Everyone hated Wind Waker when it was announced

>everyone hated Wind Waker when it was announced
>now its lauded as one of the best

Have you apologized yet? There's still time, you know.

It bothers me people jack off ocarina of time, what a bland game.

it felt like they played it safe and did standard fantasy to see if 3d zelda could work, and then did the actual new different game with majora

wind waker to me is a flawed gem, but its a personal favorite.
The hd "remaster" is objectively worse save hero mode.

twilight princess is way underrated and skyward sword got way to much praise when it launched by normies.

>it felt like they played it safe
Ocarina of Time was anything but safe, you retard. It fucking pioneered its control style, and a million other games liked it so much the copied it almost exactly.

I dont mean it like that, I mean that they weren't sure that people would even like a 3D zelda, and so they made the world a standard fantasy afair.

Majora does all sorts of weird shit that probably wouldn't have gone over well if they didn't put out a safe mainline game first.

Shaddap, I liked it since I shoved that disk inside of my game cube.

>so they made the world a standard fantasy afair.
What is so "standard fantasy" about OoT? Elf ears?

Yes of course Majora's Mask was more off the rails, so what? It's a sequel. Of course that's going to happen. That doesn't retroactively make OoT bad.

not bad, over rated.

aside from pioneering the gameplay used in later games ocarina is a bland mess that only holds up if you havent tried any of the other games

What is 'standard fantasy' to you?

Gorons? Gerudo? Zora? They aren't standard fantasy.

It's not Tolkien at all.

i've already apologized. i appreciate what they were trying to do. still one of the better interpretations of ganondorf. not a perfect game. its remake did fix some of the issues. still like it more than TP. i hated TP when it first came out and i still hate it after giving it another chance on wii u

It's always been shit
>b-b-but Sup Forums is one person, muh anonymous!
fuck off back to your reddit hivemind

Why does it feel like the game was supposed to have like, 2 or 3 more dungeons?

>now its lauded as one of the best
What the fuck are you talking about?

Also I hated it then and still hate it now after WWHD.

ocarina pulls from several fables and stories, jonah and the whale is one that comes to mind

it just doesn't stand out or impress me besides a development milestone in the technology behind gaming

I think twilight princess was a better and more varied version of ocarina

also zelda. still best zelda

I've played the whole series and I still think it's a better game than WW and TP.
>bland mess
Go into detail moron.

"Overrated" is the word people who need to be contrarians turn to. But I guess that's to be expected from yet another user claiming Majora's Mask is so much better.

There's very few things that detract from OoT.

it was, they were cut because they made the cutscenes in a weird way that ate up so much disk space that they had to find goofy ways to make everything work

the game has no real skybox, the sky is a giant moving sphere with little objects on it for celestial bodies that you could see the shapes off if you use hacks and get up there

the main section they cut became the lakebed dungeon in twilight

>It bothers me people jack off ocarina of time, what a bland game.
you must be over 18 to post, nigger

>jonah and the whale is one that comes to mind
The only one that comes to mind, I'm sure. Going inside of a giant whale/fish comes off as bland to you? How many games fucking did that?

>Liking TP
Why is it so brown, Sup Forums?

Looks like that was taken at sunset. I love Twilight Princess but I'll admit it has very dull colour design. However, that is not the picture to properly represent it.

Aside from jabbu jabbus belly, a lot of the game set pieces are pretty predictable.

Water level, ice level, fire level, ect.
The story is really basic AFTER the plot twist that opening the sacred realm is a ruse. That was actually pretty cool and the tone shift seeing castle town fucked right after added to player motivation.

That said, not a lot of characters get super fleshed out, it's actually one of the most hands off zeldas I've played in terms of story.
The lore and setting feels all over the place, at one point it talks about some nasty war and your mom dying, at others you plant magic beans and fly around of floating leaves.

I can't say it's a bad game, when it came out not only did it invent the gameplay style of every 3D zelda but what it did was pretty fresh.
All I'm saying is long term, other zelda games did what it did better, in every single way.

Ocarina feels like a tech demo.

My official stance on Wind Waker's artstyle is that the characters look like fucking disgusting trash, but the environments look okay. The initial trailers of Wind Waker focused on Link's retarded ass powerpuff girl redesign, and half the trailer was zoomed in on Link, the general public was right to criticize it. Looking back on it fondly doesn't make link look any better or excuse those poorly directed teasers

This game is still fucking terrible.

>sailing that bad but he loves flying around the empty sky and revisiting the same 3 environments 5 times each throughout the entirety of skyward sword

>bashing TP
>while praising SS
Is this bait?

Flying is a lot more intrinsically fun than stopping and changing the wind direction. Diving to pick up speed and the speed boosts make sky travel a lot less noticeably time consuming.

Same with Majoras Mask

Is this one of, THOSE threads?

weird enough I just figured out how to boot up GC games on my wii and this was the first game I got. I'm liking it so far, the art style is refreshing. What GC game should I get next? I was thinking Fire Emblem PoR...I already own most classics.

I'll admit it. I was wrong.

After Ocarina, I wanted mature zelda for mature gamers. When I was 16.

After waiting like 5 years, I picked up WW in a gamecube bundle, and it was good. To this day, I am more likely to play WW than OoT.

SS doesn't deserve the hate. Now that a new Zelda game came out, it's finally safe to say that.

Why would I ever apologize? The dungeons are incredibly boring, most of the over world is incredibly boring and repetitive, the items are nothing new or interesting, and the story is a joke with ganon being overrated beyond belief and Zelda being a complete letdown at best.

Not to mention the game has the worst way to officially uncover the map I have ever used. I will never even feed fish bait in real life because of this game.

How the game manages to be too short and yet also way too padded is pretty impressive though.

>now its lauded as one of the best

I had made that opinion when I first played Skyward Sword. Upon replaying it, I noticed the sky's emptiness far more often. The key difference between Skyward Sword and Wind Waker is the frequency and length of time in which you are required to do nothing. It is not the only reason I dislike Wind Waker though, the items are dreadfully dull and combat is press A to win with all its automatic moves.

The wolf segments in the beginning of Twilight Princess are an abortion. Collecting those spirit tears is literally one of the worst gaming experiences I've ever had. The Light dungeon where you get the Dominion Rod is also one of the worst dungeons in the series. Upon replaying it, I had more praise for segments I previously didn't enjoy, namely the Sky and Ice dungeons. I've grown to like the game more over time, but I still think it's about the same as Skyward Sword. If I were to edit the image to keep it up to date, I would probably put Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess on the same peg now.

I keep reading this in Niles' voice from Frasier

i literally don't understand what the fuck people like about wind waker

Alright Sup Forums post your favorite:

I got up to the zelda reveal. I hated it the entire time.

I still hate the bobble head art. Beautiful art style otherwise though.

Also not a fan of the sailing. Just doesn't do much for me.

ALSO WW feels like the first half of LttP. If you don't know what I mean go ahead and play the first four dungeons of the game and come back here. Notice anything? They were easy as shit, not enough, and if they were the whole game I wouldn't rank LttP higher than pretty much any other Zelda title in the franchise. WW is the same, though it does add a fetch quest and a decent end boss. For whatever those are worth respectively.

Wind Waker
Sand Temple
Windwaker miniboss theme
All iterartions of hookshot
Windmill guy

Apologize for what? Wind Waker is objectively the worst game in the franchise. The reason it's "lauded as one of the best" is that the majority of posters on Sup Forums are children whose first console was a Gamecube and have nostalgia for shit games.

Celda is and always will be shit.

>tfw youve never played more then like 10 minutes of any of them but know all the lore and have giant...folders of each character

games just too old and dated, man

no, because its still shit, and itll still be shit no matter how many items I replay it

>he likes skyward sword.

Yes, it is Tolkien and they follow the Hero's Journey perfectly.

But it is a great game.

Somewhere in the development they forgot about the school of magic, I don't know why. I think the game was rushed in the end. but it is great anyway.

I ain't apologizing for shit.

Because I liked it when it was new.

Yes, it is unfinished, and it has already been proven, but it is good enough though.

you mean dungeon? Arbiters Grounds
Gerudo Valley/Lumpy Pumpkin from SS
Illia or Paya

It actually has dungeons so it's better than BotW and the divine beasts.

divine beast temples absolutely SHIT on WW's temples

Loved it on release, loved it again with HD remake.


I only liked the final battle. Game's sailing was so tedious.

Fuck off this game is garbage powerpuff link a shit

it's the same as DmC

we first hate it because it looks different but at the end we realize that it's actually better

Unlike divine beasts, you can't beat TWW temples in 5 minutes without glitches.

if memory serves, you can, since the forest temple boss can be beaten with the korok water thing

Stop it user.

Except dmc is actually fun to play even if it is easier than the previous devil may cry games. Windwaker is a chore that is somehow too long and also way too short.


Hyrule Castle itself shits all over WW and most other Zelda games.

It was discovered recently and it is almost impossible to get to the boss in time.

if its impossible, why did people figure out you could do it

I like the cutesy character design on WW, especially the eyes

No because I was always hyped for it and ended up loving it from the moment it came out. First game I ever preordered. I remember reading Nintendo Power back in the day and being mad as fuck about all the criticism for the cel shaded graphics.

Not the best but I enjoyed it quite a lot so I never get the hate. I mean the triforce hunt was tedious but that's it.

>now it's lauded as one of the best
kill yourself

I thank WW for making TP happen but fuck WW for cockblocking a sequel for years. All we have is crossbow training and everything after WW has been WWfied. again, fuck you, I would appreciate WW more if WW was the one off game. Never apologizing.

>Art style is great
>Music is great
>Concept is great
>Literally everything else is utter transdimensional garbage

Dungeons are awful. It's undeniable. They are just more 'elemental' themed dungeons just like OoT. At least when OoT did it we weren't use to it yet.

The items sucked. The bow was fun but the hookshot you got in the last dungeon, the hammer was stupid and unusable in combat. The ironboots shouldnt have existed since they are slow and boring (and couldn't be used to travel to the bottom of the ocean in certain spots.) and not to mention the stupid spoils bag

The story was dumb but honestly, all the zelda games have weak stories besides Awakening... and Majora's Mask (sorta)

Sailing was barebones and boring after you got the hang of it

Island placement was fucking retarded. If they were more random and we had actually large spaces to play with, it would have been fun.

Boss battles were awful too.


you're just bitter and jaded. WW is a masterpiece.

no i think you're just fucking retarded

A masterpiece of what exactly? Not dungeon design, not exploration, not story....

It's not a BAD game but it certainly doesn't live up to the standards of the larger zelda titles like OoT (on release), Majora's Mask (aged like fine wine to some), Link to the Past (Arguably the best) and also Awakening.

Definitive 3D Zelda Placement

You nailed it user. The truth and nothing but the truth.

First 15ish hours of botw>ss>tp>mm>rest of botw>darksiders>Oot=ww

Huh? Sup Forums didn't exist yet when it was released, let alone Sup Forums/ And I loved the shit out of it.

3D Zelda ranking lets go

Haven't played BotW

> a fucking dog> a rockman that will wreck your shit, an electric fishman, and god
>rest of botw>oot=ww
a stale as fuck grind> a decent and memorable atmosphere with very little monotony
get your eyes checked

Wind Waker sucks ass