even though I don't own one of her for those sweet multiplier bonuses. Lissa x Priscilla should be closer so there will be less multipliers going around there

there isn't enough BLACKED in FE games

Other than F!Robin fucking Nick Fury, only Echoes has proper interracial relationships.

I support the idea that Roy wasn't given a support with her because everyone would ship them.

Oh, so you use Gwendolyn too?

Holy shit xander is broken



>Kill Lachesis.

Sorry your sister sucked ass

Infernal Mode
3*Stahl, 3*Barte, 4*Donnel, 4*Olivia

For Tiki and Nowi, does either prefer TA or Fury over the other? I only have one of each skill.

Just pulled this guy from a "fuck it" roll. How's +Spd / -HP for him?

Also, any cool build ideas?

Iron bow
Rally Res
Heavy Blade
Threat Atk

Fury 3
Horse Memes

I want defenses. How do I get defenses?

if xander has hone cav him, camus and ninian will do it. just make sure to throw a bait unit like anna in the first slot and order the horse bros right next to each other

Be me.

Anna is bad and should never be used over Hector.

post the mined bikini pics